Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1962)
PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS FRL, FEB. 23, 1962 GRIZZLY CLAW jMatmen Dumped Grizzlies Dumped By JAN SUSEE After 13 games of the season, the Ashland High Grizzlies have a poor 013 win-loss record. Although there record seems to show a very poor team, they have come along strongly and their last two games have been quite interesting. Against Crater, the Grizzlies By Tornados Ashland grapplers Jeff Baker and Rod Judy picked up wins for Ashland against the Medford Black Tornado Saturday afternoon while Galen Robrson, Grizzly heavyweight, drew with Mike May-field. Medford High wrestlers down were ahead or 1 or 2 points be- e(j Ashland 48-10 in varsity compe- hind all the way. A last minute tition. and in iayvee action the splurge by Crater provided the Tornado swamped Ashland 70-5 slim margin, 64 53. Ashland led by 9 potints at half- i time against the Grants Pass Cavemen, but a cold third quarter lost the game 61-52. It was the closest the grizzlies have come to winning. The JV's have been off and on lately, losing to Klamath, beating Crater, and losing to Grants Pass by the close score of 49-47. Jim Lamb. Dale Tepper, Tod Hess, John Polk, and Howard Johnson have also been dressing down varsity. A strong Ashland sophomore team has split its games with Grants Pass at two apiece. They are one and two with both Med ford and Crated with a game apiece remaining with each of them. They also have one more game with Klamath Falls. They with Ed Wells the only Ashland winner. Cavemen Break Conference Tie In Friday night's action Feb ruary 2, 1962, the Grants Pass Cavemen defeated the Ashland Grizzlies 73 to 46 to take over a second place birth in league play. Grants Pass went ahead of the Grizzlies in the second half after a close scotring first half. The Cavemen scored 44 points in the last two quarters while the Grizz lies received only 25 counters. Support Our Advertisers lost to Klamath the first time they played. "Y' SII0E 7k The New Side Interest in Fashion By GP Cavemen After leading by nine points at the end of the second period, the Grizzlies were defeated by the Grants Pass Cavemen. The Cave men rallied to drop the Ashland team 61 to 52. Ashland was out in front at the half 28 to 19, but with the press ing defense of the Cavemen, the Grizzlies lost control and the Cavemn took the lead. By the time the third period eneded, the Cave men were ahead 41 to 37. Lynn Merriinan of Ashland was the game's high scorer with 14 points. Larry Pierce followed with nine. Dave Hauiitz was high scorer for the Cavemen with 11 points. Ashland Grizzlies Drop Two Games On Friday night, February 9, 1962, the Klamath Falls Pelicans maintained their hold on first place in the conference. The Pelicans won over the Grizzlies by a 61 to 30 score. Their shooting and rebounding made the way for the Pels to move ahead in the second quarter. They led the Grizzlies all the way with quarter scores of 13 to 4, 31 to 7, and 47 to 12. Saturday Night Ashland was defeated Saturday night, February 10, 1962, by the Crater Comets by a 64 to 53 score. The final score was not a true picture of the tangle that took place. During the game, the score changed several times with each team taking the lead many times. Both teams seemed to be hitting well with a .491 average for the Comets and .414 for the Grizzlies. Crater headed the rebound column 34 to 21. ft y-fo i'-X "t UK b CM H ItK OCS U-h" -( c " r - i' Scott's Gift & Baby Shop 52 East Main "Store of o thousand thoughtful gifts" llllillil Everything opens up for spring... like this little leather pump with its surprise-shank opening. Full of the uncluttered simplicity you love. Bone. Only 3.95 Ashland Rexall Drug Cosmetics Prescriptions School Supplies 275 E. Main THE CUABRO KiD STRIKES AGAIN in Cuadro cloth Rapiers by A l of course Mr Af knowledgeable dealers BOBBETT'S STORE FOR MEN Across from the Varsity Theater GRUBER'S SHOE SERVICE 383 East Main WHERE SHOES ARE SOLD AND RESOLED