Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, September 26, 1962, Image 1

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SEPT. 26, 1962
Vol. 39, No. 1
Rally Squad Receives
High Praise for Work
Fight, fight, fight for old Ash
land High! These words of en
couragement can be heard every
Friday from the hoarse throats of
our seven yell leaders. Red-faced
and out of breath, these peppy
bundles of fire instill our team
with spirit and courage. This
reporter was privileged to inter
view these beautiful girls.
Delectable five foot, one hund
red and three pounds Kay Moore
is Yell Queen. Kay is the small
girl with the big voice. Her hair
is brown and her eyes, hazel. Kay
has decided to become a secretary.
Perhaps that is why office practice
is her facorite course. When our
Yell Queen was asked what is the
hobby she likes best, Kay smiled,
"Yell leading."
The radiant and sparkling girl
known as Sharon O'Keefe is
veteran varsity yell leader from
last year. Sharon s eyes are
beautiful green and her hair is
brown. Her gracefulness is due
to her hobby-dancing. Sharon is
five feet seven and hundred and
twenty pounds. Sharon hopes to
be a marine biologist.
Since the Ashland High news
paper and annual are partly
supported by advertising, it is
important that the Ashland and
Medford merchants realize what
a contribution they are making
with their advertisements.
' This is where you, the stu
dents of Ashland High, can help
both the newspaper and annual
staffs. It is up to you to help
the merchants realize that we
appreciate their advertising.
The next time yon enter
local store, please mention the
fact that you read and appre
ciated their ad in the news
paper or the annual.
Georgeous Karen Wood once
won a pretty girl contest. Lovely
Karen s five feet and seven inches
make her one of the tallest girls
on this year's yell squad. She
likes physiology and loves "to
An aurora of gayness surrounds
lovely Sandy Hamilton. Sandy
haired, green yed, Sandy is a trim
one hundred and twenty pounds,
five feet four and one-half inches
tall. "I think I like economics
best," stated Sandy. "I know," she
said, "that I love water sking."
Shapely, sparkling Sandy Hamil
ton wants to teach in the ele
mentary schools. After graduation,
Sandy is going to go to Southern
Oregon College.
To Kay Moore's left on Friday
is another Kay. Kay Newton. This
Kay is five feet two inches and
hundred and seven pounds. Popu
lar Kay Newton is a brunette like
Kay Moore but her eyes are
amber. Kay likes water sking as
a sport and shorthand as a class.
'Science," she reported, "is the
field I want to enter." Better
warm up those slide rules, boys.
Exciting, glamourous Linda Tho
mas stands five-five. The blond
brunette said that to be a secre
tary is her ambition. Math is the
subject she likes best. "My favor
ite hobby, is Larry Pierce!" Linda
make known. (Lucky Larry!)
Last, but definitely not least is
blond June Wasner. Jaunty June
weighs a hundred and thirty-eight
pounds and she is five feet eight.
Our June plans to be a Junior
English teacher. Now there is
something for future juniors to
look forward to. Besides English,
June enjoys a good swim. The
University of Nevada can expect
June as a student in a few years.
Thanks to our bright-eyed, rosy
cheeked yell leaders, Ashland
High School is rated number one
in school spirit.
Teachers Ashland High's four new teachers are from left
to right Mr. Harry Wright, Mrs. Margaret Zwick, Miss Dorothy
Rhymes, and Mr. Marsh Jones.
Four New Teachers
At Ashland High
New Dean
"We've known for three years
that we wanted to move to Ore
gon, but we weren't sure just
what town we wanted to live in,"
stated Mrs. Margaret Zwick in a
recent interview. Mrs. Zwick is
the new dean of girls at Ashland
Hish School.
"We are really glad we chose
Ashland we like the town, the
people, the school, everything
about it," commented Mrs. Zwick,
who is a native of Champaign-
Urbana. Illinois.
Mrs. Zwick received all of her
schooling, . including a college
education, in her home town
where the University of Illinois
Her teaching exerience includes
teaching high school and college
English in Illinois. Prior to com-
to Ashland, the new dean was
the head of the English depart
ment at the high school in Fuller-
ton, California.
Bridge, sports, and reading are
her main interests. Mrs. Zwick
stated that basketball is her
favorite sport, possibly because
her son, a junior at Dartmouth
All's picture
AU Sanar is Ashland High School's foreign
exchange student.
Turkish Scholar
Joins Student Body
For the second consecutive year,
Ashland Senior High School has
welcomed a foreign exchange sta
dent. This year Ali Sanar, a junior
from Istanbul, Turkey, is our
honored student.
Ali is one of three children in
the Sanar family. At home with
his mother. Ah has a younger
brother and sister. Ali's mother is
a mathematics and French teacher
in the Turkisch school system
Ali'3 hobbies consist of collect
ing stamps and debating. His
favorite sports are soccor, basket
ball, and wrestling.
In Turkey, Ali attends an all
boys school which has 1500 stu
dents. Some of Ali's required sub
jects were Turkish, Turkish
literature, French, French lite
rature, English, algebra, geo
metry, physics, chemistry, geo
graphy, and R.O.T.C.
College in New Hampshire, plays
Football Coach
Who is our new football coach?
Mr. Marsh Jones, formerly pro
fessional football player, is now
head coach of the Ashland High
football team. He is also the assis
tant coach of wrestling and track,
as well as the driver's education
The coach was raised in Ven
tura, California, and went to
junior college there. While attend-
ng the University of Idaho, where
he majored in physical education,
Mr. Jones became the star tackle
of his team and later became the
captain of that team.
After graduation, the young
tackle joined the professional,
Calgary Stampeders football
team. Mr. Jones then became a
very successful coach. He has
coached at lone, California, and
Riddle and Roseburg in Oregon.
With an impressive record of
twenty wins and three losses in
Oregon, he joined the Ashland
coaching staff.
Mr. Jones is an all-around ath
lete. Hunting, fishing, skin diving.
and snow skiing are his other ath
letic pursuits.
English Teacher
Miss Dorothy Rhymes, who
teaches Modern Problems, Eng
lish Two, and English Four is
one of the four new teachers on
the Ashland High Campus.
Although Miss Rhymes was born
i Mississippi, she received all
of her schooling in Medford. She
also attended the University of
Oregon. Before she came to Ash
land to teach, Miss Rhymes taught
social studies and counseled in
Hayward, California.
When she wants to relax. Miss
Rhymes turns to water skiing and
snow skiing. She also enjoys such
spectator sports as football and
Mr. Harry Wright is returning
to Ashland High School to teach
chemistry and biology. In ad
dition, he will be one of the ad
visors of the student council. -Mr.
Wright has been on a year's leave
of absence to study at Stanford
University, and to receive his
master's degree