MONDAY. APRIL 1. 1957 ROGUE NEWS PAGE THREE Match the Handles to the Hoofs 4 1 2 Quick Look Around the Campus By Your NOSY REPORTER Bud Silver, the curly-headed lad who gets hot just when points are needed led the Grizzlies to their 26-19 victory over Grants Pass. With the score tied 17 all. Silver hit a scoring spree, sinking 7 points in the last minute of play. a Ashland Grizzlies defeated the Klamath Falls Pelicans 27 23 in an easy victory. Bud Sil ver held high point honors for the Bears with 10 points. Ashland lost the first game of the two-game series 26-23. In the hard fought game decid ed only at the final gun. Silver was again high point man with 9 points. DILL GIVES EXHIBITION National School Assemblies presented Bob Dill in an ex hibition of archery at the high school gym Feb. 20. Dill, a professional archer for 12 years, explained the use of the bow and arrow in mo dern warfare. It was used by commandoes in World War II and the Korean War. Also ex plained was the use of the bow and arrow in hunting game. Bill Rooker, junior, assisted Dill in one stunt. INGLE DRUG Swedenburg Building SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOUNTAIN COSMETICS RICHMAID ICE CREAM V' mile south of the college 24 different flavors HELLO GRIZZLIES V IV J lour W. Favorite r Cleaners Free Monlle Moth Proofing COLLEGE CLEANERS YOU'LL SAVE! GROCERIES MEATS FRUIT VEGETABLES IDEAL SUPER MARKET 1475 Siskiyou Ashland Talent Many meetings have been held recently by the junior class in their planning of the junior-senior prom. Bud Silver i is in charge of the formal I event. I I The Boys and Girls Leagues combined last week to give a ' joint assembly program. Bud ' Silver was master of ceremon ies of the program which came from the music room of station "KAHS." u Said of the humor editor of the Rogua Nawt, "Bud Silver hands in good work for jour-nalism-that is, when he hands it in." a My typewriter seems to have slipped back through the years, for these news items, which seem to all concern Coach Bud 'Silver, can be found in the 1938 and 1939 issues of the Rogua Nawi. Next Issue. Your Nosy Report er will attempt to stay in the present. However, as a foot note to this column, here is a poem, from the pen of Mar garet Hull, which expresses the feelings of the students of AIIS for Coach Silver. Way back, you know when- Silver really wowed 'cm then Dashing madly up and down the football field. And when playing baskctball- Though he wasn't awfully tall When he ran onto the floor the girls all squealed. Then came further education Teaching children-his vocation And a glorious. Army hitch for Uncle Sam. He has had a grand career Now he's back and teaching here And no one could be gladder than we am. SWEET SHOP Thick Milk Shakas Juicy Hamburgars ASHLAND HOTEL COFFEE SHOP 67 East Main 'LET'S GET ASSOCIATED' KARL B. OESER ' 3S8 East Main 5 . . . STOP FOR ALL KINDS OF DRINKS AND CANDY Z U P E'S CONFECTIONERY 607 Siskiyou Ashland K.F. Overtakes Grizzlies 41-37 Klamath Falls overtook the Ashland High Grizzlies in the big game series on Feb. 23, by a final score of 41 to 37, in a shuffle marked by some crazy mixed up officiating, which brought a small, threatening crowd to the floor. This was stopped by the quick action of AHS coach Earl Iba before any real trouble occurred. Klamath led most of the time, except in brief periods when Ashland pulled into 13 10, 15-12 margins in the sec ond canto and 26-25 in the third. The Pelicans led at half time by 19 to 17. STEVE GRAY IS HIGH SCORER FOR FROSH Freshmen beat Crater, to the tune of 43-36, on Feb. 13. The game was slow moving but nip and tuck on the scoring all the