WED., DEC. 19. 1956 ROGUE NEWS PAGE THREE Letters from Santa's Mr. Santa Claus North Pole Up North Dear Santa Baby, How's it going in the co-o-o-1 North Pole? We just hope you're doing better than we are, for we are very blue, and so now it's up to you, to make us feel like new. So therefore we request that you do your very best, and bring us what we need. First, we both need a new brain, as Mr. Lewis and his de bate have completely de molished ours. And while we are on the subject of debate, Jean is in desperate need of a new debate text. That last "drop" was about all it could take. If this rainy weather is to continue long, Vivian is going to need some new red hair. Do see if you can get some. If you can bring us these things, dear Santa, we will only ask for one thing more, and that is that our boys can go to state this spring. That's all for now Santa, so have a Merry Christmas. Love, Jean and Viv Dear Santa, We have decided we want the same thing for Christmas. Our Mama's said we were too young last year for the present we want, but we think we are old enough this year. Santa, could we please have a junior or a senior boy? Please don't put them under the Christmas tree because we want them at least 5 feet 10. Please don't throw them down the chimney either 'cause we don't want them bruised. Just bring them an the front door. Don't send them with diapers 'cause we want something older. We would be very happy, Santa if you would give us one this Christmas. Thanks, Santa. Yours truly, Donna Petite and Lois Hamilton P. S. Merry Christmas to you and the Mrs. Dear Santa Claus, I already have my two front teeth so I don't have anything in particular to ask for now. But I would like to ask for an electric blanket for my doll. This Oregon weather is so different from the weather in Mississippi that she just PERRINE'S Belter Clothes and Shoes for Lest Money On the Plaza k S & H Savings Stamps it School Supplies THE MART HELLO GRIZZLIES Your FaTorile Cleaners k Free Monile Moth Proofing COLLEGE CLEANERS ALL KINDS "H$L RECORDS freezes. I wish you could send my real doll back from Missis sippi too. I'm sure you would like him. The only big thing I want is a jet airplane. I feel so left out because all my friends have one and I have to stay home every weekend while they are in South America. I also want you to bring Mr. Osborn a new stick with rub ber sides and bells so he won't bang the desk so hard. We can hear him coming with the bells. I wish you would bring all the teachers new pens. Every six weeks their old pens get so shaky. You should see the fun ny letters they make for ones. Thank you very much, Faye Dear Santa, How are you. I hope you're not ill. How is Rudolph, and the others. I have been a good girl, I think! I've tried awful ly hard to be good. Now getting on down to the hard part, do you know that adorable Elvis the Pelvis? You should. Oh don't raise such a ruckus, I'm only asking for an Elvis Pelvis teddy-bear. I've al ways wanted something to put on my bed, so being as there are Elvis Pelvis teddy-bears, I'd like one very much. I'll even leave you some more cookies and milk and I'll try not to leave the sugar and eggs out this time. And I won't turn the oven on so high. They were a little bit too brown last time. I'd like to stay up and have a midnight snack with you but I get awfully sleepy by 8:00 so I'd better go on to bed. I'll leave my stocking on the Thick. Milk Shakes Juicy Hamburgers SWEET SHOP Pouch door knob because as vou know we have no chimney. I'm sorry about that because I for got to tell you we only have a wood stove so I'll leave the door open for you. Well that all I can say for now. So good bye. Love Liz. P.S. Don't forget about my dog, we still have him with us. I'm sorry about the last tmp Honest he didn't moan to tear a hole in your pants but he's our watchdog. Mama patched them up well enough didn't she? I hope so because its cold enough without an air conditioner in your pants. Dear Santa, I have not been a very good boy this year, but I would like something. I would like some tinkertoys. Please bring my mommie a mink coat and my daddy a Cad. Please bring my sister a teddy bear. Bring my neighbor Elvis Presley. (It does not have to be gift wrap ped.) Bring my dog a bone, my cat a mouse, and my squirrel a nut. Robert Wasner P. S. Please don't forget my tinkertoys. Dear Santa, Honestly Santa, it seems like years since last Christmas. Gosh, wouldn't it be wonderful if you could come twice a year? Santa, remember last year when I asked you for a little hot rod for me? I realize now that I was being very stingy. This year, Please Santa, would you mind very much bringing certain senior boy a big hot rod? I'm sure he wouldn t mind what kind it was just as long as it is one of