PAGE TWO ROGUE NEWS WED.. DEC. 19. 19S6 The Real Meaning of Christmas Christmas is coming again and with it comes the holiday vacation from December 21 to January 2. In thinking ahead you naturally think of the fun you're going to have, the people with whom you're going to associate, all of the pretty presents you'll get, and, of course, of the food you'll have to eat. But, do you ever stop to think of the real mean ing of Christmas? Christmas has a bigger meaning, 'a deeper meaning, than just these few things. Yes, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord so many centuries ago in a stable in Bethlehem. The holiday spirit mentioned above is fine, but you're getting older now and should give some seri ous thought to the topic. Americans are free to lead their own lives, to celebrate Christmas in their own way and be happy knowing that they are right. Think, though, of the many countries where the people aren't free and are forbidden to celebrate this day, or of the places where poverty is so prevalent as to hinder finding joy on Christmas. Therefore, thank God on this day of days for what you have, for what you are (an American,) and for what you have a chance to be and ask Him to help less fortunate people see and celebrate the great glory of Christmas. N Recipe for a Boy Mix together: cup personality Vz cup wit cups charm Blend in:. Complexion Jim Wright Nose Bobby Hodgins Dimples Glines Twins Voice Jack Tobiasson Mold into: Build Jerry Stubblcficld Hair Jack Pruitt Eyes Dale Olson Walk Gerald Troxel Garnish with: Brains Larry Neal Clothes Jim Busch Dancing Jack Eberha'rt Athletic ability Tom Delsman Santa's Treasure Hunt . . . Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? If not. we have a few suggestions you may not have thought of. Some people are easy to shop for, but for others, you need to give something a little bit different. For a unique gift for that person that takes a great deal of pride in his home, why not give a permanent flower arrangement? The MARKET BASKET has them in non-fading colors so that they are permanently lovely. For those little brothers and sisters, we have a large as sortment of toys from $.09 to $.99. For the adults we have some real cozy moccasins for home comfort. We also have men's stretch socks, lunch boxes for grade school children and several cosmetic selections. Come in and see us about your Christmas poultry. For holiday fun, get the gang together for a bowl ing party at Ashland Recreation. We have four wonder ful bowling lanes. Bowl a few lines, then step over to the fountain for a cool bottle of pop or a rich, smooth milkshake. Remember, to make your holiday more en joyable, go to Ashland Recreation at 30 South First Street. Our phone number is 2-2731. With all the special holiday shopping, parties, and that New Year's Eve date, you need an extra special hairdo. Come in to the Klip 'n' Kurl and let us help you pick a hair style that will be the most becoming to you. And girls, "We need your head to run our business." You'll probably be seeing one or more shows dur ing the holidays. For that "before show snack" stop here at the Ashland Hotel Coffee Shop. We're open from 5:30 to 8:30. "Try our hamburgers ask the kids that buy them." No Christmas season Is complete without at least one unexpected name suddenly popping up on your Christmas gift list. If this problem confronts you, run down to the Corner Grocery (Fourth and A) and make a selection from the various gift items available. We have Viv lipsticks, nylon hose and other suggestions for the ladies on your list. For a "live" Christmas gift, why not give one of our lovely plants? We have azaleas, cyclamens, poinsettas and unique dish gardens. If you run out of Christmas wrappings, we also have a com plete line of Christmas paper and ties. Each of us want to wish the students of Ashland High School a very merry Christmas, and we want to thank you for your patronage in the past year. We hope that you will continue to come to us for friendly service and helpful suggestions in the coming year. THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS What does Christmas mean to you? It seems like each year that Christmas means a time that a person gets a present and a time to see relatives. What has happened to the spiritual part of Christmas? Have the people of this world forgotten that December 25 is the birthday of Christ, and it should be spent in rejoicing that Christ was born on that day. What do you do on Christ mas day? Do you neglect the spiritual part of Christmas or do you just think of what you have received