PAGE TWO ROGUE NEWS WED., SEPT. 26, 1962 Industrial Arts Essential for Future "The people of the United States will agree that our nation is the greatest industrial nation in the world. The Industrial Arts program in our schools has helped make that possible," reports Mr. Stanley Jobe, Superintendent of Ashland Public Schools. "Because of the increasing amount of mechan ization found in nearly every phase of our daily living, it is essential that a course in Industrial Arts should be regarded as fundamental for all youth. It was for this reason that the Industrial Arts program of Ashland High School has been enlarged," he added. The Industrial Arts program of A.H.S. is not intended to give special job training because there is neither time nor facilities enough. For these reasons, the courses are designed to enable students to discover their interests and abilities. Mr. Jobe outlined the objectives of the program as it is proposed to be. 1. To discover personal aptitudes 2. To learn how to use tools 3. To read working drawing (graphs and charts) t 4. To appreciate craftsmanship 5. To learn work safety 6. To construct and repair objects 7. To learn a practical use of math and science 8. To understand industry 9. To learn to work with others 10. To learn a way to spend leisure time. An expensive new building has been added to the high school for the purpose of extending vocational training opportunities to more of the students. . It is our hope that as many students as possible will take advantage of the addition Remember, it was built for you! Ali Explains Turkish Scholastic Official Student Publication Prices I Of the Associated Students of Asmana benior liign bcnool Issued Tri-weekly by the School Journalism Class Editor Lonna Baize Assistant Editor Dave Mott Advertising Manager Kathy Tilford Sports Editor Bruce Bamforth Reporters Penny Clements, Loren Close, Geraldine Donigan, Judy Guile, Charles Hillestad, Mary McCulloch, Sharron Oviatt, Vicki SchweikL Linda Weber. Advisor Mrs. Selma McAlaster New Departmenf Introduced by Mobley This year for the first time we are introducing some new fields in Industrial Arts. Probably the most fascinating is the new Arts and Crafts area. In this course such interesting fields as ceramics, leather craft, metal tooling, lapidary, and art metal or jewelry will be taught Any one or all these areas will make interesting hobbies in the future years. Another new area that is seemingly not too popular as yet, is the course in carpentry. In this course the student, we hope, will learn the secrets behind the building trades. Model homes will be built to present the challenge for would-be tradesmen. We in the Industrial Arts Department are hampered for the first six weeks of school by not having our new building completed. This building, however, will be the finest in Southern Oregon. We feel that the courses offered in Industrial Arts are courses that every boy and even girls should be exposed to at sometime in their three years at high school. Perhaps you are planning to be a scientist, doctor, lawyer, or even a school teacher, but the courses offered by the Industrial Arts Department are designed to aid you in whatever your future plans may be. We hope to see all of you in our courses sometime in your stay in our fine school. KEITH MOBLEY. Head of Industrial Arts Ashland High School Merhaba. Nasilsiniz? This is Eglul iki alti, 1962. Don't be alarmed if you didn't quite catch all of this first sentence . It's turkish. ' Yes, our exchange student has arrived from his country bringing with him his own language -turkish. Ali is also a member of a speech class. One of the first speeches required in said speech class is a three minute speech accompanied by an audio - visual aid. Ali's speech was about his native language. In his speech he gave the turkish numbers up to ten with the Arabic numerals. He also gave the months of the year in both languages (along with two phrases. The phrases were used to open this article. They are: Nasilsiniz which means how are you, and Merhaba which means hi. The names of the months are as follows: January Ocak, Feb uary - Subat, March Mart, April - Nisan, May - Mayis, June -Hazitan, July Termuz, August - Agustus, September - Eglul, October - Tekim, November -Kasim, December - Aralik. The numbers are: 1 - bir, 2 -iki, 3 - lig, 4 - dort, 5 - bes, 6 alti, 7 - yedi, 8 sekiz, 9 - dakuz, 10 - on. RESULTS OF BAND ELECTIONS ANNOUNCED Todd Hess, newly elected band president, announced the election of the following band officers: Kathy Zimmerlee, senior repres entive; Marcy Tretsven, junior represcntive; and Teresa Krug, sophomore representive. Tentative plans for the band include a trip to the East-West game in San Francisco, Saturday December 29th. Southern Oregon College has invited the band to play in their Homecoming parade and during halftime for the S.O.C. vs. E.O.C. football game Saturday October 20th. Concerts will be held later on in the year but other definite plans have not been made. P hif Ashland , f J Drugs 'An Appliance Center of Top Quality Names' "Service" - - Unequaled 300 E. Main, Ashland CTROC "FINANCING" Appliances (new or used) Electrical Repairs. Electrical Installations. Phone 482-2711