PAGE TWO ROGUE MEWS FRL. MARCH 30. 1956 ROGUE NEWS 1955 196S Published every month fey the Journalism class of the Ashland Senior High School, Ashland, Oregon EDITOR-IN-CHIEF NANCY NORBURY ASSISTANT EDITOR LYNN SUSEE NEWS EDITOR DOLLY JACK FEATURE EDITOR BARBARA TURNER SPORTS EDITOR STUART BAKER BUSINESS MANAGER RAY BOHN ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER PAT LANE CIRCULATION MANAGER PAULA PHILLIPS EXCHANGE MANAGER WILLIE GIBBEL PHOTOGRAPHER .. KERMIT THOMAS REPORTERS JOURNALISM CLASS TYPISTS: Margaret Calvary, Marianna Fletcher, Sandy Gib bel. Sandy Drew, Marilyn Brock, Willie Gibbet, Sharon Winkelman, Pat Lane, Sandy Thurston, Cam i lie Thompson. ADVISER MISS VERNA WICKHAM Printed by Iverson Printing, Ashland I'M A DUMMY WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE On Feb. 16 the student body of Ashland High was entertain ed by Glenn Haywood and his partner "Freshie." Jerry introduced Mr. Hay wood and soon the building re sounded to the wild laughter of teenagers. After showing many tricks of magic, with cards, ropes, and scarves, Glenn Haywood Sr., his father, then brought out "Freshie" from his suitcase. "Freshie" is nothing more than a dummy, but h seemed very alive through the excellent ventriloquism from Mr. Haywood. Shirley Jackson and Don Barr were called upon to help with a few tricks, but BILL PASSED TO LENGTHEN SCHOOL YEAR A bill requiring school to be held twelve months instead of the customary nine months was passed by the State Legislature, Thursday, March 29, 1956. The votes of the representa tives were strongly influenced by a lobbying group from Ash land Senior High school. The group, headed by Jerry Miller and Mary Ann Anderson, pre sented somp vrv ctrnnff nron. both left the scene more or less 'ments for the paSsage of the confused. Jerry also received bill Th lr.h.vit. mh quit a bit of recognition from 'students feel that education of "Freshie" who seemed to have European students is far super a strange dislike for his face 'ior to ours and tnat America Mr. Haywood has appeared wU1 soon be ieft j,,,, jf on radio and television in cit- ,, hnrrv nr. nH Hn ,nt. ics from coast to coast and has guest starred with Peggy Lee, Herb Shriner, and other great stars. For three years, be had his own television show, called "The Comedy Hour." He has also been to Japan where he cave U.S.O. shows for the en tertainment of our GI's at Rest Camps. Mr. Haywood and "Freshie" are now sponsored by the Na tional School Assemblies Agen cy, giving educational enter tainment. "Freshie's" philosophy of life is "I'm a Dummy; what's your excuse?" PLAZA GROCERY On the Plaza thing. It was also stateo that the students just waste their summer vacations and get in their parent's way instead of doing something worthwhile. This bill means that the sen iors will have to remain in school for an extra three mon ths and will graduate next fall. The Ashland seniors are over joyed with the passing of this bill and are enthusiastically planning their post-graduate course because they know the value of a good education. Some of the other students who reported to have been very active in the loobyins group were Bill Bebber, Jim Busch, Donna Bibeau, Stuart Baker and Ken Dye. a Life is an eternal struggle to keep one's earning capacity up to one's yearning capacity. INVADERS LAND ON OLD AHS On top ot our ivy-colored A- HS building fleets of Martian saucers came swooping in tor a be-bop landing. Now, it has often been thought that Mar tians are a rather homely spe cies, but to the contrary, they are quite handsome fellas. As they revealed themselves from their saucers, many whoops and hollers were sent out from Martian lungs as they discover ed that Grizzly students wera equally as intelligent and strik ing in appearance as they them selves. They were quite pleased with this, because prior to their landing on ivy-colored A.H.S., they had slid in on slimy, slith ering Medford High (The green, greasy tomatoes). Much to their disgust the Martians found Medford students quite ignor-1 ant (or shall we say, lacking in intellectual qualities) and to top it off, revoltingly sloppy in ap pearance. They found principal Parks waiting with open arms in wel come. He quirped "I thought perhaps I could kidnap several to take to Bandon." Champagne, caviar, and Ash land High Flag Girls were very well liked by the coruscating Martians. But president Jerry Miller fascinated them with his charming face and intellectual but unintellegible vocabulary. They were intrigued by the Klamath spectators, which we kidnaped at our last game and caged. One Martian was heard We Just Couldn't Resist - April Fools Popular Teacher Plans To Return FADS AND FASHIONS ! I The Medford and Ashland I game brought some very beaut iful and fashionable outfits out of mothballs and into the seen. Miss Verna Wickham, Ash- of the packed Ashland High i land's commercial, senior Eng gym containing 1,000,000 per- lisn and journalism teacher sons. I has marl the startling statp- The varsity team came