Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, January 30, 1959, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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FRI.. JAN. 30. 1959
Do We Need a Teen Bjork Wins U.S. Bank Award
Center for Ashland?
"It can't be true, but I have
been surprised before," com
mented Jim Bjork as he receiv-
Does Ashland desperately need a recreation cen-
xer ior teen agers : in a recent survey among stu
dents the results show that one is needed.
When the new junior high school is built, some
f a;-
Wanted! Name Ideas
Bank this month from Mr. A.
C. Fries, Jr., manager.
Jim is AHS student body
nrciint on4 fnr ths net tnrn
students feel the old junior high would be a satisf ac- years has been a member of the
tory place for teen-age recreation. The gym could be varsity basketball team. His
utilized for an all-around athletic program and the f "Y"?,65 e a,1f"er1 in
, . ., j i- football, president of the Jun-
rooms could serve the needs of all age groups. lor ciass ln 1957-58; fofmer of-
Many say they would like to have outdoor facil- ficer ot the Ski club and a
ities 'for night baseball and softball in addition to an J" tee AHS Letter"
indoor recreation Spot. ' ' Mores from Minnesota
The majority of the students feel that our civic 1s im' fourth year in
leaders will do a good job planning for the future so SfneUu TtaThe fiS
that all teen-agers and the community will be con- got a taste for skiing, "i always
sidered. ' like to take a sneak during
basketball season and schuss
down a hill maybe-Shasta,"
chuckled Jim.
Bank Program Varied '
Under this bank-college pro-
The Rogue News has been presenting the news banchTf'lhe
under this name for thirty-eight years. u. s. National after his gradua-
It started as a one page newspaper but since ion m,J"ne- H? wil1 contin"e
., , , , . . , . to work there for a year, be-
then has advanced to four pages and still presents tore entering the college of his
the news on time. - choice. The bank will pay to
We need to change the name bue we'd like to Tlneff eTa" Unt
keep our emblem of the bear's head. Some of the sug- versity of Oregon or Oregon
gestions that were made are "Ashland Hi-Lites," state college for Oregon resi-
"Bear Facts," "Grizzlies' Growl," and "Bear Paws." ents Also, the bank allows
' ' Jlm jo0 eacn conege year for
We'd like to know the Student Body's opinion a text book allowance.
of changing our school paper's name. He WH attend college four
terms and then alternately
work for a year until his col
lege graduation. The program
will take approximately six
years to complete.
Bjork Expands Council
Under Jim Bjork the student . .
A contest will te sponsored toy the Rogue News rounc" government 01 Asmana
to keep the ball rolling for Oregon's birthday. ITrorT ET VSTt
Many of our students have grandparents and the executive committee, and By Betty Duffy
relatives who know "authentic hair raisin" stories to class , and club presidents. fa what way are you recog. Have you ade 13ur Ncw
and history about Ashland vicinity. ui, inted stdets nizing Oregon's 100th birtn" Ycar s resolution yet? m-ro is
Prizes will be given those students with the best who -wish to attend. Although day? ' . s..d "e: ,Rolvc to give to
contributions on the following items. these "visitors" have no vot- With teachers setting he ex-
0 , ing power their sueeestions amples, several students have Wirougn support ot your class
1. Historical markers near your home. angd pd7CUSSions are lotted also begun sprouting and sport- projects.
2. Landmarks that were popular 100 years aeo. Through tn own mino a ing a reminder of early fron-
3. Important relatives Who are relatives Of AIIS hoped that a stronger partici- tier days; the Van Dyck
Students. pation in school business and beard. For those of you ln-
win De Drougm a- .. .....
Contest for Oregon's
Centennial Birthday
Mr. Archie Fries, Jr., manager of the Ashland branch of the
United States National bank, shown presenting the bank
scholarship to Jim Bjork, AHS student body president.
4. Historical literature on the history of teen
agers and the high school.
5. Pictures that are authentic of relatives of
AHS students.
Let's all help make Oregon's 100th birthday a
success. Get your story ready and watch for further
announcements from Rogue News.
What Is the Conant Report!
In a report made by the position each year.
