PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS FRI JAN. 30, 1353 CAVEMEN, TORNADO, COMETS c) DEFEAT GRIZZLY CAGE CREW ' The Ashland Grizzlies drop- points but could not quite pull ped two Southern Oregon con- the game out of the lire, ference games over the week Ashland out-scored the Corn end. The hard hitting Grants ets from the field 30-26 but Pass- Cavemen defeated the the Comets' 13 out of 23 from Grizzlies 64-37 on Jan. 9, and the foul line bested Ashland's the Medford 'Black Tornado 7 out of 15. thumped the Grizzlies 55-39 Grizzly guard Don Taylor the following night. was high scorer for the game Grants Pass used a fast with 16 markers. Loyal Hig btcak offense and a tight de- iubotham scored 14 points for fense to grab a first quarter the Comets, lead of 22 to 1. They were nev- Other Grizzlies who broke er threatened from that time into the scoring column were on. Jim Bjork with 9 points, Doug Putman, from Grants Pass, Forrest with 4, Bob Johnson was the high sdorer for the with 5- steve Gray with 2. and game with 19 points. For Ash- Clark Smith with 1. land, Bob Johnson had 18 markers. Quarterly scores fav ored Grants Pass 22-1, 28-8, and 50-19. Medford Wins The Ashland Grizzlies look ed considerably better on Sat urday although they lost. At the end of the first quarter by the Medford J.V.'s at Med Medford led 15-6. Ashland ford Jan. 10, with the score at matched the Tornadoes point for point in the second quarter finishing it trailing 30-21. At the end of the third quarter, Medford led 43 to 31. The four- th quarter was very hard fought although Medford in- creased their lead to a game- winning 55-39. Medford's Jerry Anderson led the scoring with 21 points while Ashland's Bob Johnson chalked up 14 points. The Ashland Grizzlies drop- ped their first conference game of the season to the Crater comets on Jan. 2. rne game was played in Central Point with both teams playing in their conference opener. with Ashland pushing into the lead at the end of the first quarter 8-7. The lead changed hands four times in the second quarter but near the end of the quarter Crater forged into the lead by the score of 25 to 19. . Th. thii-H ito evenly matched with the Oom- ets upping their lead to 36-27. The Grizzlies came through brilliantly in the fourth quar- ter holding the Comets to 3 points. The Grizzlies scored 10 ' Ashland Bowlers Meet Competition By the process of elimina- Pairings: tion Ashland junior bowlers Varsity 97 Mitchell, A, determined who would enter pinned Hurst, G, 0:48, 1st. bowling competition a-gainst 105 Fisher, A, pinned Medford and Klamath Falls for Strauss, G, 0:50, 1st. match-game competition Sat., 114 Parker, A, pinned Dec. 31 at Klamath Falls. Watson, G, 0:48, 2nd. Terry Campbell, Wes Eaton, 122 Densley, G, pinned Harold Andersen, Gene Put- Ccnners, A, 0:43, 2nd. man and Jack Elder rolled 129 Fairington, A, deci highest series and were chosen sioned Rustin, G, 4.0 Ashland's top ten-pen "stars" 135 Snyder, A, decisioned to meet out-of-town "stars." Berry, G, 7-2. Terry and Wes, seniors, both 140 Georgianna, A; deci have averaged highest this year sioned Mosely, 3-2. in the league with 165. 147 Johnson, A, decision- Trophies will be given o ed Miller, G, "9-4. bowlers rolling a 200 game. Past history of the Ashland sanction of American Junior Bowling Congress (AJBC) re cords that Wes and Terry have taken a 200-game cup from a Medford tournament. Jack Colley, AJBC coach, predicted, "The Ashland 'five' with any luck at all, should come out on top in this tourna ment. They are among the best junior bowlers in Southern Oregon." GRUBER'S SHOE SERVICE New Shoes Are Sold and Old Shoes Are Resoled 383 E. MAIN Medford Tops Ashland 35-21 Ashland J.V.'s were topped the half 21 to 17 and the game ending with the score 35 to 21, with Medford leading the whole game. Pentland was the high point man for the Ashland J.V.'s and Quinney was the high point man for Medford with a total of six points. L'"ups Ashland J.V.: Pentland 6, Harris 5, Tucker 5, Voris 5, Cameron 0. Medford J.V.: Dawson 3, Ragsdale 5, Quinney 6, Barry 5, Jensen i, Jseig 3, oasuneau 4 . miiu.. 1. Ashland Mat men W lSrl Jlenaai6 ..... ,Ahland1 Q matmen. top- " XY uul . " varsuy mawn- es, df Glendale by a score or f. an- 10- in l """""" took 6 out of 8 with a score of 2-8- In the varsity matches, Ken Mitchell, Doug Fisher, Buzz Parkfr won by P'ns- whUe Dar'1 Fairmgton, Bob Snyder, Bob Grgianna Ro" Johnson Gary Harth, Glen Tabor, and Don Woods won by decisions. The preliminary winners in cluded Jim Susee, Bob Allen, Steve Bennett by pins; while Stan Quinton, Jack Mills, and Don Wick won by decisions- 150 Coate, G; decisioned Haynes, A, 5-0. 