out ment that she is returning to on the floor dressed in their teach lovable Ashland students new suits of red flannel pegs for the rest of her teaching and white dress shirts. They al- : years. so wore their Howdy Doody -After teachine the kids this beanies that Mr. Parks tried so Vear" stated Miss Wickham. "I hard to get. can hardly wait to get back The first yell was led by the next year to help these respon members of the yell squad, sive students, especially the They were wearing their 1819 journalism class. The little Bikini bathing suits that Ran- darlings this year were always dy Root had designed just for so enthusiastic and willing to the occasion. do things. They accomplished so The most outstanding coud1 'much and gave me the least was Nancy Norbury and Bruce trouble of any of my classes." Everett. Nancy was wearing I From the litle things Miss her latest Import from Talent, j Wickham has said in her class- backless, waistless, wool eve- land High boys are the most re- ning gown. Bruce wore his lav spectful of any she has ever ender tuxedo and derby to : met that they are all so man- match. This outfit was designed by Marty Clary who is now spend ing most of her time at Salem. Jane Yaple and Susan Weller wore outfits that they had made themselves. They had on a backless blouse made from white pipe-cleaners, and a skirt made from some poor horse's hair and on these skirts they had pinned the lifeless bodies of 20 butterflies. (The butter to say that they resembled Mar- flies were Iurnjshed by Gene uan Dims, reierrea 10 as giicn- 1 Parent ) iegobblergicks. Ashland faculty were charm ed by the creative, immoral, Martians. The only thing that seemed to bother them was the well-known Martian lisp. The two boys showing the r-ost school spirit were Bob Wright and Mort Scripter. They wore their matching red and white space cadet outfits that had arrived straight from ROLLING PIN DO - NUT SHOP Frash Homtmidt Donutt and Candy 50 East Main Medford High students, pre- 'Mars VIA space ship. viously referred to as the gre- At the half. Sherry Taylor asy green tomatoes, are now .and Louise ward came in greener, because the Martians, w:m tneir new Mohawk hair who are known to be the great- do's. They were also wearing est football, basketball, and .Dior's latest creations of black baseball players, are now on denim trousers and motorcycle A.H.S. teams. An almost hu- 1 boots. man Medfordite was quoted a ! That is all the news because lAth and inct host Mfn,J inn I bet it was because of the team's new outfits. Don't you? saying "We expect another de feat like the one in 1899" (the score was 96-0, in favor of Ashland). FOR YOUR HEALTH Drink Wild Plum Rich, Natural 100 Raw JERSEY MILK Phona 4711 R. L. WYANT AND SONS INGLE DRUG SWEDENBURG BUILDING SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOUNTAIN COSMETICS ASHLAND HOTEL BEAUTY SHOP "II your hair is not becom ing to you, you ahould b coming to as!" TRITES COFFEE CO. TRI-RICH corrEE 490 "A" Street WICK'S FURNITURE STORE 2B7 East Main Support our advertisers The only time some won't pass the buck is there is a collection. FIRESTONE STORE 23 East Main STEAK HOUSE OPEN 24 HOURS "Whara tha Gang HMti" people when nerly. Not only is Miss Wickham go ing to return to teach here next year, but she has also stated that she plans to cut down on the work given to the , English classes. Spelling words will be orly 100 a week rather than the former 1,000; English as signments will be limited to only 15 a week (This year she gives at least 30). Miss Wickham plans to let next year's journalism class have freedom, because she feels she has been entirly to strict with the little angels this year. If next year's journalism class can have half the equip ment we had this year." said Miss Wickham "we will cer tainly be fortunate. Many jour nalism teachers have to steal orange crates and things. I'm certainly glad I don't." Miss Wickham loves our Ore gon weather and whenever the school has a dance or party, she insists on being one of the chap-t-rones, as she loves doing It so. When hotrodders go roaring by her room, she grins in fascina tion at the sound of the pipes. (She loves their mellow tone, es-pecially Harold's). Support our advertisers EAST SIDE ABATTOIR Wholesale Meats Phone 2-5271 CAROL ANN FASHIONS Skirt and Joan Maria Swaalart Always Latest Styles PARK VIEW DEPARTMENT STORE THE STORE WITH BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE ASHLAND HOTEL COFFEE SHOP 67 East Main OMAR'S RESTAURANT Phona 9221 On 80 at 66 Hey Kids Look! CORSAGES FOR YOUR FORMAL DANCES Special Prices to AHS and College Students Latest styling ond Expert Workmanship Mrs. Shipley, 1 420 Webster St., Phone 2-7631 Also flowers for Weddings, Funerals & all occasions STANDARD CLEANERS "If it can b dona, w can do It" 163 East Main Free Pickup and Delivery RICHMAID ICECREAM H mile south of th collC HAMBY'S DRIVE IN MARKET PHONE 5161 110 C StTMt GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES MEATS GRUBER'S SHOE REPAIR SS3 East Main