Carnegie Corpo ration Dr. 5. Offer a special English
James Bryant Conant, former course for twelfth grade pupils
president of Harvard presented lagging in English,
to the corporation some top 6. A good high school should
level standards, formulated limit elective subjects to about
from a study made among half a pupil's time, and insist
21,000 high schools in the that electives add up to a mean
United States. ingful course of study, prefer
Some of the standards are ably in one field,
listed as follows: 7.A high school should offer
1. High schools must grad- four year courses in foreign
uate 100 graduates each' year, languages
2. A good high school should
With the villairous eye of
murder, the act was planned,
the trap was set. Much to their
Oregon Quiz
The bearded beauties are
being . talked about in the
halls of AHS.
Mr. Wind! has commented
that those seen in the halls
are authentic maybe yes
and maybe no, as far as
Old Oregon is concerned.
The Oregonian last Sun
day said thai the "chinigans"
were the most 100 years ago.
Many pictures and historical
research says the "ihaggyi"
were tops. Teachers, buy
your "mustache cups" today
and we'll drink a toast to
On February 14 Oregon will
on Mr Frosioriflrcnn . nnl nf
30 days to achieve his present 8fUe9ome delight, the next
morning iney lounu that the
bait had been taken. Again this
' cruel trick was planned, and
again the trap sprung. The
strategy of Jean Fisher and
Jane Yaple has removed from
the premises two mice: Gus
and Herman. S o beware;
whether or not you get caught
in a trap set by these cunning
girls may determine if you are
man or beast.
syt of whiskers.
Final exams are upon us
and the following is dedicat
ed to all those who have
trouble seeing their neigh
bor's paper in time of crisis:
I trusted you,
I thought you knew,
I copied you.
And I flunked, too.
ROGUE NtWS 1958-1959
Published every irrionth by the journalism class of
Ashland Senior High School, Ashland, Oregon
Editor-in-Chief '. . Pat Gibson
Assistant Editor Betty Duffy
First Page Editor Pat Dailey
Assistant ... . Sally Mackay
Second Page Editor . Judy Mann
Kathy Heinzman
8. A good high school should rpiphrat.. it. nm.hmHrith Assistant
require every student to take group pupils by ability, aub- birthday. Millions of visitors Third Page Editor ,. Terry Campbell
at least four years of English, ject by subject, so fast learners wiu be cormng into the state. Assistant Herb Bell
" ' B1UW In AHS we can get ready by Sports Page Editor Jim Susee
one year of U.S. history, one are not held
Cear of American eovernment. 9. The hieh school should 'TJL ti" 7 F"? Assistant Sports Editors .. Bill Baker, James Koga
one year of algebra or advanc- provide guidance in choosing jand area Business Manager .... Bev Johnson
ed mathematics, one year of courses; have a full time coun- ' .. T Exchange Editor ... Darlene Schcrcr
biology or general sicence. sellor for each 200-300 students you answer lnese- Assistant Ida May
3. Bright students are expect- enrolled in the school. j what teacher's father PnotoErapher Dave Jones
ed to take at least four years 10 Avoid isolating vocation- wro,e n book about Ash,and P&J)Editor Mavis Emblom
of English, four years of for- al students; let them take the Wonlen MilW Junior Staff . Ida May
eign language, four years of usual basic courses along with "olen muls- r?iy" Farmer. Anita Felter thane Gourley
history or social studies, three other students. , 2. Where was gold first Senior Staff Reporters ... Linda Lorton Judy Mann.
years of mathematics, three These are some of the stand- found m Jackson County? ake- p5 " DkPlev LvnrL.bhv k"vv w'
years of science and do 15-20 ards suggested by Dr. Conant. 3. What were the names of Maddox C
hours of homework each week. Others will be presented and Indian tribes in the area. Advertising Managers . . . .. Carol Hohnstein Judy Mann
4. Dr. Conant suggests test- discussed in the Rogue Naws 4. Who in AHS is related to Assistant Managers Charlcnc Peterson, Wanda Prettyman
ing all pupils in English com- at a later date. pioneer Amos Wilhts? Linda Lorton