FRI.. MAY 18, 1956 ROGUE NEWS PAGE THREE LAST WILL MID TESTAMENT I, Linda Madison, being of ill health and broken bones, do will and bequeath to Sherry I, Bob Alley, do will and be- he can get to it before I usually :Taylor my locker which is full queath my whole darn place in 'did. !f crepe paper which she can the school to my brother, Paul. i, Gerald Doran do will and nih "sing to decorate goal I, Mary Ann Anderson, do bequeath my ability to get " will and bequeath my Southern accent to Betty Sorenson, new secrtary of the student body, so when she doesn't have her min- along with Mrs. Taylor to Ks ith Wilson. I, Hal Edick, do will and be queath my blue eyes to hodge utes in good order they can't podge and Halbert. understand anything sue says. L LaWrence Eidman, do will I, David Athanas, do will and ;arj( bequeath my seat in Herb bequeath my locker number (Lewis' class of period 5 to my 404 and all the bad times I had in American Problems to next year's seniors. I, Barbara Baker, do will and bequeath to next year's Rogue Annual co-editors, Barb John son and Bev Hakes, my little green notebook with the hope that it will be as helpful to them as it has been to me. I, Stuart Baker, do will and bequeath my ability to raise heck to anyone who wants it. I, Don Barr, do will and be queath my ability to get along .be In my seat. brother Walter. I, .Virginia Edwards, do will and bequeath all this year's senior books to my sister Don na Faler who will be a senior next year. I, Sue Eudey, do will and be- I, Glennora Martin, do will and bequeath all the fun I had in my senior year to Dean Root. I, Patricia Martin, do will and bequeath my ability to get along with Mrs. Taylor to Mar ion Kiser whom I think will need it. I, Jim McCulloch, do will and bequeath my ability to have a girl friend every day of the school year to Norman Rog ers because he is a lonely guy. I, Ruth McDonough, do will queath to any up and coming these Ivy-covered halls again; senicr that has Mr. Lewis first I also will give some of my period, my ability to leave jneat height to Errolyn Aftring, home at 8:23, drive a mile and 'as sne needs it more than I do. a hall through three yellow I, Don McMurchie, do will lights: run to Mr. Lewis class and bequeath to my Freshman and before the last bell rings sister Madge, the whole mess of with people to Roy Gray. I .Carol Beare, do will and bequeath my ability to win de bate trophies to Jean Keanan, In (hopes that she will have as good luck as I have. I, Bill Bebber, do will and bequeath my bopping booties and my duck tall to any up and coming village idiot like my self. I, John Bjork, being of sound body and mind (?) do will and bequeath all of my energy expanded in speech class to up and coming speech students in the hope that they will be able to get away with more than I did. I, Rav Bohn, do will and be- trying to obtain a high school education in Ashland. I, Peggy O'Keefe, will to Vivian Stevenson my long cher ished high soprano voice in knowing she'll lose hers in the first pep assembly. I, Mickey Morgan, do will and bequeath to refuse at this time the opportunity to make out my senior class will be cause it looks like I may be back next year. I, Nancy Norbury, being of sound body and unknown mind, do will and bequeath my ability to get ability to get more food dur- Spanish II. to ,ng homemaking class to any I, Bruce Everett, do will and bequeath my desk in Herb Lewis American Proble m s class to any junior who wishes to partonize it. I. Ron Fader, do will and bequeath my ability to raise heck to anyone who wants it. I, Jimmy Felker, do will and bequeath my seat in American Problems and my ability to get a 1- just once in the same class tc Peggy Rhodes: Good luck, kid! I, Cliff Fowler, do will and bequeath my kicked out of class won't stink. I, Ray Stone, do will and be queath all of the work that I got out of in Eeon to anybody who wants it to get better grades than I did. I, Kermit Thomas being of sound mind, do will and