Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 25, 1959, Image 1

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    . ZJ J2&
NOV. 25. 1959
UF Princess Awaits Decision
Draws 'Hicks'
Barefooted Daisy Maes and
Li'l Abners danced in a Dog
patch barn complete with back
woods scenes and an obstacle
course at the November 21
Sadie Hawkins Dance.
Highlighting the evening
was the crowning of Dinice
Gillespie and Dennis Nason as
Mr. and Mrs. Dogpatch. Dinice
was presented a shmoo and
Dennis received a crown of let
tuce and radishes. Galen Rob
ertson was chosen best-dressed
boy and Paula Prescott was se
lected best-dressed girl.
Two Marrin' Sams, alias Bob
Tnomas and Lee Scott, were
present for the occasion. Newly-weds
received marriage doc
uments and a ring.
Committee Responsible
Comrmttee chairmen for the
dance wore Shirley Champion,
Judy Bjorlie and Jim Lewis.
Assisting on special portions
of this annual junior class e-
vent were Jean Forrest and Beginning the season with a with each team bringing
Linda Bailey, stage settings; first place trophy, two second honor to Ashland High
Forrest Farmer, obstacle place awards and third place Two teams
wnru.' r.mOr Konnolt T.inrfa hnnni-o Mr T oiuic' rf,.Kiln T inH, Mool
Carmean and Judv 'Coffin. miart' are alreartv on their son Rill lin nlnH in Andre was Pycd by Elizabeth
I h J ' I ' j
United Fund queen will be announced Norember 30 from
high school princesses Pat Gillette, senior; Kathy Zimmerlee,
freshman; Jackie Faske, junior; and Martha Schwiebert. sophomore.
Debaters Attend Tourney
Net 1 Trophy, 5 Honors
Senior Play Draws
Conflicting Verdicts
Jury members presented con- Hakes took the part of Jane
flicting verdicts concerning the Chandler, the handwriting ex
Karen Andre murder case, pert.
"The Night of January 16th." Minor Roles Add Interest
The November 12 matinee. The stenographer was Jolene
with selected members of the Deardorff, who became the
senior class serving as jury handwriting expert at the
members, handed down a sen- evening performance while
tence of "Guilty." The follow- Emma Hakes took the part of
ing evening's verdict of "Not the stenographer. The secre
Guilty," was given by a jury of taries were Donna Mills and
local townspeople. Ida May. Pat Thompson took
The defendent, Karen Andre, the part of Roberta Van Rens
was accused of shooting Bjorn slaer. Other characters were
Faulkner and pushing him Don Westfall, bailiff; Steve
from a penthouse roof. Later Peterson, judge; Oren Ogle,
an unexpected witness came to clerk; Evie Michaels, prison
her defense. matron; Ken Stewart, police-
The play followed an unus- man.
ual plan of staging, being play- ' "On behalf of the cast, I
ed on the gymnasium floor wish to express our apprecia
with the audience on three tion for the fine help that Mrs.
sides, thus using a modified Susee, play director; and Ann
form of arena staging. Ireland, student play director;
The play itself differed from gave us." stated Jim Beam, pro
the usual high school comedy secuting attorney,
as it relied upon dramatic abil- The Senior Play is one of the
ity for character portrayal and largest money makihg projects
audience interest.
Spotlights were used to high
light the action with the wit
ness chair elevated above the
tables of the prosecuting and
defense attorneys. The jury
chosen from tr.e audience, pre
sented its verdict after listen
ing to the evidence and weigh
ing the facts. Thp witnesses
were seated in the audience and act correctly," informed Jean
made their appearances when Forrest, winner of a $25 model
called upon inR course given by BARBARA
Main Character. ? SCHOOL OF MODEL-
The leading roles were taken . ." , )h
of the year for the Senior
class. The project netted ap
proximately $200.
