w HOMECOMING PRINCESS JUNIOR JANIE CLARK Science At Ashland Library High . FRI., OCT. 13, 1961 ASHLAND, ORE. NUMBER 2 'Man in Outer Space' Chosen Annual Homecoming Theme This year the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science is promoting a new method of acquainting students with the world of science. Ashland High School is one of many schools in Oregon that is participating in the new program of Traveling Science Libraries Under this system the school libraries receive different books pertaining to many sciences such as medicine, physics, chemistry biology, dentistry, mathematics, phychology, astronomy, bacterio logy, geology, and oceanography to be used by all students in the school. They are to be handled in the same manner as all other books in the library and students arc urged to take full advantage of this library while it is available. These books are to be rotated every four months among the various other schools in the program. Students to Attend Press Conference Arthur S. Fleming, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in the Eisenhower administration and new president of the Uni versity of Oregon, is the banquet speaker at the Oregon High School Press Conference October 13 and 14. in Eugene. Students from the journalism class and the annua! staff will attend this meeting. Linda Gray, Sally Slringer, Lonna Baize, and Mr. and Mrs. McAlastor will re present the Regue News. Margie Moore, Rick Tierce, Claudia Ever ctte, Terry Skibby, and Mrs. Schler will go for the annual staff. Bill Ebcrhart, Oregon manager of United Press International, is the speaker at the opening lunch eon , Friday, October 13. Jack Jarvis, columnist and feature writer for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, is the speaker at the closing luncheon the next day. The students who are attending the conference will attend classes Friday and Saturday morning to get new ideas for the paper and annual. The advisors will have special classes in which they will criticize the work they have done in the past and ways to prove it. "Man in Outer Space" was the theme chosen by the homecoming committee headed by Sue Mittag and Gary Wallace for the 1961 annual homecoming celebration. The first celebration took place last night with a roaring bonfire built and ignited by the sopho more class. Yelleaders Joy Ilink son, Sue Mittag, Kay Moore, Sharon O'Keefe, Peggy Parsons, Martha Schweibert, and Delores Westgaard, led the students in attendance in numerous yells and cheers. r Princesses Chosen The second homecoming event will take place this afternoon at the pep assembly at which the princesses will be introduced and the queen will be crowned. Ac cording to tradition, two junior princesses and three senior prin cesses were chosen. Junior prin cesses are Janie Clark and Jodie MacCollister. Senior princesses are Judy Eberhart, Karen Felter, and Cheryc Meggers. One of the se niors will be crowned queen. Annual Parade Alter the pep assembly, the students will gather outside the school and form a parade, which Y 4i III HOMECOMING PRINCESS JUNIOR JODY MACCOLLISTER ! COLLEGE SPEAKERS TALK TO SENIORS October 5 was the visitation date of some of the independent colleges of Washington and Ore gon. Representatives from Cascade College, George Fox College. Lewis and Clark, Linfield, Maryl hurst College, Pacific University. Reed College, University of Port land, Whitworth, Willamitte Uni versity and schools of nursing talked to the seniors giving in formation concerning the colleges. One week earlier, in Mr. Lewis's modern problems classes, Mrs. Iona Taylor informed the seniors of how and when to apply for scholarships, entrance examina tions, and requirements and ex plainer the college catalog and other available material. Mis. Taylor has also ordered new Kuder tests to find out where the interests of sophomores lie. These tests plus the mental maturity tests will take place soon. HOMECOMING PRINCESS SENIOR JUDY EBERHART will take them through town and back to school. Participants in the parade will be yelleaders, pep club, flag girls, band, club and class floats, and individual de corated cars. A prize will be awarded to the class with the best float. Climaxed by Game The homecoming celebration will be climaxed by tonight's game with Grant's Pass. Half-time activ ities will include routines by the flag girls, band, and pep club, and introduction of the queen and her court. After the game the annual Alumni dunce will be held. Jack Shafer Qualifies as Semi-Finalist Jack Shafer, Ashland High School senior, has been named a semi-finalist in nation-wide com petition by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Jack received this honor on the basis of a test administered last March. He is among the one per cent of all seniors in Oregon to be named a semi-finalist in this scholarship competition. He will now be eligible to compete on a second test to be given on December 2. If he receives a winning score on this test, he will be eligible for one of the numerous scholarships awarded each year by this corporation. HOMECOMING PRINCESS SENIOR KAREN FELTER HOMECOMING PRINCESS SENIOR CHERYE MEGGERS