the new 57's. You sec, he lost his car by running into a tree. I know it wasn t his fault, the tree just moved out in front of him. You know how that is, don't AL'S SPORT SHOP k HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES LICENSES GUNS - AMMUNITION 161 E MAIN ASHLAND you Santa? That isn't asking for too much is it? Please Santa, that is all I'm asking for. I know you won't let me down this year, will you? Here's hoping, (Stingy) Dear Santa, Please bring me a '34 Ford three window coupe, with a super charged '57 Cadie motor, Lincoln gears, twin pipes, knock off spoke wheels, and two speed rear end. . Very truly yours, John Doe P. S. Bright Red! Dear Santa Claus, Would you please bring me a toy tractor, an electric train. and a counting machine for my algebra teacher. I've been a very well, sort of good or kir.d of good, anyway girl. Your Pal, Marianne Dawson e Dear Santa, I have been a good girl ex cept for when I got into mom my's powder and spilled it all over the floor. I did not do what I was told a few times. But if you think I should get something for Christmas, please send a nice warm coat for mommy and some cigars for my daddy and my sister has been a good girl so please send her a teddy bear. I want most of all a dolly that looks real and wets and crys. Thank you, Judy Hannon P. S. There will be cocoa and cookies waiting for you. Dear Santa, I would like you to do me a big favor. You see, there's a good friend of mine who's name Is Gordon Hall and he's kind of bashful so he asked me if I would write to you for him and these are some of the things that he would like to have. He wants an electric train a pool table, a poker deck with ! chips, and a pair of loaded dice. But most of all he wants genuine Dick Tracy wrist radio. Oh, and I almost forgot he wants a Roy Rogers' gun and holster set with real cap guns and real leather holsters. He's a pretty good egg so throw in a pair of roller skates just for kicks. With love, Mike December 7, 1956 Dear Santa Claus: I've been real good all year and I am even leaving you a note pinned to my stocking saying that you can have part of my candy since you ve been good too. (I hope!) Now, let's get down to busi ness. I sent in my order couple of years ago but in case you lost it, I'll tell you .again I would like a very pale lav ender Lincoln with a little black puppy in the glove com partmcnt to keep Judy, Kathy RICHMAID ICE CREAM mile south of the college 24 different flavors HAMBY'S DRIVE IN MARKET PHONE 5161 180 C Street GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES MEATS d me safe when we're riding around in it. Please don't forget. I'll leave the garage door unlocked. Thanks bushels, Santy. . . . December 7, 1956 Dear Santa, First I'm going to tell you of all the good things I've done this past year. I have been very good all year long. I haven't been sassy to my mother and father and I never get in any fights with my brother. I think this is a very good record especially for me. Now I will tell you of the few things I want for Christ mas. It isn't very much so I hope I get it. A 24-inch dancing doll, a incoln convertible, cream or baby blue whichever you have, and a diamond bracelet like the one at the B and J jewelry store in Ashland. It as 24 diamonds, that s not too many is it? I could also use a car like a Chevrolet or Ford for a sec ond-hand car. I did want a '57 model though. There are a few more minor things but if I get these I'll be very satisfied. P. S. Don't ftrgel my two front teeth. Thank you. Judy e Dear Santa, Now that Christmas is here igain, I will as- you for a few small tokens of good wishes; you know just a few nick nacks to last another year. I would like a hair from tl- vis Presley's side burns (if he oesn't mind.) Pleasp eive me a new Jagu ar to fit in the platinum coated garage you gave me last year. Mr. Johnson needs anoiner quart of grasshoppers for we used them all up in 6th period biology class. Well 1 euess thai s all for this vear. Oh! Wait. I almost forgot Nelson Wheeler, wants dolly that wets, but he s sorta Thanks a lot, Olive Taylor e Dear Santa Claus, I hope you have been good all year long, I know I have not been good at all. Flease bring my Mom two fcood kids and my dad a "Solid Gold Cad illac.' Bring my brother a bot tle and some safety pins. He is a small boy, just twelve years old. You can bring me a switch and some smart pills. Thank you. Donna Wallace P.S. There will be some cookies and coke on the chair in the closet for you. Don't make too much noise opening the botle and put the cap in the garbage can. Continued on Page 4 STOP! FOR k School Needs k Groceries Meats MARKET BASKET 842 - Siskiyou Phone 5841 k PERSONALITY PORTRAITS PHOTO FINISHES CAMERA SUPPLIES MEMORY LANE STUDIO 293 East Main