Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1956)
mm CITIZEN OF THE SIX WEEKS NANCEE BISSELL For outstanding work in the Grizzly Ski Club. CITIZEN OF THE SIX WEEKS GERALD STOWELL For outstanding work as projectionist and in the con cessions. "-Pshed by thTjjjl Oregon . Hi rfk ?i i VZ "dents of the AsKlaod Xi i - TUES.. NOV. 20. 1956 ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL. ASHLAND. OREGON Lellermen Will Hold Smoker "Triple - header basketball season tickets will be the greatest packaged bargain ever offered in the Ashland Griz zlies history," stated Tom Dels man, president of the Grizzly Letterman's club. Three triple headers consisting of games played by the college team, the high school JV's, and the high school varsity will be the main events. Season tickets for re served seats are on sale for $7.50 and for general admis sion seats for $5.00. On Dec. 13, the club will sponsor a smoker. The main attractions will be boxing and wrestling matches featuring high school students. A mys tery auto will be awarded to the student who sells the most tickets. Plans to select an honorary letterman's club of towns people of Ashland have been made, according to Jim Busch. The club will choose these members and will announce them in the early part of the basketball season. Other officers of the club are Jack Eberhart, vice-president, and Harvey Sorenson, treasurer. Recent Grads Attend College Ashland High's graduates are attending a variety of col leges this year. Those attend ing schools of higher learning total 50 Most popular of the schools chosen is Southern Oregon College. Those attending SOC are Bob Alley, Billie Jean Beagle, Ray Bohn, Karleen Carlisle, Marty Clary, Carolyn Crowley, Myrtle Converse, Sue Eudey, Ronald Fader, Richard Green, Connie Kim sey, Ruth McDonough, Nancy Norbury, Peggy O'Keefe, Mar jorie Osgood, Tammy Parks. Dorccn Phillips, Jack Rey nolds, Judy Schopf, Morton Scriptcr, Kcrmit Thomas, Gary Watts. Leanne Williams, Bob Wright, Bruce Everett, Lance Locke, and Dennis Lohman. Attending Oregon State Col lege are: Stuart Baker, Marvin Hamilton. Joyce Hild, and Barbara Baker. Linda Madison and David Woods are attending the Uni versity of Oregon. Attending various other Oregon Colleges arc: Don Barr at Eastern Oregon Col lege, Don McMurchie at Wil lamette University, and Rober ta Erskine at Lewis and Clark. Ashland High graduates at tending out-of-state schools arc: Mary Ann Anderson at Ot terbine College in Westerville. Ohio: Dcvar Cluff and Rex Bounds at Brigham Young: Alice May Conner at San Jose Bible College; Peter Windt at Stanford University; Jerry Miller at San Jose State; Phil Sword, Harry Johnson, and Gene Parent at Shasta College: Don Patt at Florida State Uni versity; and Mary Hamilton at Fresno Junior College. Three Ashland Hign "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT" ) 1 Vrf-. l1U3P I U I lf ''a"L i til' li I Mil Seniors Present Comedy, 'We Shook the Family Tree7 Picluted above from left to right are Jim Sinko. Kalhy Guinn and Vivian Stevenson. Bob Heitmanek and Jack Eberhart are in the background. Honor Roll Announced For First Six Weeks We Shook the Family Tree. a 3-act comedy dramatized by Christopher Sergei, was pre sented by the senior class on Nov. 16. An afternoon matinee for high school students was given on Nov. 15 in the Little Theatre. In the play Judy Heinzman as Hildegarde Dolson tries des perately to get a date for the big prom. Through her efforts to attract attention she wins the school debate contest, but Students on the Ashland Senior High School honor roll, having a 3.5 or a 4.0 average, for the first six weeks of school are as follows: Bill Ben son, Carrol Burrow, Florence Byrd, Frank Conley, Tom Con ner, Wayne Covington, George Converse, John Dillie, Betty Duffy, Sandy Dye, Jean Fitch, Field Named For Alumni It has been brought to our attention by a Mrs. Fred Car ter of Ashland, that recently people have been overlooking the rightful name of Ashland High's athletic field. It was donated by Mrs. Lena Ander son Phillips and was named "Walter Phillips Field" in honor of her son. Walter Phillips was captain of various sports, in which he was outstanding, during his years at Ashland High. He at tended Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis, known to day as Oregon State College. He enlisted in World War I and became an aviator. Cap tain Phillips was shot down behind enemy lines in Ger many, and is buried in our American cemetery in France. Everyone should remember to call the athletic field, "Wal ter Phillips Field," to show that we still honor one of Ash land's most distinguished alum ni. MAGAZINE PUBLISHES LIBRARIAN'S ARTICLE Mr. Giles Green, Ashland High librarian, wrote an ar ticle entitled "A Workable Periodical Library," which was published in the Nov. is sue of THE CLEARING HOUSE. In the article he des cribes his method of filing magazines in the library in a different manner than the system used elsewhere Marianna Fletcher, Carol Gan dee, Sandra Gibbel, Beverly Hakes, Lynn Hales. Sybil Hamilton, Mary G. Hodgins, Margaret Hull, Kathy Ingle, Julie Joy, Barbara Johnson, Jeanne Kcenan, Diane Loh man, Kip Lombard, Darlene Miller, Geri Miller, Jerry Mit chell, Jody Mittag, Larry Neal, Jim Sinko, Laurel Scripter, Lynn Susee, Linda Wright, and Meredith Williams. Those receiving honorable mention.and having an average of 3.0 or 3.49, for the first six, weeks were Lynda