FRI.. FEB. 26. 1960 BOGUE NEWS PAGE THREE Youth Hold Rally; a)0r Presents Clubs Promote School Spirit HerO Seal Speaks J!A nANm Batons twirled by Major- Gruxly Knight Rcogmxid Herb Seal, the "Traveling IVOU 10 rlOQ 10111 ettes Judy Gamble, Lynn Gar- "Small, but significant." ThU Evangelist," sponsored by the rett' Grimm, and Ann is a well put definition for an Ashland Ministerial Associa- Attention all senior high Weaver highlight band demon- organization that neither asks tion was the guest speaker at school students. Do you like strations for school events. for recognition, nor receives the annual youth rally in Ash- to hear good music, good news, Highlights of this year's ac- verv much. The Grizzly land on Sunday, February 7. It and a friendly voice' You can tivities were: half-time routines Kni8hts consist of seven mem was conducted at the Nazarene ., ; ,. at all home football games; bers- each doing his part lor All youth were urged to at- m on r ndio dial jn Ash tion m the SOC homecoming Although they are a compar tcnd the rally to observe the from 3.00 to 6 30 parade and football half-time atively small group, these sev- National Youth Week. There and from 7.00to n'.00 with the Crater band and en boys have done their work Many high school students Tabor radio prograin "Glen majrettes; the annual Christ- behind the scenes, sweeping the mas nouaay events or oama gym at nau-time. and putting tock part in the program. Claus' arrival; half-time event the names of basketball Dlay- Meredith Williams played the Glen is a junior at Ashland at Medford's home field; and ers on the score board. These organ and Linda Smith played High this year. He has been basketball half-time with an two jobs comprise only a few the piano. working at KWIN for several exhibition by Kathy Grimm of the many contributions Mr. Seals' talk was on the months. It has taken him about and Medford's head majorette, made to the school. use of the Bible and how it wo monins oi practice in order Sharon Lang can influence your life. Rev- w Droaacast on radio. erend E. E. Crawford was the ?utuie pKHf February 26 Grants Pass (here) 27 Medford (there) March 4 Klamath Falls (here) 5 Crater (there) 8 Nat'l. Merit Tests. Juniors 9 National Assembly Pancake Dinner 11 Lettermen's Dance Annual Plans Secret Theme Mystery? Memories? What is to be the theme of the 19590 Rogue Annual? Carolyn Smith, editor of the Tom Gastorof heads the or- Future events include the sanization with title of nresi- Glen savs he enlovs and has nidnn n Twinv tn h.j tu - r i . . host pastor from the Nazarene accomplished much from his Festival of Roses in Portland and David Jones is the treas- fni?ual- tht th thtm Church. broadcasting job, although his in june urer to 00 kept " aecret and wU1 " Seal has traveled quite a lot main purpose for taking the , ' ,, . . n . be disclosed until the annual and has visited mission fields in broadcasting job is to help him PeP Club mmbers are l,GUbfrt Rlcn- fob McClure, iu appearance m jy forty countries and has spoken through college also Prntmg school spirit by Mike Morris, and Harry Neu- DurDOse of tn- annuai to 2.700 schools. He is .mar- ,an ,a tune Z?. E TZti' b Z$STpJ& tZ riage counselor in san r ran- ". " " ""s '"-""p " " Cisco where he lives in my radl programs on Sun- Homecoming Parade, and in days from 3:00-6:00 p.m. and the performance at Medford. . . . t from 7:0-11:00 Pm- for eood They can be seen supporting Y SDOnSOFS Inrcil fiirlt Chntmn music and news," stated Glen, the team at anv hieh school " ws sws game. according For Bridal Models Jackie Carter and Brenda Woods, seniors, were chosen to model spring and summer brid al trousseaus at a fashion show held in "Burelsons" clothing Thespians Plan All-School Play Car washes, food sales, and other money raising events Chess Club of the school year,' to Carolyn. She added that the annual staff is striving to feature more student's pictures. Carolyn added, "The annual would appreciate the co-opera- C. ; : 1. 