Students Receive
Modeling Course
"I learned how to dress and
by Jim Beam, prosecuting at-
Betty ' Duffy, 2lL?T'n' 5"? beth Hartford also received
ing last month.
Queen Eliza-
which lasts
Asleson and
frrshmcnts. -
wall and ceiling decorations; way to matching last year's the senior division three-way
Betty MacDonald. marriage record of five trophies. ' tie for second place.
ceremony; and Mary Ann -phe debate trophy was won The team of Linda Lewis
Judy Berg, re- uy tne team of judv Fberhart and Glen Tabor brought ac- .,
ana Jim i-.ewis at me iNonn '" "" -
Bend Tournament November division tour-way tie for third
21. As a first year mixed team
Judy and Jim debated other tion
beginning competitors in the Drager and Karen Schopf in
"Having cither too much or junior mens division. They womens division. A tie in
too little can threaten a coun- were the only team at the tour- third place mens resulted in
try's existence," emphasized nament to have a perfect re- honors for ,Ierry Burns and
Dr. Kurt Singer in the Nati in- cord, winning all six of their eie ivreisman
al Assembly November 4. debates.
Dr. Singer was a fpecial a- The tournament was classi
gent for the United States In- fied into three main separa
telligence Service during tions. Senior and junior divi
World War II in Sweden where sions denoted experienced and
he reported on German and inexperienced speakers. The
Russian activities. junior division was further
In his address Dr. Singer separated into mens and wo
elaborated upon the scientific mens division,
life and the intricately-devised Competition Reviewed
equipment which is utilized in The entire debate class of six
his work. teams competed at North Bend
was accused of
the murder of Bjorn Falkner.
The witnesses who testified
at the trial included the medi-
cxaminer. Dr.
played by Duane Ash. Roberta
In lower division competi- f"",,e, loOK, Pa" )ne
n third was won by Joan 3mtr s cored ,wlf Mrs-
j.iuu.uiua. aiic pdi ua ui a pri
vate detective and policeman
were taken respectively by
Mike Watts and Jim Stubble
field. The chief witness for the
modeling course
six weeks.
December first is the begin
ning date of the next course
which is open to ail girls in-
Ki'kan? selves. '
Students from eight high
schools competed at the tour
nament debating a resolution
concerning the repeal of right-to-work
Girls' Leaaues
Future Events
Honor Roll Reveals
Jr.-Sn Classes Lead
Honor roll students have been Hinricks, Dan Lewis, J
determined from the first six Miller, Sue Mittag, Barbara
weeks grading . period. The Moore, Peggy Parsons, Karen
freshman class leads with 24 Schopf. Ken Stevenson. Dave Francino Robert.son, vice prcsi
Girls' League is again plan
ning an annual style show and
tea which will take place in
the spring this ' year instead
of at Christmas time, according
to Genene Seymour, president.
Money will be raised through
the sale of candy and Christ
Janet mas parcels, Genene reports.
The officers this year are
Genene Seymour, president;
Squire, Susan Thompson, De
lores Wcstgaard.
Jerry Burns, Shirley Champ
ion, Sid DcBoer, Duanc Hall,
Sharon Kiser, Peter Kreisman,
Bill Lawrence, Linda Lewis,
Jim Lewis.. Pat Lovett, Betty
houn, Linda Decker, Claudia MacDonald, Rita Mapes, Billee
Everett, Joyce Hagerbaumer, Kay Mearns, Linda Neal, Julia
Nancy Grow, Deane Fieguth, Oeser, Zola Palmer Darlene
Carolyn Hamilton, Carolyn Schoenwald, Sara Vand en
Harmon, Alice Hearn, Jane burgh.
Henneck. Tod Hess, Carol, Seniors
students, others arc:, seniors.
23; sophomores, 20; and jun
iors, 18.
They are as follows:
Carol Bjork,
Martin Burns,
dent; Pat Gillette, secretary.
