TEACHERS CREDIT OREGON COLLEGES ...fj SEPT. 25. 1959 ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL. ASHLAR D, OREGON NUMBER 1 ra i rv n Girls', Boys' State Attract Students Experiment in government in the lorm of Girls' and Boys' State drew five students from Aft land this year. Girls' State Convention, held June 15-21 at Willamette Uni versity in Salem, was attended by Meradith Williams and Car olyn Smith. In setting up the mock gov ernment, two cities comprised a county, while six counties completed the experim e n t. Both Meredith and Carolyn were chosen representatives in the election held. In acquainting the girls with the political party system, the 'Nationalists and Federal ists parties were established with campaign speeches and elections for state officials. A vkit to the State Capitol on Inaguration Day and the chance to see the State Su- Alumni Activities mm m PEP ASSEMBLY Ashland ' High S c h o o I Alumni Association will elect officers for the year at the Ashland Schools Administra tion Building on September 26. The Grixxly Homecoming, slated for October 16 in con nection with the Grants Pass Ashland football game, will alto be discussed. The Grizzly Alums honor ed the , Golden Anniver sary Class of 1909. The Sil ver Anniversary Class . of 1934 and the 1959 grads on June 5. For more information call Mrs. Carol Wenker. 132 8th St.. MU 2-1011. 1 X Classes were shortened Sep tember 11 for the first pep as sembly of the school year, held prior to the Yreka football game. Ashland High Band lent sup port as cheer leaders Brenda Woods, Denise Dodge, Gay Schwiebert, Gayle Weller, Ju dy Lake, Miki O'Keefe ,and Sara Vandenburg lead yells. First place in the competition yell was taken by the Junior class. Mr. Varney Corey, varsity football coach, addressed the Mrs.'Tenney, Mr. Mearns. Mr. Crane, and Mr. Day, new teach ' efs at AHS. hail from slate colleges. Snitched New Teachers Tell Special Interests Strict grader? No gum chew ing? What about talking? Such questions were thought group stressing the need of stu- and whispered as four new tor, Mr. Hiram Crane. He is a graduate of Lnifield College where track was his main interest. Mr. William Mearns, general HARD WORKING PEPSTERS EARN WAY TO ROSEBURG Car-washes and candy sales preme Court were high-lights sparked the money-raising pro of the conference. jecs as the Pepsiers worked Ashland Honored toward attending the Roseburg Steve Peterson, Paul Alley, game, and Steve Gray attended the Car-washes were held at Al- Beaver Boys' State at Oregon len's Union and Wolf Brother's Council Members Attend Workshop ; dents. "Every- day is unusual agrees Mrs. Marjorie Tenney dent backing and support of teachers stand under the obser- gder, teacher, replaces Miss uic team. vation of Ashland High stu- Green. He spends his spare time building a home. Mr. Mearns taught four years in Talent before comina to Ash- business education instructor! lan High.. . A graduate of Oregon State, Mrs. Tehney combines teach ing with the also full-time job Three Ashland student body of marriage and her one-year officers attended a summer old daughter. She likes swinv Band Participates In Rose Parada State College in Corvallis. Ap- Chevron stations September 12 workshop at the University of ming and "loves' kittens. Mr. Robert Day teaches geo- Participating in the trip to nrnv mni v asn ctiiHnt nt. irom H:uu a.m. uniu o:ou D.m. urtcun 10 oisl-uss means oi tended the concentrated study Sixty dollars from this project improving the Student Council, metry and algebra. He has two Jne ua 1 araae m of governmental functions. brought the transportation sit- Jean Millet, Meredith Wil- years of teaching experience l'fty"flv band m?m btfrs !vt Those attending went to the uation to the football game lianis, Paul Alley and 250 oth- and is willing to "try anything fla lrls M rnajorel es, ue o.;.i 5 , within n.,-h , rfii i .r; nni A hhplnr h .w chapcrones, two DU3 dr.vers. Capitol and were iprivi- lodged to act as the legislature. participated Candy sales m the main ball event August 16-21. -S'ew feed- nelecUvejWst-jl'.l.U.'yjJlOc. noon h'ur complct tion of state senator. td'the necessary luhds. JUDY BJORLIE FEATURED IN FESTIVAL 1 ...... ;f i ; : IV..' rt ; - ; (Ur y v j La, MdJLMSf -' L;ture--- and diAOossion were held concemiiiig the or ganization of student councils, parliamentary procedures, aims and objectives, problems and projects. President Paul, 1st vice president Jean, and secre tary Meredith hope to initiate some of their new ideas this year. Meridith stated, "Our main boasts Oregon State as his Al ma Mater. ' New in the teaching field is physical educational Enthusiasts Learn Of Teaching Career Students professing a sin cere interest in teaching as and band d:rectcr, Mr. Eaoul Ieavinz AsManJ by Grey- instruc- houn bus at