4i APRIL 1. 1960 ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL. ASHLAND. OREGON NUMBER T It - - ... mmm, p-w .i ft T : fit V- 1 Raoul Maddox is shown directing the Ashland Senior High School Marching Band who par ticipated in Portland's Rose Festiral last year. The Band is shown giving a performance at the very unique parillion provided at the Oregon Centennial Exposition, Journalism Class Sponsors Dance THIS YEAR'S Band Projects Outlined Tradition Broken by DisclosingPromTheme There are various numbers of attending this year's prom, if prom themes which could have anybody does, would have to been chosen for this year such donate a fee of $45 to enter as "Garden of Eden," "Stair- the dance from the backdoor, way to the Stars," "Moonlight Front door fees are of a higher Interlude," "Pink Fantasia," or price ranging from $52 stag to "Evening in Paris," but the $73 per couple. witty-minded juniors rea 1 1 y Decorations Are Unique have a good Prom theme for Being low on finances does this year and have decided to not prevent the usual decora reveal it now to the rest of tions though, for the Juniors the etudents. "Ladder to the tiave raised $1.39, which is Chimney top" was the unani- enuugn tor Uie sjnp.e oecora mous selection and since the uons to be used, beauty will be class does not expect to take on seen throughout the chemisU-y any more money making plans, room where the dance is ex it was decided that everyone pected to be held, for the lab oratory will be draped in strings of colored paper of pas tel green draped from the noles in the ceiling. A very delicate aroma will be used to present more color to the dance hall for chemistry students will have exDerimented that New members of Alpha afternoon before the dance Chapter, National Honor Soci- witn a new solution containing ety were recently announced. gUifur The top 10 Per cent of the jun- nr " Dcorat.d ior class and the top 5 per cent olher decor8UonB to be m. of the senior class receded this cluded are biu o lowel. ono ' ing to be placed at various ai Juniors selected are Judy cas on the floor so that students Bjorlie, Jerry Burns, Shirley wlU not armoyed by step Champion, Sidney De Boer, ping on iayers of fungus to be Forrest Farmer, Mary Lea piaced throughout the room Gray, Nancy Johnston, Peter to give it that old fashioned Kreisman, Bill Lawrence, Lin- fecling and to make the stu da Lewis, Jim Lewis, Beverly donU feel more at home The Joyce Long, Betty MacDonald, window wiU be painted a Rita Mapes. Linda Neal, Julia very darlt blacki as fungu, Oeser, Denny Retter, Mike Rey- grows better in the dark and mens, and Sara Vandenberg. to htlp keep plant Seniors are Jeri CI iff, Jack aiivp Loaned tn tuninr hv the Elder, Emma Hakes, Ethel Red- biology classes, a hose will be bird, Francine Robertson, Lau- attached to one of the sinks rie Ross, Carol Singmaster, and and wiu be kept on at a small Linda Smith. mntinuom rate throuchout the Students Selected To Honor Society Band Boosters have been candy were passed around the April Fool! This is to be the working throughout the year buses with a constant yaking n7w mmbTrS into HonoV thl'p'th oTthT CTd ,Tf ,f,tlg ' ? T . "I56 Jfy 1?T oC ld' or the Play'n of a harmonica Society." stated Wayne Coving- "mot UWM to ri 8.00 to 11:00 p.m. in the cafe- trip to Portland's Rose Fes- , , , ' ' : wul "ol lo ter,a snonsored hv the iournal- til oain thi. vr R,nM or the struming of a ukelele. ton, president. obove 3 v2 feet. The really members have worked towards ine Pewepng oi u inose try- w.n7 Vh. A special aype oewrauo.is wm the goal of the Grand Floral ing to sleep, seemed to be a II'JIJ. not b. reveaW uotu tf Prom ..w, nas Deen given. One very unique part of the event will be the way in which participants will be allowed to Prom. Students pay- ism class. It'a "nn 4rlc" hat thin fvpn ing's event will feature the Parade with the Band Boosters pastime endeavored by all." music or uave uixon, uan miet- " . . ". upon arriving at tne cas- Seniors who became mem- son, and Steve Hess. ous activtue. College Dorms at approx- bers last year are Paul Alley, n,.r-,tir, u,ni 4V,. 1 unaieiy o:ou a.m. everyone inaron Ainer, Lnnne i,ocnran, The first Band Concert was rmately timtlv Aoril Fool theme with successful with a number of dashed to the assigned sleeping Wayne Covington, Jolene Dear- ?""C'fha timely April root tneme witn nijvpj hoth hv the ,m)H., aA ,!, ri-- t. n.., nter th emphasis on the aspects of the rf D j A ' ' ' 6 . "UI r! ' ina front rates will be escorted Band. Members of the major- minutes, for the empty rooms Mike Hall, Jim Hamby. Ted a G.rfzly f1 through newspaper field. cafeteria door and up an obstacle course which leads to the chemistry lab. The only problem is that Continued on Page 3 Woods. Prices have been set at 50 ette squad were on hand to and halls were all turned into Kinney, Jeanne Millet, Roberta