167 Marth A, decisioned D. Troxell, G, 9-0. 177 Tabor, A, decisioned L. Troxell, G, 9-6. EBERHART'S Athletic Headquarters Sporting Goods 279 East Main SWEET -SHOP Thick Milk Shakes Juicy Hamburgers irT in m t iwmmimywmiMto& il imniiiniitiTiiiwifrtfiiiiiillfl'iiooiilnimffiffli m mmmA ' n Left Jo right Bob Johnson, A. hooking up th shot; Bob Drace, K; Jim Hall, K; Bob Peterson, K: Clark Smith, A; and Jim Bjork, A. By Jim The record of the AHS Griz- zlies in basketball does not in dicate the closeness of the games tost, nor the quality of the teams they have played to date. Three of the opposing teams, Medford, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls, are among the top ten teams in the state and represent top competition. Ashland may be the team' to teams. chances The Grizzlies have definitely looked better in recent games and onr win could Let the ball rolling." Who knows, Ashland may even send a team to the state tournament. Award Assembly The first award assmbly of the ycr was neld Jan 20 A. wards were given for frosh football, lunior varsity and var ... . , - ,, sity football. Members of the teams re ceived letters and special a wards were given to the fol lowing: Al McKinnis was chosen on the all-conference team; Bob Rosenbaum, cho sen on the second team all conference: and Art Kiser, Steve Gray and Doug Forrest received honorable mention awards. Rosenbaum also received a trophy for being the best OESER'S SERVICE STATION Phone MU 9-9316 FLYING "A" PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CORSAGES ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP & GREENHOUSE Ashland, Oregon SHORT'S EAST SIDE PHARMACY Prescriptions We Give S & H Stamps Ashland, Oregon STOP! k School Needs k Groceries ic Meats MARKET 842 Siskiyou BASKET Phone 5841 Susee blocker of the year A tro phy for being picked as tb team's most inspirational player of Jhe year was a- warded to Ron Johnson. J.V.'s Lose lo Grants Pass Ashland's J.V.'s lost to the Grants Pass J.V.'s by a score 01 J' to here Jan. 9, with Grants Pass leading the whole game. ' ' . .. . . Harris was top scorer for boln teams with a total of 13 points. Perkett was leading man lor me winning team with a total of 12 points. Lineups: Ashland: Pentland 4, Harris 13, Tucker 6, Voris 0, Cameron 2, Jackson 0. Grants Pass: Jannsen 9, Pur kett 12, Hansilton 2, Nealy 3, Walker 9, Harris 0, Koan 0, and Meek 2. m SUPPORT TnE TEAM PERSONALITY PORTRAITS at MEMORY LANE STUDIO 293 East Main PROVOST FURNITURE 357 E. Main Phone 5-5811 S & H Green Stamps Watches Rings Chains Costume Jewelry Bar B. J. JEWELERS 283 Main GO ! GO ! GRIZZLIES Your Favorite Cleaners tAt Free Monile Moth Prcofing COLLEGE CLEANERS Exciting ... PELS, COMETS THUMP BRUINS Ashland Grizzlies lost to the Klamath Falls Pelicans, Jan. 16 with a score of 54-38. On Jan. 17, they lost by only two points to the Crater Comets. The final score was 49-47. Klamath Pelicans defeated . the Grizzlies at the free toss line with a 20-8 margin. The Pelicans led the Grizzlies with field goals, 17-15. The quarter ly scores favored Klamath 6-5, 20-11, and 32-33. Bob Peterson, Klamath, led the scoring with 15 points. : The Crater Comets grabbed a thriller from the Grizzlies on Saturday night. In the final minutes of the game, the Griz zlirs cut the lead to one point. Dennis Pfaff sent the Grizzlies' hope down with a field goal. Wayne Allen, Crater, sunk a gifter to give the Comets a four point bulge. Grizzly Bob Johnson sunk two free throws, and with only thirty seconds kft, the Comets didn't recover the ball. Jim Bjork was high for the Grizzlies with 12 points: Den nis Pfaff was high for the Pel icans with 13. PERRINES Better Clothes and Shoes for Less Money On tha Plasa ASHLAND DRUG "Grissly" Ballpoints Prescriptions Cosmetics Costume Jewelry 257 East JAala SISQ CONFECTIONERY 607 Siskiyou Ashland Headquarters for School Supplies THE MART 270 E. Main S & H Green Stamps FORD AND MERCURY Sales with Service JIM BUSCH z)) FORD SALES Ashland , 1 11 ry!yJjL UThA I I Y I ft D Brunswick Automatics Ashland Bowling Lanes 30 So. First St. OPEN 1 TO 12 7 DAYS A WEEK Phone MU 2-0032