from your rel atives? Think about it! "Is Santa Claus real?" This question is asked by troubled young children every year. Al so, every year, parents worry about their children finding out there is no Santa Claus, Why worry? Your children will find out some day any how. As for losing faith in you for leting them believe in him. they won't. They might be litle let down, but they will probably think it is more fun giving presents, too, rather than just receiving them. Christmas is the day that commemorates the birth of the Christ Child in the manger in Bethlehem. Christmas dates only from the fourth century. Although there are earlier references to the celebration of the feast in some places, the early Chris tians worshipped mainly in secret. The exact date of Christ's birth is not known, and for a time various days were chose for this feast, but in the 4th century, Dec. 25 was general ly adopted. The name Christ mas comes from Christ's Mass, the Mass said in honor of his birth. The Christmas tree was used in Germany as early as 1605. According to an old legend it's burning candles represent the flowers supposed to bloom on Christmas Eve. -Ideal Girl- Looks Kathy Guinn Shape Diane Lohman Eyes Gee Hodgins Eyelashes Marianna Fletcher Teeth Darlene Miller Walk Betty Sorenson Hair ... Peggy Rhodes Legs Bev Hakes Dimples Margaret Calvary Personality Barbara Johnson Clothes Louise Ward Lips Vivian Stevenson Complexion Judy Heinzman Nose Jeanne Kecnan Dancing Evey Doets Fun Maureen Strombcrg Likable Judy Johnson Across the Office Desk! It is often heard that students don't have time to do their homework, that they don't have time to tudy. To find out for sure whether or not you have enough time to do your school work, sit down and work out a time budget. Make a twenty-four hour chart of the things you have to do each day. Note that I emhasize have to do, and it will be quite prob able that you will find that you have much more time for your studies than you think. Many sudents waste valuable time by not hav ing good study habits. Good study habits begin with taking good notes in class. The following rules might be helpful ones for you to make learning much easier and grades much higher: 1. ' Always take a note book and pencil or pen to every class. 2. Take good notes. 3. Listen, then write. Don't concentrate so hard on writing the words that you miss the sense of the lecture or recitation. 4. Try to co-ordinate your notes so they all add up to a complete outline or theme of the subject be ing studied. 5. Listen carefully and write down the main ideas as neatly as you can. You may also learn by using the P-Q-R-S-T study method : P. Make a 4 or 5 minute PREVIEW of your as signment. Look through it and find all the topical headings and read the first sentence of each para graph. Q. QUESTIONS. When you have formed a gen eral idea of the subject matter, make up a few ques tions that you can expect to find answered in the text. R. READ the lesson from beginning to end. S. STATE what was in the lesson after you have read it. T. TEST your memory of the lesson the next day by re-stating what you read the day before. How many times can you answer yes to the fol lowing questions: Do I carry a pencil and notebook to class ? Do I pay attention in class? Do I ask questions when something is not Do I budget my time? Do I have a good light and quiet place to 1.- 2. 3. clear? 4. Do I understand exactly what my assign ment is? 5. Have my eyes and ears been checked re cently? 6. 7. study? 8. Do I have access to an encyclopedia and dictionary? 9. Do I have available pens, erasers, rulers, etc ? 10. Are my homework papers neat? 11. Do I really try to concentrate when I read? 12. Do I think about what I am reading instead of just memorizing facts? If you have 4 or less answers on this test, you had better get busy. If you have between 5 and 8, you can do better. If you have between 9 and 10, you've got the idea. If you had all 12 answered YES, go to the movies you deserve a break. GOOD LUCK and good studying. ROGUE NEWS Published every month by the Journalism class of the Ashland Senior High School, Ashland, Oregon Editor-in-Chief Lynn Susce Assistant Editor Florence Byrd Feature Editors Sharon Harden, Joy Lorenz Second Page Editor - Yvonne Click Third Page Editor . Judy Campbell Sports Editor . Pat McKinnis CoBusiness Managers Beverly Johnson, June Maddox Exchange Editor . Diane Bowlin Reporters Staff members, Jeanette Therres. Carla Phelps Freshman Reporters Betty Duffy, Neva Thompson, Jim Susee, Linda Buchanan and Sandra Barriger Adviser , jl R. D. Bucll