f cents for couDles and 35 cents help raise funds bv selline Al- mae if h coc&inne F.uorv- dka;.' rjv,.,.w t,mM through for stags. RefreshmenU wiU be mond Roca candy during in- one prepared for a short, quick skibby. Lynn Sohler. Pat available. termission. breakfast before leavine for Thnmn rmlvn Wells Mm. p . " . . . . . .... HTrh n o t,-h R.nCK r.o,rf . tj these students will be scnedul- inis IS xne lasi scneuuica l rrivp .t IV rrvm nhout ten minutes after the dance has ended. Participants entering the Prom by backdoor rates will have a lot of fun, providing they aren't afraid of height. With the dance theme being "Ladder to the Chimney Top," students wiU proceed to climb school dance of the vear before Concert was scheduled and fea- the Junior-Senior Prom in May. tured six concert bands com , , . posed of nearly 300 band stu- Money received from this denla lrom the difer. lunction wijj assist in iinancing rent Ashland pubUc schools. A drum was another feature of the program into which dona tions towards the fund could be placed. Band Sells the Rogue News. Talent Show Raises $266 Seven Debators To Travel To State Forensic Tourney Mr. "Lucky" Lewis placed erson, after dinner speaking; seven from eleven finalists in Betty Duffy, impromptu; and ,fnn o tnt larisw itrnrp March 12, Band members in- the recent debate tournaments Jim Lewis, humorous leading, tne buiiding is only 18 Tinr. held ln Central Pomt' Alternates, or third place feet high) placed on top of the Helping to raise funds for ine given a half-hour television terror 04 DDT di- winners, were also selected in cafeteria roof. That Is. they the Ashland High School's w rapvdad deb tournament) held each division with Betty Duf- wU proceed to the top of the Band trip to Portlands Rose Stoii "a March 12 for debate elimina- fy. Glen Tabor, and Karen bml.dng after they get the Festival, the student body pre- Band Booster at $1 00 per tiona ond Mardx 25"26 to de" ""P Pixig respectively in Udder down. After arriving on sented the All-Hi Talent show4 membership, and cards were termine individual winners, discussion, oratory, and serious the roof-top the only great to the public helping to raise gold throughout Ashland, with raked in thre lirst P18- fiv reading. ?rblenlv. Wli, cowling $266 more towards the Band the high school musicians and second places, and three thirds. achieving finals were ,1 .. w ,h Beneflt- their famUies pledging 25 new fiSSih2 y Eberhart.poe; .Jerry .LuwaT to m- A great variety program of " Euoene AdxU 7-9 for the Slate ""' TtvItISJI""1' istry room in which the water " .vv , wln dyed blue to appear songs, dances, poetry satire, ine nana is vo wne pan in Dabate Tournament. skits, and vaudeville numbers Meatoras rear Blossom pa- uuuiuruus ibkuuk, more coi0rful. were presented under the rade this year. Band Boosters contrary to popular Deuei, j-ewis, alter amner speaning. informio,, Held chairmanship of Jean Millet. Refreshments and Almond Roca candy was Will oe TO cnarge or a COnceS- l-.UCKy aow noi operate h- iuuiua am raprMnwu N Inf.ir-matirwn nn he were erveH SIons stand along me Parade ,one- "e 1S alaea Dy ras accom- Ashland captured the honor found at this time as plans are j' route. plice-wife Notable Nell who cf sending seven representativ- iwin KeM hut dnriii by thTslnT Boosters Z The following is a short ac- hunts ffouf clovers and es fromthis district .to tt .state wiahing to attend are advised the lnhhv to raise funds count oi one nana memDer s - . "uu-1 uuc"lco to wear snouider wgn tisning tne loDDy to raise iunas. . , nhv-lovme husband. tmwr, ntw -hxni. in ,t,h.i j L'liit-iiwtt -uic ouwi-aji wi - - ... - - ooous, snoriue ouiuui, muu the trip last year as gven to a In addition to the district de- will be students from Medford, bathing suits. Also, it is re Rogue News staff reporter. bate honors coped by Bill Law- two from Phoenix, and one quested that participants take Member Tells rac and Betty Duffy March each from Grants Pass, Eagle their own sack lunches and . . . "We left Ashland at mid- 2- Kreisman ranked first Point and Crater. lunch pails if they prefer re- night, arriving in Portland at in impromptu and Glen Tabor The district tournaments are freshments as finances prevent about 8:30 in the morning. The la "dio speaking. considered the first round of too many expenditures and kids were bursting with excite- Joining these winners will be events for the state tournament with all the unique extras ment, never once completely the following who gained sec- and those gaining first or sec- planned for this year's Jr.-Sr. stopping the whole trip to the ond place honors: Linda Lewis, ond places here are classified Prom, students are assured the pagent. All night popcorn and oratory and poetry; Steve Pet- a state finalists. mott fua ever????? April 1 April Fool's Dance 18 National Assembly 28 Campaign Assembly 29 General Elections