Abbot, Er- rolyn Aftring, Sharon Alner, Judith Alley, Carol Fay An ders, Cbnnie Bacon, Donna Bi beau, Carol Bisseger, Kenneth Bohn, Virginia Bowman, Carol Buerkle, Jim Busch, Eldefie Burgess, Chuck Bounds, Viola Campbell, Karen Cochran, Di ane Cochran, Mary Carole Col lins, Wayne Collum, Joline Deardorf, Tom Delsman, Evie Deets, Phyllis DeBoer, Dennise Dodge, Kathleen Doddridge. Mavis Emblom, Bob Graves, Steve Gray, Clinton Gillespie, Emma Hakes, Jim Hamby, Lois Hamilton, Larry Hamil ton, Sharon Harden, Bob Har dy, Judith Heinzman, Sandra Hutchison, Sharon Hyde; Duane Jarnagin, Judy John son, Ruth Wyant, Jerry Joy, Continued on Page 4 REPRESENTATIVES SPEAK TO JUNIORS, SENIORS ABOUT STATE COLLEGES Representatives from several of the state institutions of nigher learning in Oregon ac quainted the junior and senior classes with their respective schools on Nov. 7. Mr. Don Lewis represented Southern Oregon College; Miss Tuckett, Oregon Technical In stitute: Mrs. Hanson, Oregon State College; Dr. Skeins, Uni versity of Oregon, and Miss Olsen, the School of Nursing. The students went to two meetings of their choice to hear the representatives tell about entrance qualifications and subject matter offered in their respective schools. Before breaking up into groups the assembly heard a talk by Mr. Francis Nickerson of the University of Oregon. tools which are necessary for success in college are English and mathematics." He also stressed the fact that good grades in high school were ex tremely necessary for college entrance. "A great deal of money, he said, is not es sential for entrance if the stu dent is willing, to work." Pnf Ion voara Mr Grrpn has g'rls fhp lihrarian in A. H. S. are attending nursing schools Folir ypars BRn the library was Continued on Pace 4 i moved into the new addition. Girl Scout Troop Prepares Cards The freshman Senior Girl Scout troop which was organ ized this fall is working on their 5-point program camp ing service, emergency prepar ation, the Girl Scout council and expanding their interests. Outdoor camping skills are be ing practiced in preparation for CamD-O-Ree which will in- I elude senior scouts from Jack son and Josephine counties. gets the whole family in a dreadful mixup. Hildegarde finds a loyal ally in her sister Sally who is played by Kathy Guinn, and is continually an noyed by her brothers Bob, played by Jack Eberhart and Jim, played by Bob Heitmanek. The happenings of the story reach a high point when their father, Jim Busch, is accused of being a drunkard. Meanwhile Mrs. Dolson, Jj Taylor, has arranged a date for Hildegarde with Freddie Sher- mer, Jim Sinko, a boy whose knickers make him '.he laugh of the school. Mr. Shcrmcr, Tim Keating, nearly fires Hildegardc's dad when he hears the rumor about his drinking. Finally Freddie succeeds in getting long trousers for the prom and all ends happily for everyone. Other characters in the play were Vivian Stevenson as Mrs. Shermer, Barbara Heinzman as Paige Mason, Faye Anders as Ellie May and Maureen Strom berg as Jill. Paige, Ellie May, and Jill were friends of the Dolson family. The orchestra under the di rection of Mr. Windt played several numbers before the play started and between acts. Mrs. Lucy Susee was direc tor of the play with Mr. Herb Lewis as business manager. Behind the scenes many crews were busy to make the production the success that it was. Crew chairmen were Er rolyn Aftring, head of the property committee; Barbara Johnson, head of make-up; Donna Williams, head of the ushers; Lynn Susee, head ot advertising; and Jerry Sto- well,. head of the stage crew. Judy Johnson was student manager, and Roland Kelts was electrician. ' Student Council Members Attend Medford Conference Roy Gray, Ashland High school student body president, stated that the Southern Ore gon Student Council Confer ence which was held in Med ford on Oct. 22-23, "was a get together of all the student councils in southern Oregon to discuss the problems which come up in the schools." Representating Ashland at the conference ere Roy Gray; Lynn Hales, second vice presi dent; Scott Peterson, president of the junior class: Vivian Stevenson, head-yell leader, and Betty Sorenson, secretary of the student body. Reports by these students were given to the student council members the follow ing week. At the request of the Med ford school some A.H.S. stu dents presented a skit at the banquet given for the repre sentatives at the conference. Nancy Lininger did a panto mine of Elvis Presley and Ki ki Dodderidge, Darlene Miller, Kathy Ingle, and Judy John son appeared as the Jordan, aires. Sixteen Take Merit Tests Top-ranking senior students took a National Merit Scholar ship test on Oct. 24 which, if they passed with high enough honors, enabled them to com pete with students from other schools in another test. Schol arships are granted those pass ing the second test with high scores. A. H. S. students taking this test were Lynn Susee, Bob Heitmanek, Diane Lohman, Er rolyn Aftring, Mary Gayle Hodgins, Barbara Johnson, Jim Sinko, Faye Anders, Marilyn Michael, Harvey Sorenson, Nancy Bissell, Julie Joy, Kathy Ingle, Tim Keating, Gregg Monroe, and Betty Sor enson. Results of the test have not been announced. COMING EVENTS Wed., Nov. 21 Teachers' In stitute Holiday Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 22-23 Thanksgiving Holidays Wed., Nov. 28 National As sembly Fri., Nov. 30 End of 2nd. six weeks Tri-Hi-Y Crystal Ball