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About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1956)
FRI.. MARCH 30. 1956 ROGUE MEWS PAGE THREE BILLIE JEAN BEAGLE Volkswagen Beagle was born Billie Jean Beagle, John Bjork and Carolyn Crowley March Birthdays It seems that March came in like a lion leaving these stu dents behind to blunder their way through this wide world. If that was the case, no wonder it went out like a lamb. Freshmen: Louise Aderolt. 15; Susan Heitz, 29; Jeanett? Pett, 5; Jane Yaple. 11; Joan izaiion are ca.aen for their su Whetstine, 1; Karan Thomas, 3; 'perior standing in scholarship, Pat Culmer. 1; William Hughes leadership, service, and char 1; Dee Selby, 17; Edard Phil- acter. lips, 11: Kenneth Rensfield, 15; t;un 0rs elected to be mem Jerry Tipper, 30; and Ernest Ders this year are Barbara Bak- Wlnfree, 6. Sophomores: Fat Dudley, 12; sue Eudey, Ronnie Fader, Clif Bonnie Cramer, 23: Pat Mc- ford Fowler, Harry Johnson, Kennes. 24; Joyce Raphorst, 30; pnLl Sword, Gary Watts, Le Janet Speirs, 1: Susan Weller, Anne Williams, David Woods, 9; Sherry Taylo, 3; Nancy Jef- anc Alberta Wiltse. fries, 9; Charles Allen, Z; Bob ; old members elected to Barger, is: Bur rnes, zo; uar7 Holman, 14; John Reams, 24; John Sleppy, 28: Arthur Thorn- as, 21; Tommy Sherman, 20 Juniors: Evelyn Deets, 3; Pat Allen, 29; Darlene Hanscom, 1; Norma Scott. 12; Betty Soren son, 29: Carol Sullivan, 12; San dra Thurston, 23; Jerry Early, 11; Mel Daily, 6; Jim Hearn, 1; Bob Heitmanek, 30: Dan Mc Kay, 20; Jerry Malone, 26; Richard White 1. Seniors: Carolyn Crowley, 2, Doreen Phillips, 3: Glennora Martin, 24; Mary Hamilton, 12, Clair Jones, 2; David Hutchin son, 1; Jim McCulloch, 30. Support our advertisers Serving Ashland High School Students for 20 Years 99 MARKET 1725 Siskiyou FOOTHILLS GARAGE Shell Service Repairing Welding Used Cars 2445 Sickiyou Blvd. en. i4", Ho -.or Society j Names Members New members of the Ash land High National Honor So jciety were announced in assem bly, Monday, March 5. The members of this national organ- er, Don Barr, Myrtle Converse, embersnip iast year are R...- r-ortt rionnu T.nhman jerry Miller, Marjoric Osgood, Morton Scripter, and Peter Windt. New members from the jun ior class are Carol Faye And ers, fete cotton, Mananna Fletcher, Sandra Gibbel, Mary Gayle Hodgins, Kathy Ingle, Barbara Johnson, Julie Joy, Tim Keating, Diane Lohman, Jim Sinko, Betty Sorenson, Harvey Sorenson, Vivian Stev enson and Lynn Susee. Peter Windt is president of the organization, Dennis Loh man, vice president, and Mar jorie Osgf-od, secretary-treasurer. Miss Mary McLarnan is ad viser of the National Honor So ciety. An induction ceremony for all new members will be held soon. Support our advertisers BILL'S UNION SERVICE Intersection of 99 and 66 Service is our Motto 24 Hour Service S & H Green Stamps CLOVERLEAF DAIRY Producers and Distributors OF GRADE "A" MILK Locally Owned Locally Produced Locally Distributed DIAL 2-7711 JOHN BJORK This tall red headed senior boy came into the bright shiny world on Feb. 27, 1937, in Vir ginia, Minn. John's (favorite pastime is Saturday night and his car. He likes the color blue and chick James Dean and Donna Reed are his favorite cinema stars. His pet Pve is gossip and !stars gne thinks Kim Novak he describes his ideal girl as 5 brown eyes, brown hair, a good personality, and likes a good time. After graduating John plans