Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 08, 1959, Image 1

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MAY 8. 1959
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Paul Alley Wins Prexy Post
In AHS Student Body Election
Paul Alley, junior, won the
office of student body president
in the school election May 1.
Paul came to AHS from jun
ior high with experience as
vice-president of the junior
high student body. In his fresh
man year at AHS he was elec
ted president of the class, and
this year he served as second
vice-president of the AHS stu
dent body. He participates in
two sports, baseball and basket
ball. In the race for the other of
' (ices the following were select
ed: Jeannie Millet, first vice
president; Forrest Farmer, sec
ond vice-president; Galen Rob
crson, third Vice-president; and
In a grand finale of the de- speaking and was a finalist in Meredith Williams, secretary,
i i . v,i j j; C4 r , ,. , . . Ida May will be treasurer.
. .,u..u,CIm,.,.u.1uM Rally Squad Selected
Pictured above ftom left to tight are Jane Yaple, Mr. He
Lewis, debate coach and Nancy Lininger.
Seniors Win State
Debate Tournament
orcd first-place state debate rank in afterdinner speaking,
trophy at the state tournament Ashland was also represent
in Corvallis April 17-18. ed at the state tournament by
After winning the compcti- district winners Linda Lewis
tive toumment, Jane and Nan- in poetry. Glen Taylor in radio,
cy represented Southern Ore- and ,B'U Lawrence in humor
gon in the state-wide elimina- ous interpretation.
iNancy uninger and Jane
Yaple captured first place
From a list of 22 candidates,
copped second place
honors in extemporaneous he ftricl debate tournament,
March 7, before going to the
state tournament representing
Southern Oregon district.
Duffy Selected
Editor of Paper
Editor of the Rogue New
for 1959-60 will- be Betty Duf
fy. Betty was assistant editor of
the paper this year and has
been active in journalism
throughout high school. She
attended the Western High
School Profs Institute in Au
gust, 1958, at the University of
Oregon Journalism School.
Betty has also been active
this year in FTA, pep club, and
honor society.
Junior Prom Is
Mystery Scheme
Everything is hush-hush on
the Junior-Prom slated for
May 22, from 8 to 12 in the
The Junior Prom committee
working with FBI secrecy, will
announce shortly the Queen
and the Princesses.
Swish! Boom!
Have you ever had the de
sire to see Mr. Buell or Miss
Schuerman in overalls?
May 15 is your opportuni
ty. The teachers have chal
lenged the students to a
school cleaning partv on a
Friday night after school.
Mrs. Susee has personally
challenged some of her stu
dents with the prediction
that she can wash windows
three 1'mes as fast as any of
her pupils.
Mr. Smith. Mr. Lewis,
Miss Henderson and several
other faculty members are
donning their work clothes
and challenging the students
to clean up our school and
Let's hope the students can
do as well.
The student council is
backing ho event and all
students and teachers will be
urged to participate.
six rally members of the rally
squad were selected along with
a yell queen.
Brenda Woods, junior, was
selected as yell queen. Rally
squad members elected were:
Sara Vandenburgh, Mikie O'
Kerfc, Gay Schwiebert, Gayle
Wollcr, Judy Lake, and Denuse
Election Tension Ran High
Jim Bjork, president of AHS
student body, finished the offi
cial election count at 3:30 Fri
day. More people voted this
year than in previous years
due to the increased enroll
ment of the student body.
Jim remarked, "Campaign
i-peeches and posters were ter
rific this year with enthusiasm
the best I've seen."
Campaign posters blanketed
the building before the election
with signs such as, "Have
Ideas Will Work," down to
plain "Vole for Me" signs.
The new officers will be in
stalled this month, according to
Seniors Rate
High Average
Every senior class has a few
students that are able to main
tain a 3.00 or better grade
point average. This year's class
has 27 students which is a high
number above 3 00. Of this
group, 17 are members of Hon
or Society. Sybil Hamilton has
the highest GPA.
The following senior stu
dents are graduating with the
GPA above 3.00:
Lynda Abbot, Gerald Allen,
Jim Bjork, George Converse,
Phyllis DeBoer, Mavis Enblom,
Jean Fisher, Cathy Fowler,
Clinton Gillespie, Sybil Hamil
ton, Duane Jarnagin, Jerry Joy,
Allan McKinnis.
