Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1962)
PAGE TWO ROGUE NEWS FRJ., MAY 11, 1962 LANGUAGE DETERIORATING ? Such expressions as "wise up, square" and "hepped up" are now considered standard English, according to the third edition of the Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary. This dictionary, which is considered to be the final authority by English teachers and librarians, is the only dictionary which can be traced back to Noah Webster's original dictionary. If a dictionary such as this, which has been considered to be a standard for many years, now goes to the other side and lists words "standard" which are used mainly by teen-agers, what can be used as a guide for reading and writing the English language? Since we have lowered the traditional standards and allowed such words to enter our dictionaries, our language is deteriorating rapidly. In addition, the editors of this third edition, which was published in 1961 have completely elimi nated the pronouncing gazetteer and the condensed key to pronounciation and symbols. How can stu dents learn to pronounce words readily if these aids have been eliminated? In addition, the biographical dictionary, which has been a help to many students, has also been cut out. People of the future will not be able to read our books if we adopt this edition of the dictionary and use teen-age jargon in our writing. Our literature will parallel Canterbury Tales which cannot be read without the aid of a good dictionary. But there is one consolation the word "ain't is not considered correct in formal written language and it is only correct in informal spoken language, OPINION EXPRESSED ON SLANG IN DICTIONARY Why is there such a controversy over the acceptance of words such as "ain't," "swell," and "square" as standard English by the Webster s Third International Dictionary? Opponents say, "Where is our authority? If we cannot rely on the dictionary to find out what is slang or colloquial and what is not, what is the final standard? Are we going to let the teenagers make up new words? If so, we are letting the English language go to the dogs. If we are going to lot these slang words become standard English, a hundred years from now we will not even be able to read the books published in 1962." This may be true, but we should remember that from the historical point of view, languages are always changing. Can we read today, the English of Chaucer's time? Of course not, yet that was the accepted English at that time. We cannot refuse any new words. The dictionary is not a standard set up by ten men who dictate what words can be considered standard and what words slang. The dictionary records the changes made in the language. Let us, therefore, not be narrow-minded, but rather, open minded, realising that our English language will chance through the years and that we are the ones who change it. Bell Telephone Gives Space Talk Space communications was the topic of an assembly given to the student body April 19 by a re presentative of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone. This representative stated that the Soviet Union claims to be far ahead of the United States in the space field but that the U.S. is really ahead of the U.S.S.R. This opinion was based on the fact that we have orbited 72 satellites and 28 of these are still active. The Soviets, on the other hand, have orbited only 2 satel- SWEET SHOP FOUNTAIN AND LUNCH SCHOOL SUPPLIES lites, neither of which is active. A tape of the messages sent back by the Sputnik I was played and then in comparison, a tape of how our first satellite sounded also played. The United State's first satellite, which is still active, was the first satellite to verify the existance of the radio active belt which surrounds the earth. An exact replica of the first Vanguard satellite was shown to the students. This satellite is ex pected to last 2.000 years. Al though Nikita Khruschev called this satellite an aggravated grape fruit, over 600 miles of tape have been recorded from it. The Bell Telephone Represent ative also demonstrated how sound waves could be bounced off the face of the moon and returned to Earth. As a conclusion, the represent ative stated that he felt that in the near future we will be able to dial any number anywhere in the world. We will also be able to see any news event as it happens anywhere in the world. Western Auto Your Home Owned Store Corner Pioneer & Main Ashland, Oregon 7& 7Ki6tx Follow the North Star... Tay Thomas Tay and Lowell Thomas, Jr. love traveling and are fold of taking "spur of the moment" trips. While making a TV film, Tay, her husband, and their daughter, Anne, were given the opportunity to explore one of the newest states Alaska. They ranged from Glaciers to Tundras, from the land of Klondike gold to the modern city of Ancorage. This book contains unforgettable memories of Alaska and her people. Man and Dophin . . . John C. Lilly, M.D. What is the most intelligent animal in the world? A dog, a horse, a chimpanzee? If you guess one of these three, you may be wrong. Today, scientist are experiment ing in a new region water. It has been discovered that the dophin has a brain equal to the size of man. It has also been discovered that these animals make definite attempts to imitate human speech This is a fascinating story of man's search for other intelligent beings. Twelve More Sports Immortals Ernest V. Heyn Contained in this volume are complete life stories of twelve outstanding sports personalities. The stories take the reader be hind the scenes and give him all the facts and all the thrilling moments in the lives of these men. Some of the men in this book are: James Corbctt, Red Grange, John L. Sullivan, and Jim Thorpe. DON'S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 1388 Siskiyou Ashland, Oregon THE BEST SERVICE ON ALL MAKES JOURNALISM OFFERS ADVANTAGES TO INTERESTED STUDENTS Journalism offers many ad vantages not offered in any other course. This course develops such talents as writing, drawing, photo graphy, and business management. In Journalism there are many subjects to write articles on. Some of these subjects are sports, humourous articles, club news, and social events such as dances. A chance to use your imag ination and creative ability is offered in this class. In addition. the enterprising journalist is able to learn many skills which will prove valuable in later life. By writing articles concerning his school, the journalism stu dent always knows what is going on at all times. He literally has his finger on the pulse of the school. Learning to work with others is a skill that is easily acquired in journalism. The editor depends on the reporters for copy and the reporters depend upon the editor for their assignments. Through editorials, the reporter can express his opinion on a variety of topics. And last but not least the reporter gets to see his name in print once in a while. ft TOY DEER CAFE FOR MOTHER'S DAY 4 mi. South of Ashland Provost's Furniture RUGS CARPETS LAMPS DESKS Serving Ashland For Over 50 Years Ashland Rexall Drug Cosmetics Prescriptions School Supplies 275 E. Main