Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1954)
3 PAGE TWO ROGUE NEWS TUES may emiiB" I, Ted Tenney, being of sound mind and physically handi capped will my no good, worn out, upcensored, rotten, dirty, out dated, torn, unpaid for joke book to Jerry Malcohm Michel, with just a few words of adice use it wisely. I, Barbara Harris, will my ability to work at the Sweet Shoppe 55 minutes every noon and get out of school for an hour and a half to any lucky Junior who can run 50 m.p.h. I, Wilma Calhoun, will all my nick names and razzing to Barbara Allen. I, Bob Lytle, will my out standing friendship with Broth er Crisp to anyone who wants it I, David Bowdoin, being of sound mind and sound body do hereby will and bequeath to Roy Baily, the singular ability to get by in Sccial Econ, trust ing that he will improve on it. I, Harroll Castle, will mv '36 Chev. to Jim Sutherland, for when he gets his drivers li cense back. We, Charles Gourley and Andy DeKorte, will and be queath our ability to get a good sharp blast from our basses to up and coming Vandenburg. I, Wanda Oden, bequeath, will, leave, give, hand down and transmit all the fun and good times I've had in Ashland High to all the future seniors, although I wish I could take them with me. We, Jean Sessions and Tad Evatt, being of sound mind (?) will to Kay Hess our sensible ways and superior intelligence. I, Dave Hoots, will to Ash land Senior High School, Bill Bates, because you need him more than we do. I, Bill Bates, being of sound mind (?) do hereby bequeath my extra hair to Herb Lewis who will need it for the in coming seniors. I, EIRoy Clark, will my well known widely used ability to get along with Mrs. Sheridan in Bookkeeping to some other poor innocent soul who takes Bookkeeping next year and who might need this ability. I, Dixie Kendall, will all the good times I hae had this my senior year to next year's sen- iors. I, Cynthia Pickell, will my ! non - peroxide hair to Cathy Clark. I, Esther Powell, will to Kathleen Dodderidge, the stam ina to finish high school, and the nerve to go on to college. I, Morris Stringer, being of tired body and mind, will my ability to get up in the morning at fifteen after eight and be at school barely on time to "Speedy" Rodemayer. I, Glenda Young, do hereby will my southern accent to Kar leen Carlisle. I, Edna Smith, do hereby will my treasury Job to Elaine Fa well, as she got it anyway. I, Barbara Simmonds, will the ability to have fun in school next year to Kay Hess. I, Judy Twedell, will my good nature and loving ways to Sharon Bourne in hope she has fun with it. I, Evelyn Cook, will my seat and Occupational Report American Problems to Carol Rollins, hoping she won't be able to fill it up as well as I did I, Mary Jean Davis, will by ability (?) to take eenior remi dial math to any Jr. girl who's interested in bonehead math and Mr. Corthell. I, Maxine Stringer, will my used shorthand pads to Shirley Rolie hoping she can decipher them better than me. L Kenna Gandee, will all the mice in my locker to David Lasih Moll amid! Testemea Hoots' cat Stubby. I, Kathy York, being sane (?) at the moment do fully and completely will my cats to the Student Body so there will be no need to worry about the mice. I, Sue Thorpe, will my abil ity to leave everything until the last minute and still get the pages in on time, to Richard Lamb, hoping that he won't get as many worried looks got I, Bill Hayes, will my place as foreman in auto shop to Ray Powell. I, Viola Hartwell, will all the good times I had in G.A.A. to the next year's G.A.A. mem bers. I, Blackie Mitchell, of sound mind and weak body do hereby will my American Problems book to Jerry Mickle, May God be with you, for you're going to need him. I, Lester Lowman, leave my ability to make my GMC run when my dad takes parts off so it will not run for Bill Work man. I, Ronnie Nosier, being of weak