way. Steve Gray was high man in the successful game with 22 points. Michael was high man for Crater with 10. Ashland Freshmen also had a victorious win over K. Falls on Feb. 22, here in the local gym, with a brilliant score of 57-51. Ashland went ahead with 2 minutes left in the game. Har- ley Dickerson sank eight straight free throws in the last 3 minutes of play to win the game. The last two of these were after the final buzzer on a foul committed just as the game ended. Steve Gray again led as high scorer, with 23 points. Dunson was high for K. Falls with 16. Ashland Freshmen lost their final game to Medford with a score of 28-46. The Frosh team went down fighting trying to make their last game of the season as successful as their ones were with Crater -and Klamath. a a Support the advertisers. SCHELL'S RADIO SHOP Emerson and Zenith TV 151 North Pioneer B J JEWELERS 283 E. Main Watch Repairing Jewelry Art Carved Diamond Rings STEAK HOUSE OPEN 24 HOURS "Where the Gang Meets" SEE US FIRESTONE STORE ON THE PLAZA For two bits or ona-fourth of a dollar match tha follow ing handlas to tha hoof above. Just write tha names on a piece of paper, number them, sign your name and the date, and turn it in to Mr. Buell In room 29. Dean Freeman. Jamee Lee, John Cullop. Ray Childreth. Richard Hakes. Lyle Hinrichs. and Meredith Williams. Plaller Parfv Sialic AHS Platter Party has com petition from faraway Mos cow. The same tunes crash through the air but with red- tinged titles. Topping the list were 1. Lets Be Cruel 2. Red Door 3. Torture Me Tender 4. Throw Mama Under The Train 5. Friendly Persecution 6. Long Tall Eva 7. Siberian Sunset 8. Wake the Town and Kill the People 9. Red Monday 10. Hon ky Tank 11. Vodka for Two 12. Let's Bomb It Up 13. Molo- tov's Hideaway 14. Hate Me 15. Red Sails in Poland 16. Not Enough 17. Party Duel 18. Russian Farewell 19. Playing For Keeps ('Til We Get Caught) 20. Let's Tear It Down 21. Whatever Will Be. Won t Be 22. Mutual Assasination Society 23. I Almost Lost My Head 24. Poor People of Mos cow 25. Hey, Jealous Leader 26. Nightmares Are Made of This 27. Shoot and Run Waltz 28. Kremlin Can Help It 29. Transfusion 30. Blood Hound. CAROL ANN FASHIONS Skirts and Joan Marie Sweaters Always Latest Styles SHORT'S EAST SIDE PHARMACY Walgreen Agency Prescription Druggist WICK'S FURNITURE STORE 297 East Main ALL KINDS WJ OP I VJ I RECORDS it S It H Savings Stamps if School Supplies THE MART If your Hair is not Becom ing to you, you should be comimg to us ASHLAND HOTEL ' BEAUTY SHOP 69 E. Main ASHLAND DRUG "Gristly" Ballpoints Prescriptions Cosmetics Costume Jewelry 257 East Main New School Plan For Next Year After almost a year as super intendent of the Ashland School system, Dr. Howard Balderstone has reached the conclusion that Ashland High school students are working too hard. In order to remedy this situation there will be more vacations beginning next year. Students will attend school for three weeks of each month and then have a week's vacation. Seniors have expressed de light that this new rule will not affect them. The only dis approval comes from the teachers who are complaining because they won't have enough papers to grade during the week's vacation. However, Mr. Jobe feels that this is a great improvement in our school. TRITES COFFEE CO. TRI-RICH COFFEE 490 "A" Street . . . FINEST FOODS it Quality Groceries Meals WHITE HOUSE MARKET 372 E MAUI PERRI N E'S Better Clothes and Shoes for Lmi Money On the Plaza PLAZA GROCERY On the Plasa SIMPSON'S HOME TOWN HDWE. Ph. 8031 - On the Plaza Ashland WITH 7 PERSONALITY PORTRAITS PHOTO FINISHES CAMERA SUPPLIES MEMORY LANE STUDIO 293 East Main