FRI., NOV. 3, 1981 ROGUE NEWS PAGE THREE Tour Tale Told Continued lrom page 1 and certainly the highlight of our stay in New York. The rest of the day we spent walking down Sth Avenue to Central Park, and visiting Rocke feller Center and Saint Patrick's Cathedral. The city was crowded and seemed impersonal that day. People were intent only in their own affairs and there was a sense of urgency in every hurrying footstep and every honk of car horn. Before our departure, a tour of the Empire State Building and the Modern Arts Museum had been arranged for us. Besides the foreign students on board the DC6 AFS charter plane to San Francisco, there was also a crowd of Americans Abroad students traveling with us. As a result, we did not get much sleep, but no body minded, as we were all too excited. The next morning we were awakened for breakfast and soon after this we flew over the Grand Canyon, bathed in the rosy, early After eight games of the Grizz lies nine game season, we have a respectable 4-3-1 record. There is ore drawback though, the three games we lost were all conference and our record in conference play is 0-3. In the last game, Ashland will play the Crater Comets at Central Point. In the game last Friday with Medford, Ashland was defeated despite a tremendous effort on the part of the Ashland team. They lost on weak defense of Medford's passing attack. We also had trouble getting our offense going. Tonight, Ashland goes to Crater i to meet the Comets in the return i conference game. Ashland beat Crater last time, but, Crater still has as many men on the field as Ashland. So much for varsity football and on to JV football. The JVs have had a fairly good season with a 3-3 record. Ron Boyce, sophomore halfback, has been one of the standouts on the offensive team of our JVs. Besides football, other sports A , morning light. We landed at San ,events are taking pjace at Ashiand Francisco International Airport and were taken directly to the Greyhound Depot where we would get on the bus that would take us to Oregon. Driving through the Sacramento Valley, I noticed how very similar the countryside was to that around Pretoria, my home town, in the winter-time. I was very excited as I thought that I would be meeting my "family," when we arrived in Medford at 10:30 that evening. However, there had been a mis take, and my "parents" were not expecting me until the next day. So, after waiting awhile, our chaperone decided that I should go with them to Portland. We arrived in Portland early the next morning and there the AFS chairman took charge of the situation. After phoning my "father" in Ashland, it was ar ranged that I should fly down to Medford that afternoon. After a two-hour flight we landed in Medford, and as I ran across the landingfield to meet my "family". My first thought was that I had arrived "home" at last. this fall. The Cross Country team is having a very good season with Gerald Brown and Don Way placing third and fourth respect ively in the district meet at Grants Pass. Ashland tied for second th Medford. Another activity at Ashland High School this fall which is entirely new is a weight lifting program. This enables ath letics not participating in any sport at one season to keep in shape until they go out for their next sport. The supervisor, Mr. Brenning, is a man who is very familiar with this program. A reminder to you boys turn ing our for basketball to get in shape and run your mile (sophomores, 6:30; juniors. 6:15; and seniors 6:00). Basketball will probably start next week. The Year Around Headquarters for School Supplies THE MART 270 E. Main S & H Green Stamps Perrines On the Plaza BETTER CLOTHES & SHOES For Less Money As seen In SEVENTEEN LETTER PENDANTS Scott's Gift & Baby Shop SWEATERS BY: DARLENE JANTZEN TALBOTT SKIRTS BY: TAMI JANTZEN COPELAND ? - " """" K Senior Larry Pierce is shown next to his car. Rodd'n with Robert BY BOB SNYDER Larry Pierce is the owner of this '51 Chevy two door hardtop, and his car has been selected as Heap of the Week, for this issue. This sharp Chev is painted lime fire, and has a very nice appearance. The front and rear decks have been molded off and leaded in. Whitewalls enhance the beauty of this car. For the future, Larry plans to have his car upholstered tuck-n-roll pearl colored no less. A floor shift is another of the plans for his car before its completion. Rumor is that Larry wants to sell his car. If you're interested, You'd better hurry. Provost's Furniture HUGS CARPETS LAMPS DESKS Serving Ashland For Over 50 Years SELBY CHEVROLET COMPANY 100 East Main Street "By Our Good Service You Will Know Us" Phone 482 2411 Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ingle Drug On the Corner By the Post Office Phone 482 1321 In Business for Your Health" ASHLAND BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon- Two Stores in Two Locations for Easier Shopping and Greater Savings Pioneer Village Shopping Center OPEN " Days a Week 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Jfl'ty"' Grocery and Msals The 88c Store ' Beauty Salon Westinghouse Laundromat Green Stamps Bakery Dcpartrient MARKET BASKET 812 Siskiyou Blvd. Grocery and Meats Frozen Food Lockers OPEN 8 TO 8 Week Days Closed Sundays