to go back to Minnesota and join the navy. FROSH RECORD High point men for Ashland: Ash. Opp. Crater won 50 40 Taylor, 19 McLaughlin lost 34 35 Taylor, 15 Hedrick won 33 32 Patzke, 16 Sturgill, 10 McLoughlin won 32 31 Patzke, 16 Grants Pass lost 29 39 Fitch, 11 Klamath Falls won 39 29 Fitch, 10 Taylor, 7 Mickle, 7 Illinois Valley won 41 38 Fitch, 19 Mickle, 8 Illinois Valley won 41 32 Fitch, 11 Sturgill, 9 j Taylor, 8 iCrater won 38 37 Fitch, 24 Hedrick won 38 37 Bjork, 14 1 Fitch, 8 Patzke, 7 Mickle, 11 Taylor, 10 Bjork, 8 Fitch, 8 Klamath Falls won 45 34 Fitch, 13 Taylor, 8 Mickle, 6 Patzke, 5 Woodell. 4 TOTAL Won, 10 Lost 2 If food prices keep rising, people will be biting off more than they can pay for. SIMPSON'S HOME TOWN HDWE. 5h. 8031 - On the Plaza Ashland ASHLAND ' FLOWER SHOP IN THE LITHIA HOTEL Kimball's UNION SERVICE 493 North Main S & H Green Stamps Hunter Wheal Balancing Headlight Adjustment Tires, Tubes, Accessories. and Lubrication Phone 9-9666 on May 21, 1938, in Ashland, Oregon. She is better known to her friends as "B. J." or "Bo." This happy senior girl really turns ape when pheasant's on the dinner table, the color is lavender and the tune "Lisbon Antiqua." When it comes to movieland and Monty Clift are the mostest of the most. B. J. loves all males but her favorite is a six foot, brown haired, blue-eyed male that drives a leopard-spotted '49 Merc. Her pet peeve is conceited people and her favorite pastime is dancing. Billie plans on trying a stab at that hard old college life at SOC after graduating. College Men Speak to Seniors Continued from Page 1 ucation at Ashland, and Port land Nursing School at Port land. After the talk given by Mr. Nickerson, the class divid ed into groups of their choice headed by the various repre sentatives. All of the groups met in the study hall with the exception of the Nursing School group which met in the cafeter ia, where the engaged in dis cussion and were shown slides. Middle age is the time when you can't remember. And 17 is the wonderful age when you weren't listening in the first place. BACKING ASHLAND HIGH B.P.O.E. 944 ASHLAND. OREGON MARSHALL WELLS STORE On The Plata HARDWARE HOUSEWARES SPORTING GOODS WOLF BROS. CHEVRON STATIONS 105 North Main 1217 Siskiyou Blvd. WILEY AND REINHOLDT INSURANCE 360 East Main BELLVIEW CAFE "Beet Hamburgers in Town" CAROLYN CROWLEY This pretty blue-eyed blond senior girl was born in Prosser, Wash., on March 2. Her name Carolyn Crowley and she moved to Ashland 11 years ago at the age of seven. Carolyn's favorite foods are ravioli and spaghetti. She en joys going to movies that star Richard Burton or Grace Kelly. As yet there is no such thing as an ideal man, but who knows what the future holds. Her favorite pastimes are sketching, painting, and writ ing. After graduation Carolyn plans to go to college. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY 372 East Main Phone 7021 XET'S GET ASSOCIATED KARL B. OESER 356 East Main DAMON'S GROCERY 47 North Main On the Plaza Mc N AIR'S School Supplies, Toiletires Gifts and Sundries 71 EAST MAIN TED'S FEED & SEED 353 East Main SNOW WHITE FREEZE Try a Grumpy SINGMASTER and JONES INSURANCE AGENCY ' 343 East Main Phone 2-4221 JIM BUSCH FORD SALES GO GRIZZLIES rOR "SI" GO FORD FOR "56"' FORD MERCURY ASHLAND DRUG Gold Arrow Stamps 257 East Main SCHELL'S RADIO SHOP 151 North Pioneer A DAIRY QUEEN SHAKE AND A FOOT LONG A REAL MEAL FOR 50e e