PAGE TWO RUUlIK NEWS FKI., APRIL 20, 12 Abolish Salutatorian? Is it fair to abolish the custom of selecting a valedictorian and a salutatorian to be honored at the graduation exercises? Recently an article appeared in the Rogue News concerning the fact that these two positions should be abolished. While the editorial stated several good reasons why a valedictorian and a salutorian should not be chosen, there are also some reasons for why we should not abolish this custom. First of all, if a person has worked hard enough to maintain better grades than any of his class mates, he deserves to be recognized and honored. He has undoubtedly sacrificed some pleasures and outside activities in order to maintain this average. The fact that some students take soft courses with little or no homework should also be taken into consideration. However, every student must take some solid courses such as Biology, English, and American Problems. Most of the students who are eligible for these two positions are planning to go to college and will take the solid courses anyway. But what about the student with a high average who fails. to make the grade? This student will usually recieve a scholarship or some other aid in order that he may go to college. This aid will be more valuable to him in the future. Let's not abolish the positions of valedictorian and salutorian! Recovered Alcoholic Speaks to Students Alcoholism was the subject of a lecture presented to some of the Ashland High students by Mr. Gordon Raney. Mr. Raney is a representative of the State Board of Alcohol Education. On March 23, Mr. Raney pres ented his talk to the sophomore biology classes. The same talk was given to the American Pro mlems classes on March 27. Mr. Raney stated that he felt he was well-qualified to talk on the subject of alcoholism because he had been an alcoholic for more than twenty years. Rather that a formal lecture, the stu dents were invited to ask quest ions about alcoholism that had bothered them. One of the questions asked was: What makes the screwdriver such a dangerous drink? (The screwdriver is a mixture of Vodka and orange juice.) Mr. Raney ex planed that the orange juice in the drink allows you to drink much more Vodka than you would drink if you were drinking straight Vodka or whiskey. By drinking so much alcohol, the alcohol content of the blood raises abruptly in a short time. Since the blood can only absorb and hold a small amount of alcohol, the drinker is pushed very close to the brink of death in a short time. The purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous was also explained by Mr. Raney. He told what some of their jobs and auxilary groups were. One of these groups was a group for teen-agers who had parents who were alcoholics. This group helps the teen-agers cope with the problems which they had with their parents. As a conclusion, Mr. Raney told of some of his experiences as an alcoholic and as a non alcoholic. One of the most in teresting facts to the students was that Mr. Raney has not taken a drink for more than 15 years. Shakespeare Lives On Student Relates History of Africa Continued from Page 1 tribes in South Africa and so the best way in which to tell the main tribes apart is by looking at their huts. The Zulu and Swazi build their beehive shaped huts mainly of saplings and thatch. The Basuto build huts with wattle anddaub walls and a conical shaped roof. The Xhosa cut sods Ideal Drug - PRESCRIPTIONS - COSMETICS - GIFTS - JEWELRY GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER of turf or set up mud walls with that?hed roofs. The Ndebele build elaborate lillte clay houses with colourful patterns covering the walls. One cutom generally practised by all tribes is the rain-making ceremony. During these cere monies a green wood fire is madcto send up cloudy smoke into the sky. The Chief himself is the tribal rain-maker, and has his own particular rain hut behind the hut of his "great wife." Here he mixes his rain-medicine .though he may use the medicine made by the tribal witch doctor or send messengers bearing gifts to obtain "rain essence" from Mtij.iji. the famous Rain Queen of the Lobcdu. a tribe living in the Low Veld in the Northern Transvaal. Pedi boys and girls. This rain-medicine is sprinkled on the cultivated fields in spring. If no rain falls then the tribes think that the ancestors who control the weather are displeased land a tribal guinea-fowl hunt is held to please them. ! SAY IOL" SAW IT IN' Tin: rogue news To the people of Ashland, William Shakespeare, English poet, dramatist, and actor is not dead although we celebrate the 398th anniversary of his birth this month. Shakespeare lives on in the guise of the Shakespearean Festival. Born in 1584 at Warwickshire, Shakespeare was only 28 years old when he became recognized as an actor in London. At the time, he was married to Anne Hathaway and had three children, including a set of twins, Mamnet and Judith. After he had been acting for several years. William Shakes peare began writing his own plays. To most people, especially the younger generation, Romeo and Juliet is perhaps his best loved play because it is a romance and a tragedy as well. Macbeth, perhaps because of the three witches appeals even to the smaller children who cannot und erstand the real plot of the story. Hamlet, a tragedy, and a Mid summer's Night Dream, a comedy, are also very well-known. In addition to being known for his narrative skill, poetry, and characterization, William Shakes peare also gained the recognition of being the only author to furnish the English language with more familiar quotations than any author except the author of the EAST SIDE PHARMACY Walgreen Agency 264 E. MAIN ASHLAND, OREGON Henry Carr Jewelers DIAMONDS WATCHES GIFTS REPAIRING ENGRAVING ASHLAND PHONE 482-2731 King James Bible. "To be or not to be" and "Things are not what they seem" are two of his more famous queotations. Many scholars have voiced the belief that Shakespeare borrowed the plots of some of his plays from other sources. However. Ben Jonson, an Englishman of letters and Shakespeare's closest friend, would have known if his plays had not been original and yet Jonson said of Shakespeare: "a dramatist who might challenge all that insolent Greece or Rome had done." Support Our Advertiser! Siskiyou Electric Phone 482-2711 'SERVICE" - UNEQUALED 180 East Main SWEET SHOP FOUNTAIN AND LUNCH SCHOOL SUPPLIES 938 STORES In 20 States and STILL GROWING