1 iin nt at.iwfont whn hav nn. help the girls raise supporting of nner and pointmenU with the annual challenging opponents for those tr pictures. This year the officers are who classify themselves as Carol vn asserted that the an- Thespian Club Is in the pro- Etnel Redbird president; Jean chess experts, are available at nual will be extra -special this nt rhnnsini) a nlav frr its i'""", ' " me i m.L.A. wness viud on year ana nopes tnat it win oe store in Medford on February annual all-school production. Pa"ons, secretary; and Judy Thursdays at 7:30 p.m 17. . Johnson, treasurer. Miss San- Further infnrmation mav he faculty. "Don't Take My Penny," and ut" ' " " " -- obtained by contacting Mr. appreciated by the students and Two girls from schools all ..i., Krth -miM. r-:.i. i: . over the area, including girls are ust a few of Uie piays Priden, ,vnn - . . heads from Southern Oregon College, h ' oroduced in oart, r , T ? , wwp wipruri o, models , " Pro?ucea n Pasl the Flag Girls, another school- were selected as models. year, f me enjoyment of the supporting organization. The Cook, Y.M.C.A. secretary. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE ROGUE NEWS student body and public alike. biuaems lnxeresiea in acting halMim Hnrm fho Perrines Batter ClolhM'.and Shos For Lm Mon7 ON THE PLAZA UN Contest . . . girls do dance 'routines at sev- ,. , r . acting ral haIf .imps rilirin the Continued from Page 1 or in any way helping with the sporU Ktis0na. proauction ox ine piay suoum tr v A Knaniuh Hno with tho "The senior class'has already Pep Club and a Charleston f to better acquaint the stu ine senior class nas aireaay Drpsntefl dents with the functions of the put on a serious play this year, rouhne have been printed Vni so we are planning on luni nHviv1 hv Mr Bernard Winners to speak to their fel edy for the all-school produc- club is advised oy Mr. Bernara tHent on th wnrkino. tion." stated Ann Ireland, winai. She concluded that one-third of the annual and the summer supplement which gives a pic torial report from March 1, are all that remain to be finish ed at this time. Oregon district winners. The purpose of this contest Thespian president. WILEY & REINHOLT Good Investments 369 E. Main MU 2-1191 SIS-Q BARBER SHOP 1015 Iowa Warn Haard, Owaar GRUBER'S SHOE SERVICE Nw Shoes Sold and Old Shoes Resoled 583 E. Main Selby Chevrolet "A LUtle Mere" for "A Lirile Lass" 100 E. Main MU 2-4941 WARDROBE CLEANERS "Quality Cleaning" 45 N. Main On the Plaza For PICK-UP & DELIVERY MU 9-8281 S & H Green Stomps Too low students on the workings of the United Nations, as learn ed by their experiences. Honor Roll The winner receives an all- expense-paid, thirty-day trip to Continued from Page 1 New York and back. While on Rita Mapes, Linda Neal, and this trip he will visit historical Julia Oeser. locations and other interesting Seniors rating semester hon- Places in the United States and or roll standing are Paul Alley, Canada. Sharon Alner, Wayne Coving- ton, Jolene Deardorff, Denise Dodge, Betty Duffy, Mike Hall, Gary Hassell, Ted Kinney, Jeanne Millet, Ethel Redbird, Carol Singmaster, Jim Skibby, Lynn Sohler, Pat Thompson, Carolyn Wells, and Meredith Williams. " Ashland Branch JACKSON COUNTY FED. SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. "On the Corner" EAST MAIN & 2ND ASHLAND DRUG Sheaffer's Cartridges Prescriptions - Cosmetics Costume Jewelry 257 East Main LATEST SINGLES AND ALBUMS RECORD PLAYERS The Marl 270 E. Main MU 5-8011 Green Stamps SCHOOL SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS The Year Around See . . . SI NGMASTER and JONES Insurance Agency 343 E. Main Ph. MU 2-4221 SNOW WHITE FREEZE "TRY A GRUMPY" 1103 Siskiyou Blvd. Phone Orders MU 9 6621 SWEET SHOP FOUNTAIN and LUNCH SCHOOL SUPPLIES IRWIN'S T.V. and RADIOS SALES and SERVICE Transistor Radios 505 Siskiyou MU 2 8352 ISBN Bill Stalls Union Service Te Better Serre You Two Locations 493 N. MAIN and JCT. HWYS. 99 & 66 MU 9-9666 24 HR. SERVICE MU 9 9816 D Brunswick Automatics Ashlaad BewUaf Lames 39 Be. Fin St. OPEN 1T9U 1 BAY A WEEK Hieae MU 2-66C2 COMPLETE ONE STOP AT THE GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER OPEN UNTIL NINE Everything in Refreshments For Dances, Clubs, and Parties Oregon Food Store