be queath my seat, occupation re port, and debates in Econ to any junior who wants it. I, Camille Thompson, being of tired body and run down mind, do will and bequeath my ability to run for the bus when it's early to Mary Ellen Kelso. I, Loya Tobiasson, do will and bequetth my beannie to Dennis Bounds, that he will not let anybody take it from his head. I, Barbara June Turner, do will and bequeath my bass and bow to Carol Phillips. I, Carolyn Crowley, do here by will and bequeath to Glenda Mathews both my quivering voice and quaking knees so that she wil be able to use them in speech class next year. I, Gary Watts, being of sound mind and body, do will and bequeath my ability to do down nothing in French class and still pass to next year's French II class. I, Leanne Williams, being of sound mind and body (?), do will and bequeath the senior to the sophomore class because the juniors have already used it all this year! L Alberta Wiltse, do will and bequeath a roll of cafeteria tickets along with the job of selling them to any junior who wants to lead a really daring (?) life his seinor year. I, Peter Windt, being rather uncertain as to the soundness of my mind, do will and be queath my ability to procrasti nate to anyone who can get away with it. I, Sharon Winkelman, do will and bequeath my seat in Mr. Lewis' class to Bill Ramet es and hope that he can do just as much of nothing in it as I did. I, Dave Woods, being of sound body and mind, do will and bequeath my seat in solid geometry to anyone with a brain heavy enough to hold it anyone wno can . upnoia una : junior who has a strong stom duty. jach. I, Amelia Frost, do will and i Mariorie Osgood, do will queath to Ken Dye my sweat bequeath all the fun I have had anj bequeath all of my mu socks. to anyone who wants it. 'tilated econ test notes, which I I. Rex Bounds, being weak of I, Willie Gibbcl, being of em- have so carefully protected, to mind and body do will and be- pty mind, do will and bequeath Lee and Jim, up and coming queath my ability to study, to my little sister Sandy Gibbel freshmen, who will, through which isn't much, and the left my ability to pass lw:on tests those papers, be a little better vithout studying very mucn. I, Richard Green, not having much of a mind, do will and bequeath my position as ath'et- ic treasurer to anyone that wants a free period next year. I. Marvin Hamilton, do will and bequeath my ability to get chewed out in Econ class for talking to the next talkative senior. I, Mary Hamilton, being of sound mind, do will and be queath to Laurel Scripter my ability to type 25 words a minute. I, Carol Hanson, do will and bequeath to Marianna Fletcher my ability to get into trouble and have just as much fun get ting into trouble as I do getting out of it Good luck, you'll need it. I. David Hutchison, do will and bequeath all my books to front seat in the row by the j windows in American Prob-I lems to the ambitious Bcv Hak es. 1,, Sharon Brownson, being of questionable mind and sound body, do will and beaueath my natural knack for getting along with home-making teachers to my sweet little cousin, Pat Brewer. I. Wood row Brock, do win and bequeath to the next sen ior class anything they can get their grimy paws on. I. Richard Burns, do will and bequriith my ability to pass Econ. and speech to next year's seniors. I. Karleen Carlisle, do will and bequeath to Darlene Mill er my solo routine as a senior flag firl in hopes that she docs it better than I did. L Alice Conner, being of sound ???? mind, do will and .Mr. Lewis. bequeath to Dawn Nelson my I, Dolly Jack, do will and be ability to skim through Mr. queath my position as St. Body Lewis' class on a 4- and still (Treasurer to Sandy Gibbel. graduate. I Have fun. I, Lorna Chapman, do will I, Harry Johnson, do will and bequeath to my tall friend, and bequeath to the basement Carol Phillips, a few sacred in- vandals (Rosenbaum, Long, ches of my minute height. , Fitch, Mickle, Hodgins. and I .Devar Cluff, do