jnidniaiii, t.ic band arrived in Portland June 12 where they marched two miles in the Junior Rose Pa rada. Saturday they presented two pops concerts at the Cen tennial Exposition to celebrate Jackson County Day. Entertainment and sight-see- u, u 4..J.... rareer are invito to loin Ihc ing trips included Jantzen to use the student council more. Dr. Arthur Taylor Future Beach:. tn Grand nraI Pf" Express your ideas to your class or club president or at tend the meetings yourself." Plans Formulated For Rogue Annual Teachers of America chapter. rade- Exposition and Trade tw. i,,u : ,,i Fair, and boarding the United ine club is composed of jun- . ' , , ,. .. . , . States Fleot and the Canadian lors and seniors in good scno- ,. . r lostic standing and displaying qualities essential for the teaching profession. Students' meals and lodging were paid for by the money ,, , .. they raised through various ac H' . , , ,10u:j spring months. Approximate Judy, left, participated In Ashland's Shakespearean Festival this summer as one of the musicians. . Classic Studio Shakespearean Event Beckons AHS Student Work started before school teachers for the future," ac for members of the Rogue Aa- cording to Mrs. Lucy 6usee, nual staff as copy and adver- advisor. Using plans were formulated. To achieve the f.T.A. Members of the staff are members explore teaching as Carolyn Smith, editor; Karen a career Qualities, necessary Fieguth, assistant editor; Mary training and scholarships are Ann Dawson, advertising man- djscussed . ager; Jean Forrest, advertising "L ' . ..' sUff; Emma Hakes, Business Tentative plans for tne year manager; Chuck Bounds, art else, include speakers from Uie editor; Roberta Ritchie, index- c."?e- observin passes in or- t ,, crr.rt! rti Ashland schools, and making SIZri iSSZimaSL?-""' Fetching Outfits expense of the trip was $1,800. In October the band plans to sponsor a potluck dinner at which they will show movies, slides, and still shots taken during the trip. The 'Ashland band hopes to take another trip this year . . . destination unknown. Pepsters Feature Cbildreth, and Janice Ander son, staff. Pep Club members are A summer supplement will be VERSATILE GLASS EXPERT proudly sporting new uniforms an additional feature again this rscATrc Bin cc ripirrv this vmp FtnroH ar rcrci. "Friends, fellow students, Cleopatra." year. The supplement pictures ' jj,, rej plaid skirts, white and townspeople: Lend me The recorders used in the events too late to be included Honored at the September blouses, red vests, white jJioes. your ears!" Although these are plays and for the music for the in the regular yearly edition. 15 National Assembly was Dr. anc white gloves. White ear not Shakespeare's exact words, dancers are known as the ' Melville who spoke on the his- muffs will be worn during Uie a similar speech might have Shakespearean flutes, which TRADITIONAL DANCE tory and Pec"13"1 of glass, football season. een the one which stimulated come in different clefs, such as roju.Fc rgAcu The purpose of Dr. Melville's The Pepsters form a march- the interest of Ashland stu- soprano, alto, and tenor. They wclv.uvc rnwan appearance was to "tell about ing group which is often seen dents who participated in this are made of wood, in tube Ashland-S sophomore class the common object called participating with the Flag year s Festival. form, and are perforated with presented the annual Welcome glass." He pointed out that Girls and the band. They also Don't for one minute believe les or .eaoh "gef P"" Dance for freshmen in the glass has not been given nlake up an organized cheering that teenagers don't like the aw the change in pitch of the form of a SQck hop Seplember enough consideration. As he section which is present at al- FestivaL Many were taking an notes. 15. Freshmen had the special explained the fundamentals of TOOst all Grizzly games, active part, not to mention Judy spent her spare time privilege of entering the dance glass. Dr. Melville made for the Officers for the Pep Club are those who watched the daily at the Festival drawing por- through a cardboard hole set school a tear vile replica and Ethel Redbird, president; Jean rehearsals and nightly playsi traits of the actors and actress- jn the main door. . a glass ship. Forrest, vice-president; Patri- Judy Bjoriie, a junior, was cs. Streamers fluttering from ; "In the future women will cia Parsons, secretary; and Ju- one of the musicians. Her per- .' Job's Daughter members of both doors and a "Hi Frosh" be wearing glass," he stated, di Johnson, treasurer. Club ad- fortnance included a musical 'the Ashland bethel also helped tign greeted the large crowd Glass can be made so that it visor is Miss Sandra Schuer- role in the play, "Antony and as usherettes at the Festival. who attended the dance. will not cut any surface.' mann.