Money Raised
For FTA Trip
Future Teachers of America
prosecution, John Graham club members sponsored "Au
Whitfield and his daughter, tumn Leaves," semi -formal
Nancy Lee Faulkner, were dance November 7, 8 to 11 p.m.
played by Ted Kinney and The purpose of the dance
Lynn Sohler. Regan, the gang- was to raise money toward
ster, was played by Mike Lee sending FTA representatives to
while Bjorn Faulkner's secre- the November 13-14 conference
tary, Junguist,. was played by jn Eugene.
Clinton Moore. The character The program included for
of Magda Svenson, the Swed- ums and discussions on teach
ish housekeeper, was portrayed ing and the need for teachers,
by Genene Seymour. Emma Mary Anne Dawson, co-
president; and Betty McDonald
represented Ashland. Betty
was nominated for State Secretary-Treasurer,
but did not
gain the office.
Mary Anne and Betty went
on a tour -with students from
Ken Stewart was elected other schools on the University
president of the Sis-Q 4-H of Oregon Saturday morning.
Community Club. Other offi- girU attended the Univer
cers include: Harry Toney, sli theater, had state business
vice-president; Denny Retter discussions concerning state
treasurer; Paul Retter, co-sign- FTA business which was fol-
er; Steve Stewart, reporter; "wea Dy campaign speccnes
Four-H Elects
Club Officers
Class officers are: sophomore, ' olve oiewari, reporter, - candidates for state offi
Nila Zirkefoose- and iunior Nancy Lusk, secretary: and Vic irom candidates lor state otfi
jvua .icKetoose, and junior, t nmm.lni)v ces. The students w h the elec-
Joyce Long.
Bill Bowman,
Charles . Cal-
Decals Ordered
For Students
Decals will be sold by the
Journalism class in order
Four-H'ers from the Ashland tions of these
area were presented pins and Prepared to make speeches
cards for the years in club
work by Dick Issacs, associate LIKE MAN
manager of the First National
Bank of Oregon, Ashland
Ashland students receiving
metals in the top county judg
ing team in outdoor cookery
a Vote
James, Jim Lamb, Terry Mc-; Paul Alley, Sharon Alner, raise money toward financing were Steve Stewart and Jim
Kinnis, Betty Martin, Craig Wayne Covington, Jolene Dear-
Pennington. Paula Prescott, dorff, Denise Dodge. Betty Duf
Sharon Roderick. Treasure S'll- fy, Emma Hakes, Mike Hall,
livan. Karen Wood, Dorce Gary Hassell, Ted Kinney, Evie
Pin and seals were awarded
to the following high school
of the Rogue News and to pro
mote school spirit.
The decals will sell for 50 members: Nelda Chapman. Bet-
Michael, Judy Miller, Jeanne cents for a sheet of three decals ey Kerr, Steve Stewart, Ken
Millet, Ethel Redbird, Francine or individually by dccal. They Stewart, Nancy Lusk, Jim
3 National Assembly
4 Eureka, here
5 Fortuna, here
9 College Guidance Pro
gram seniors
11-12 Shasta, there
18-19 Douglas, here
23 Christmas Vacation
Judy Benson, Richard Byrns, Robertson, Laurie Ross. Carol are designed to be used on win- Waddell, Harry Toney, Denny January
Sandra Colosuonno, Nancy Singmaster, James Skibby, dows or surfaces such as note- Retter, Nancy Johnston, Tom 4 Vacation ends
Conriid, Jancl Covington. Joan Lynn Sohler, Patricia Thomp- boofcs. The decals are replicas Hamilton, Kathy Grimm. Mary 5 Grants Pays, there
Draper, Judy Eberiiart, Dave son, Carolyn Wells, Don West- of a Grizzly, a pennant, and Lea Gray, Suzy Kelso, Donald 8 Mcdord, here
Everett, Joy Hinkson, Karen fall, Meredith Williams. an AHS identification sticker. Hale. 21-22 Semester tests