mind and weaker body, do solemnly swear and be queath my ability to make 5's in any class from Econ to art, to any niny dumb enough to take it. I, Clover Hile, with one lit tle bit of sheer courage, will Mr. Lewis and American Prob lems to anyone who might be concerned with graduating next year. I, Carol Fowler, will my abil ity to get along with Junior boys to any Junior girl who thinks she can handle them. I, Yen Bently, will all my books to one of the next years seniors that likes to study very hard to get good grades. I, Joan Woods, of sound mind and body, do hereby will my tallness to Lillie Stults and Lee Anne Leach. I, Bob Laws, being of strong body and sound (?) mind do hereby bequeath my position as "TOP ED" on the mile pile to "Young ED", Melville Dailey the upstart. I, Gail Brewer being of sound mind and body, do make this my last will and testament: !to the person who finds him self short of funds in traffic court and not able to pay his fine, I leave to this person the top bunk in cell No. 2, Ash land City JaiL I, Lee Roy Barger, will my ability to pass my classes to Ted Silver. I, Glenda Wilson, will my ability to get slips from Mrs. Taylor's office to my sister, Beverly Fager, and hope she doesn't get in more trouble than I did. I, Don Crockett, will my sole transportation (my motor scoot er) to Toby Kay Fox, who has intentions to be a senior next year. I. Gary Lawson, being o weak body and not so sound mind, will my red and pink slips to Tom "Liberrachy Rashe. I, Sandy James, will forget everything I learned and was taught in the last 12 years witn in the next three months. I, Walt McCoy, being of sound mind and strong body, will my ability to spend more than of my time out of third period Study Hall to any one that is lucky enough to get Roland L. Parks for a study hall teacher. I, Frank Townsend, will all my good grades to Martha Self. I, Harold Silver, will my book of Shakespeare to Terry Davis. L Lavonia Findley, will my place in Econ to Kathy Findley 'with the hope that she gets along better than I did. I, Marvin Woods, will the number one spot on the tennis team to anyone that Lkes to beat all the time. I, Pat Nicholson, will Mr. Lewis's pet name for me to any one who can acquire it. I, Laura Millage, will my un used locker to any senior girl who is going steady. I, Dick Thornton, will the Auto Shop to all the goats in Tasmania. We, Nancy Anderson and Fay Hess, being of sound mind and sound body (?) do hereby will to Kay Hess our ability to cut school and not get caught. I, George Gray, will my broken nose and suave ways to any kid lucky enough to get them. I, Jeanette McDonald, will my ability to "trip over my pom poms and fall flat on my face at the basketball games to Lynn ErwinJ ' I, Dan Hargis, being of sound mind and body bequeath to all Mr. Todd's classes, his ruler and arguments- I, Louie' Morgan, will the ' primer spot on my cpt to I "Buns" Jimmy Hall. I, Galen Ferguson, do here- I by will my books of Shake- 'speare's 4 tragedies to any jun- ior who is crazy enough to take it I, Ralph Witt, will my short legs to Charlet Dailey. I, Lois Downing, will my La Buena Ventura to June Hop kins. WE THE SENIORS It was about t-elve years ago When first we entered school, To learn aboijit Arithmetic and or the c.rtiden kuic. They didn't use the hickory stick At schools wherV? we all went. But, Gosh, the' teachers sure did know We weren't from heavens sent. Into the higher grades we passed It didn't take vs long. Why, school it' wasn't bad at all. We flew through like a song. Through all' the things that make youth gay . . . The headaches, tests, and games And then ve' seemed to drift apart ' ' Until in Asiiland town We started at the Junior High And really settled down. Twas there we met the kids with whorl We've gone through High School dayi - ' Through picnics, Proms and nlavs. The thrill of Just "belonging" here, ' 1 ' of winning little fame! Our teachers we will ne'r for get. They did the best they could To make of us real citizens. Trustworthy, honest, good. Now comes our graduation day Though, sad. we're happy too. As out into the woria we stray The Class of Fifty-Four. PROVOST'S FURNITURE Hallicrafters T.V. and Radio Phone 5811 Ashland, Ore. FOR BLOUSES, SKIRTS AND JOAN MARIE SWEATERS Shop CAROLE ANN FASHIONS J, Joyce Mault, will my con- I, Larry James, 1J cert music to David Athanas. 