Gcri Miller, Jodv Mittac.
sponsored BY henry CARR jeweler Jeanctte Oeser, Lee Osgood,
272 E MAIN Charcne Petersnn Mian- Ri,-lr.
Seniors going into space are pictured above. From left to cnbach Pat Roach Jnv-i ?iw
art, Braehm Woodcll, Ruth Wy
ant, Jane Yaple. Victor York.
, ,, , . Joyce Zickafoose.
By Terry Campbell series of colonies on various
and Duane Jarnigan planets and planetoids. This
Space travel has come a long revolutionary flight will be sionaries Ruth Johnson and
way since 1959. The United piloted by the famous test pilot, qcti Miller of course will
stales, ai me- present lime, -ut-'e oeiuy. ine engineer win make the passing pleasant
Space Flight Group
Are Ex-AHS Seniors
right - Dee eSlby
Dennis Johnson.
Phil Rodenmayer,
Terry Campbell and
(1966) is ready to set up a
be Victor York assisted by Jer
ry Brazicl. Lynel Libbey will
Sen-Tennial Senior Review '59-'60
By Bill Benson
The 1959 senior class has
nearly completed an outstand-
any other senior play and was Baccalaureate will be
observed by other high schools. Sunday, May 31, and
Support March of Dimes mencement, June 4.
In support of the Marcn ol Qn june 2 there will be a
Bank Established
The first Intomlanclar.
be our stewardess and Herb Bank will be established by
Bell wtll be the ships enter- jim Bjorki and rcmcmb4,r if
lalner- you can t trust your banker
Professions Represented who can you trust? Aocountant
Many professions are rcpre- Don Winner will keep the
sented among the brave pio- books straight, if possible, and
neers wno win neip to esiao- riay Allen will be the "effi-
ing year in service to the com- c.nir tmn. V , lish these colonies. Mary Ann cient" secretary
mnilV onrf rnlnrfnl ovont. - w. r - Ddriquei opcil lo M.T1101 S UU1J V n TAi il a., M
Briggs, Kay Dailey, Nancy Beauticians Gayle Mitts and
Lininger and Jane Yaple will Barbara Ford will keep our
attemot to educate the native henuiv in t..r n,.t,.u ..u
In the fall seniors ordered and offsprings of Somelhing else just as
thu""uCa.ruS a1d announct-mcnts the daring colonists. tant as being beautiful is be-
which they have already re- protected and police J
rS f l.wice as much year was outstanding with a Nancy Anderson will assist geant Art Kiser will be on the
f . 1,. .nv n(k.r t .1 t..j.. hi At the Dresent time .the sen- n,,-, T,m i inh in. o,,rA a 1 ;u.
a .0 " " - uapaiiese Un-inr. juujf maun . wat.a " ' MJ uaj anu infill.
w'N jdass. Senior was chairman and she was lors are going ahead with their ing treatment for space nostal- But in case this protection fails,
' -w princess, Priscil- hiahlv commended for her P'ans for commencement and ia Ray Childreth, space our families will be cared for
Bill b.iwoii ja Nielson, was good work. baccalaureate. pharmacist, will prepare the by the insurance policy sold to
crowned queen at the United skip Day Secret Class officers ot the class in- sugar pills. Because of this us by Sally Mackay.
Fund Dance. Senior skip day date is sec- elude: Bill Benson, president; treatment, funeral directors Banquet Prepared
The enior class pUy this ret, but when it comes, seniors Bon Johncoit. vice -president: Sue Heitz and Terry Campbell Shortly after our Itndtnj,
year. Cheaper by the Doten. will scatter and go in small Tat Roach, ccret.iry, Carol will be necessary in order to we will enjoy a marvelous ban
brought more gate returns than groups wherever they choose. Hohnstein, treasurer. care for the unfortunates. Mis- Continued on Pasre 5
sored a dance wnicn was sue- th. Taiiv Hn A Hanoo will
Last year the cessful. follow the banquet.
--iiiurs uatneu juniors ims year gave car
the United Fund washes and had charge of sev-
Drive, contrib- eral concessions,
uting nearly The senior assembly this
.wice as much year Was outstanding with a
any other Japanese theme. Judy Mann