will and iHerbison) all my authority in bequeath my old parking place .the print shop to Jack Tobiasson. I. Bette Denzer. do will and bequeath all of the fun that Tve had in Ashland High to anybody who wants it. I, Elaine DcYoung, do" will and bequeath half of my height to Sherry Taylor. We, Myrtle Converse and Billie Beagle, being without prepared than I was to take those first period exams. I, Tammy Parks, being of sound mind, do will and be queath nothing; I'm taking it all with me. I, Gene Parent, do will and bequeath, my front falsy (tooth that is) to anyone who might need it. I, Don Patt, do will and be queath my money making rack et to Bill Rametes and Bo Peep Bowman. I. Doreen Phillips, do will and bequeath my insane mind, due 'to Mr. Lewis' classes, to Jeanne Keenan. I, Paula Phillips, being of in sane mind, do will and beque ath my one and only occupa tional report to anyone stupid enough not to get kicked out of Econ the first two weeks. I, Ella Pulsipher, do will and bequeath to any ambitious sen ior next year, the opportunity to help Miss Lasher teach P. E Don't try it unless you're real ambitious! I, Jeanette Purves, being of sound mind do will and be queath my Econ notebook to Judy Heinzman. She'll need one. I, Jack Reynolds, do will and I, Alden Joy, do will and be- bequeath my red and white queath my ability to sleep in paint Job on my car to the AHS speech class to Keith Wilson. for school spirit. I, Pat Lane, being of very i I, Rosalie Roesberry, being of sound mind and body do will mixed up mind, do will and and bequeath to my "Big" lit- bequeath my ability to get a tie sister and all her little 'long with the teachers to Nor friends all of next year's sen- 'ma Scott. ior boys. I, Judy Schopf, do will and I, Lance Locke, being of .bequeath the many swats that mirds. to will and bequeath to .questionable body ana leeDie I gnouia nave gotten trom Mr. anv lunior girls with similar mind, do'will and bequeath my .Lewis to a not-so-lucky future deficiencies, our daces, grades, complete inability to hack sen- debater. and notes in Dhvsics. ior English to any poor unpar- I, Mort Scripter, do will and I, Don Church, do will and iteuate soul with an I. Q. of a- (bequeath on this 23rd day of bequeatn tne oia car tnai we doui u. input wjo, my .kuuua use to drst the baseball and I, Denis Lohman, being of .black beard and locker 500 to track fields with to any dumb sound mind and body do will 5 foot 2. eyes of blue, for an sucker that would like to have and bequeath to Robert Ma- jenjoyable 1955-56 school year, it cruder my notes for American I, Gayle Seymour, do will T Martv Clarv. do will and Problems that I have to study and bequeath my yearly bath bequeath my parking place to jso hard as I know ho is doing to the up and coming seniors Leland Hartwell in hopes that this year. .so that our fifth period Econ Congratulations TO THE Graduating Class of '56 BOULEVARD MARKET EBERHART'S BEAGLE LUMBER CO. B & G CAFE - - INGLE DRUG SWEET SHOP ASHLAND DRUG SCH ELL'S RADIO SHOP SNOW WHITE FREEZE WICK'S FURNITURE STORE EAST SIDE ABATTOIR PARK VIEW DEPARTMENT STORE STANDARD CLEANERS RICHMAID ICE CREAM ASHLAND HOTEL BEAUTY SHOP ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP TRITES COFFEE CO. OMAR'S RESTAURANT GRUBER'S SHOE REPAIR 99 MARKET FOOTHILLS GARAGE HAMBY'S DRIVE-IN MARKET FORTMILLER'S SHORT'S EAST SIDE PHARMACY MARSHALL WELLS STORE JIM BUSCH FORD SALES TED'S FEED & SEED PERRINE'S WHITE HOUSE GROCERY CARL B. OESER R. L. WYANT AND SONS SINGMASTER & JONES INS. AGENCY DAMON'S GROCERY McNAIR'S PLAZA GROCERY ROLLING PIN DO-NUT SHOP DAIRY QUEEN WOLF BROS. CHEVRON STATIONS WILEY & REINHOLDT INSURANCE BELLVIEW CAFE FIRESTONE STORE STEAK HOUSE CAROL ANN FASHIONS GEORGE AND EVA'S CONFECTIONERY HOME TOWN HARDWARE MEMORY LANE STUDIO IDEAL MARKETS SHELDON JEWELRY MARTEL PETERS UNION SERVICE STATION SELBY CHEVROLET CO. BILL'S UNION SERVICE CLOVERLEAF DAIRY B. P. O. E. 944 PROVOST'S FURNITURE COLLEGE CLEANERS KIMBALL'S UNION SERVICE