PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS FRI.. JAN. 27. 1956 Ashland Defeats GP; First Conference Win Ashland Grizzlies chalked points. Ashland had three oth- I 1 16) ill ' V,- i n i r l 1 ,4m, i'i r... mJ J. V.' . Grants Pas Grizzlies Lose To Cavemen up their first win over the er men scoring on double fig Grants Pass Cavemen after a lures, Sword with 16 points. slump of 6 losses, Saturday, Parent 14, and Locke 13. Dave Jan. 14. This was also the first conference win for the Griz zlies. A fired-un hall rluh rolled to a 15-10 lead in first Woods hit 9 for Ashland. Ashland 85 Parent, 14 Woods, 9 SuinrH 1 ft jperiod, Parent and Sword Johnson f 20 hard rebound work. In the second period, Ash land became a different' ball club than in previous games. Grants Johnson, Locke, and Woods Friday, Dec. 13 at Pass the Cavemen edged the iwent wild. Johnson poured 15 Grizzlies by a score of 58-55 to points through the hoop while gain their first conference win. 1 Locke had 11. When the first Ashland led 14 to 10 at the half ended the score was 49-27, end of the first quarter; 28 to 'Ashland having a1 safe 22-point 23 at the half time and main- advantage. tained a 6 point lead as the i The Cavemen balled back in third quarter ended. the third quarter but could not Parent and Sword fouled out halt the hard-working Bear with about half of the last per- jteam. Parent despite his wrist lod left. 61 Grants Past 10, Burnett 2, Davis 5, Henderson 3, Drews Subs: Ashland; M. Fitch 0, D. Fitch 4, Green 0, Alley 0, Cluff 4, Eberhart 4, Baker 1. rants Pass: Smith 1, Taylor 2, Tomkins 2, Wanger 5, Mac Donald 4, Walker 2, Wellcr 8. Sword To Plav In Shrine Game Sword of Ashland and Bur nett of Grants Pass shared scor ing honors for the evening with 19 points each. Johnson of Ashland had 14 points. Edges Phoenix Grizzlies Dec, 23 Phoenix Pirates edged the Grizzlies Friday, Dec. 23, to a 64-61 count. The sharpshooting Pirates hit a sizzling 513 per centage, connecting with 20 out of 39 shots from the floor, while Ashland hit 20 out of 66 for a 300 percentage. The Pirates controlled the boards, out - rebounding ths Grizzlies 36-27. Mwldm of Phoenix led the scoring for Phoenix with 22 points followed by Korth and Dahl with 17 and 14 respective-1 ly. Johnson led the locals with 18 points, Parent had 12 and Sword 10. Lineups: Ashland 61 64 Phoenix Parent 12 14 Dahl Baker 8 5 Wall Sword 10 22 Madden Johnson 18 18 Korth Locke 4 4 Brood Subs: Ashland; Tobiasson 2,. D. Fitch 2. M. Fitch 2, Alley 2, Green 1; Phoenix; Simmonds 2. a One can never pay in grati tude; one can only pay "in kind" somewhere else in life. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. AHS GRIZZLIES LOSE TO COTTAGE GROVE LIONS Ashland. 55 ' I Parent, 5 G. Pats. 58 Being voted the most valu able player on the Grizzly foot- injury, flipped in two rebounds ba11 sluad bv his teammates, and rnnnwfwl iih mnnth inamea on me an conference hook shot. Ashland was still otDail team and voted in as out in front 66-45. center on the KFJI and Herald Simpson substituted freely, NewS f Klama,h Falls 3,1 colv sending in a rserve squad of ference team. Phil Sword has Green, AUey. Tobiasson, Cluff, received even a greater honor. Eberhart and the two Fitch ,He wlU "present Ashland this Baker, 5 j i r- ISword, 19 A wide-awake Cottage Grove Ir.un r " " . r, Locke, 4 Asniana squaa nere r riaay. Dec. 30. It was the final pre conference game for the Griz zlies and they were beaten 66- 53. Cottage Grove maintained an early lead 16-7 at the end of the first period. The Grizzlies fought back hard in the sec ond quarter but the 3rd per iod started with Cottage Grove out in front 29-22. Lions guard Rice paced the central Oregon team with 27 points. Parent was high- for Ashland with 9. Lineups: Athland 53 Parent 9 Baker 6 Sword 4 Johnson 5 Locke 7 Subs: Ashland 19 Burnett brothers. Cluff connected with 10, Davis ja one-hander and a jump shot, Henderson