1 sound bodv and mindj I, Gary Burgess, will my seat possible. in Miss Gribbs' English clas3 I, Doyle Hutchin; to Jim HalL of sound bodv and m I, James "Burlyque" Watrus. all my stuff and gra being of sound mind and body jmech. to Charles Da do will to njxt year's senior L Dave Williams. class as a w'.iole Ron Nosier, ano playing ability only because somoone, has to willing to be called will him since he'll be back I, Ray Skippy, w again. unflustered manncl I' Clarence Baker, being of : these mixed up jun, sound mind and weak body do hereby will my position as guard on the Senior Battalion to Bill Workman, hoping he'll make all intramural league guard. I, Mary Falls, do will my fine sense of humor to Jimmie Felker in hopes she gets along with it as well as I did. I, Dixie Ann Gunther, will my ability to be quiet and stay out of trouble in class to my little brother Richard Gunther. I, Sharlee McNerney, will my'abiiity to get along with all ! teachers to Sylvia Smith. I, Marion Mills, will my abil ity to get out of school every afternoon to any senior who wants to be so lucky. l. Max ucsavedo, will my many tardy slips and makeup ir"" Mowing i" Haynes I, Bruce Hamilton, will my ability to keep my temper which every redhead has, to Sharon Abbott in hopes that she will learn how to do it. I, Dan Hakes, will some of my height to Jeannie Hargis in hopes she will be able to reach my shoulder some day. I, Leroy Hill, will my abil ity to sleep in Mr. Lewis' class to any person who keeps late hours at night. I, Ray Reed, will my ability for corny speeches, to anyone who has speech from Herb Lewis. I, Larry Paschke, will my seat in English to any sucker who will take it. I, Larry Rametes, will my ability to pick good dates to Bob Brewer as he will need it next year. I, Joe Stoddard, will my abil- ty to get good (?) grades in Stenography to any boy dumb enough to set in on one of these hen classes. I, David Dickerson, will my troubles to be distributed equally among the remaining students at A.H.S. 5HELDON JEWELRY Henry Carr, Owner Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry Fine Repairing and Engraving ROLLING PIN DONUT SHOP Donuts for Parties 50 E. Main Phone 2-2771 Hallmark Cards SCHLACK STUDIO AND CAMERA SHOP Portraits Commercial Photography S & H Gren Stamps Ph. 2-3441 293 E. Main STANDARD CLEANERS "If it can be done we can do it" 163 E. Main Free Pickup and Delivery GEORGE AND EVA'S CONFECTIONERY 607 Siskiyou I, Gerald Hinks, ability to get mes- ing football to Wayne. I, Darlene Prui sound body and rr athletic ability to 1 Being of sour J body, I, Henry my coveted c Crisp's heart to can profit by it. I, Dick Eidsul soundless body able mind, will (?) times in Spa one who is stu I take either SpaiJ L Melvin Pet-; ability to get a Lindley to Ver needs it. I, Thomas C ability to catch Bob Williams w We, the class better and dee ing of school r freshmen; and mores, the abi and carry out the school; to ability to leadi ing to their school as an hi High School. M ARTE I UNIOr st; 237 East Ashland,! ASHLAND Ashland Gill Whitman's ar Chocoh' Phone 5' Ashland General P. O. Bo Corner C St. arJ Ashland, OI OMAR: origin; TOAD IN TH Ask Your Nc Ashland HotJ Shod Good Food Food I Serril :, Lunt ner Breakfast, COLLEGE CLE Your Favorite & Free Monile Mot Marshall-Wells' On the PlaJ Hardware - House Sporting Goo PERRINE'S Better Clothes For Money -. On the Plaza