while Doug Fitch and Eberhart 11, Drews were hitting from the foul 11, Nevi I line. Reserves. Ashland: M. Fitch Johnson of Ashland was high 7, Woods 0, Green 1, Grans point man for the night with 20 Pass; Weller 0, Wanger 5, points. Grants Pass's smooth Walker 2. working guard Nevi had 17 Medford Black Tornadoes Swamp Grizzlies Twice Medford Black Tornad o s swamped the Ashland Grizzlies 79-48 in the first conference game of the season for both clubs, Jan. 6 in Ashland. In thp first ouarter of the Cottage Grove 66 'game tne teams were evenly Burleson 6 Hays 7 Nichols 7 Rice 27 Angell 9 Tobiasson 2, Woods 1, Eberhart 2, Cluff 6, Green 2. M. Fitch 4, D. Fitch 5. Cottage Grove: Castle 10. What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing. Os car Wilde. Oregon now ranks third a mong the states in total Tree Farm acreage. Georgia is first and Texas is second. HAMBY'S DRIVE . IN MARKET PHONE 5161 180 C Street GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES MEATS GARRETT'S UNION SERVICE S fe H Green Stamps 493 North Main Phone 9-9666 Serving Ashland High School Students for 20 Yea re eV V-MV S ASHLAND HOTEL BEAUTY SHOP "II your hair is not becom ing to you, you should be coming to us!" matched with the score being tied most of the' way. The quarter ended with Medford in front 12-9. Medford scored 20 points in the second quarter to Ashland's 8. The score before half-time was 32-17. Ashland came back in the ball game with Coach Al Simp son substituting freely with the reserves who played a scrappy 3rd quarter. But Medford still held a 20 point lead. The score was 64-43 at the end of the 3rd period. Athland 48 Medford 79 Parent, 9 . Copple, 9 Baker, 3 McLaughlin, 16 Sword, 7 Plumley, 11 Johnson, 6 Clearly, 8 Locke. 4 Tisdel, 1 I Reserves: Ashland; D. Fitch 5, M. Fitch 6, Tobiasson 2, Eb erhart 2, Woods 3, Cluff 1. Med ford; Penkous 2 Foust 6, Rein Iking 4, Riley 1, Clemens 6. The Black Tornados made it two in a row over the Grizzlies Friday and Saturday night with a score of 79-48 and 70-56 respectively. The second South ern Oregon conference basket ball decision didn't come as easy for Medford as the Friday night game. Playing at Medford, the Griz zlies threw a scare into the high scoring Tornados by tak- ng a 11-6 lead early in the first period. They stayed in front at the first turn 13-12 only to fall to Medford 35-21 at the first half. I uridines jiiaiciiea poim lor puiiii cutting me margin lo 47-37 at the end of the third quarter, but the 14 points gain ed in the last quarter was too great a margin. fall in the annual Shrine Foot ball Classic In Portland. Twenty-four man football squads for next August's high school Shrine game were pick ed in Portland Saturday, Dec. 7. Marshfield's coach, Pete Su- sick, will coach the state team and Brad Ecklund. of Gresh am, will coach the city squad. Sword was one of the three centers selected. He was also one of the four boys selected from the Southern Oregon con ference, along with guards Monte Hoist of Medford, Mo desto Jimenez of Klamath and tackle Arnold Slaven of Grants Pass. SWEET SHOP Thick Milk Shakes Juicy Hamburgert Athland ig ft pf ip Parent 4 7 5 15 Sword 4 2 2 10 Johnson ........ 1 1 1 3 Locke .... . ...... 5 2 4 12 D .Fitch 0 0 1 0 M. Fitch 0 0 1 0 Green .. 0 2 2 2 Woods 0 0 0 0 Totals 19 19 19 56 WOLF BROS. CHEVRON STATIONS 105 North Main 1217 Siskiyou Blvd. TRITES COFFEE CO. TRI-RICH COFFEE 490 "A" Street CLOVERLEAF DAIRY Producers arid Distributors OF GRADE "A" MILK Locally Owned Locally Produced Locally Distributed niAL 2 7711 Me N AIR'S School Supplies, Toiletires Gifts and Sundries 71 EAST MAIN JIM BUSCH FORD SALES GO GRIZZLIES FOR "56" GO FORD FOR "56" FORD MERCURY ASHLAND HOTEL COFFEE SHOP 67 East Main STULT'S MOBILGAS 1307 Siskiyou Blvd. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY 372 East Main Phone 7021 BACKING ASHLAND HIGH B.P.O.E. 944 ASHLAND. OREGON GRUBER'S SHOE REPAIR 383 East Main