PAGE FOUR ROGUE NEWS Friday, March 27. 1953 Grizzlies Murdered In 'Sudden Death' BEAR FACTS Several boys played their final high school basketball game, February 28, In the Junior High School gymna sium. Gregg Lininger, Bob Dels man, Jim Jeffries, Bob Myrick, Bill Welch, Harvey Woods Glen Ingle and Jerry Ward, will be graduating in June, so they were really determined to beat Grants Pass. Although they played a good game, finally after two over times, the Ashland team was defeated by two points. There were many memories for spectators on February 28 when the AHS Grizzlies play ed their last game on the old Junior High court, whcih was one of the finest gyms in the west when constructed in 1920 For many years school auth orities and townspeople won dered if the gym could be fill ed up because of its 1,000 per son seating capacity. But as time progressed, so did basket ball, and now the gym is filled to capacity almost every game. Next years games will be held in the physical education addi tion to the senior high. The Ashland Grizzly track team will have to depend a great deal on some new talent. The only lettermen returning from last year's team are Ken Dailey, Ken Rogers, David Stemple, Kenna Gandee, Clar ence Baker, Jim Jeffries, Larry James, and Ted Tenney. Mel Johnson is again head track coach assisted by Gene Allison. The Grizzlies first competition will be a four way meet between Ashland, Grants Pass, Central Point, and Illinois Valley at Grants Pass on March 27. Joan Maria Sweaters Sports Modes Skirts S & H Green Stamps CAROL ANN DRESS SHOP PEOPLE'S MARKET 304 North Main GROCERIES b SCHOOL NEEDS BEN FRANKLIN STORE (Formerly Mctz) 5c 10c & Up 250 I. MAIN MARSHALL-WELLS STORES HARDWARE . HOUSEWARES SPORTING GOODS Ashland, Oregon Groceteria FREE PARKING . . . WI DELIVER HOME BAKING It was in the second over time, which is "sudden death" and the ball game was all tied up at 50-all. A sophomore guard, who had previously missed a pair of free throws which woud have given the Cavemen the ball game. But he came rig it back to sink a ten foot fieli goal to beat the Grizzlies 52 50. The Grizzlies started out with a rush to take a first quarter lead of 11-8 and a half- times margin of 20-13, but the Cavemen romped back in the third period to forge ahead 36 27 on a scoring spree paced by Bill Hansen, who split under-the-basket defenses wide open as the ball-hawking guard was uncanny in hitting the hoop five times from 15 to 20 feet out. Ashland came back in the final quarter to even things at 42-42 and from there on it was first one team ahead and then the other. Jim Jeffries missed two shots from the free throw lane that would have iced the contest for the Grizzlies. Initial Meet Set Today Today Ashland High is hav ing the first track meet to be held right after school. The meet is a three way meet be tween Grants Pass, Cave Junc tion and Ashland High. The events are as follows: 70 yd. hurdles Ted Tenney, Jim Watrus, Larry James. 75 yd. dash Clarence Baker, Kenna Gandee. -mile Ken Rogers, Ken Dailey, Bob Lewis, Stewart Eidman. 330 yd. dash Bill Bates, Willie Hinkson. Two hurdles Jim Jeffries, Kenna Gandee, Larry James, Leigh Taylor. 660 yd. run Ray Reed, Gary Lawson, David Stemple, Ralph Witt, Bill Bates. 150 yd. dash Clarence Baker, Stewart Baker. Shot put Bob Platko, Jack Herburger, Jim Jeffries, Don Hilderbrand. Richard Mitchell. Pole vault Gary Lawson, Ken Dailey, Dave Herburger, Harry Johnson. Discuss Blackie Mitchell, TENTATIVE SPRING SPORT TRACK March 27 Meet April 4 April 10 Rogue Relays April 17 Hayward Relays .. April 30 May 9 District Meet BASEBALL March 31 April 3 April 7 April 1 1 .... April 14 April 20 April 23 ... April 24 .. April 28 .. May 1 May a May 8 TENNIS April 10 April 13 .. April 20 April 25 April 30 May 4 District Meet SCHLACK STUDIO AND CAMERA SHOP S & H Green Stamps Hallmark Cards ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 2-3441 - 293 E. Main P E R R I N E'S Better Clothes for Less Money ; . ; T 1 . A T h4 VlX i t P XLt-'ttMtKUff-r.. mi TuiTi&Mrrtrt.- -rt jftnrtMiM -nf - KMUMiaamwtW . m rmn a . ' J 1953 Basket Team. Front row, from left to right: Jerry Mickle, Jim Jeffries, Clarance Baker, Bob Delsman. Bill Welch, Bob Myrick, Manager Jimmy Smith. Back row: Coach John Rossi, Ted Tenney, Wall McCoy, Gregg Lininger, Jerry Ward, Haryey Woods, Glen Ingle. Hoop Stars Receive Letters Wednesday morning, March 11, during activity period, Junior Varsity and Varsity letters were presented by Gene Allison and John Rossi. The players who received J. V. letters were Jerry Mickle, Jim Watrus, Bill Bates, David Carter, Jimmy Hall, Bruce Hamilton, Doyce Lemley, Jim Sutherlin, Dennis Lacey, Garry Taylor, and Manager Leslie Hodgins. Those receiving Varsity let ters were Gregg Lininger, Bob Jeffries, Jerry Ward. Bob Dels man, Bill Welch, Glen Ingle, Ted Tenny, Clarence Baker, Walt McCoy and Manager Jimmy Smith. Craig Martin, Dave Herburger, Ray Shaw. High jump Ted Tenney, Corwin Tobiasson. Broad jump Kenna Gandee, Jack Herburger, Larry James. Javelon throw Jack and Dave Herburger, Rudy Brock, Walt McCoy, Willie Hinkson. 440 yd. relay Kenna Gan dee, Bill Bates, Clarence and Stewart Baker. SCHEDULE .Grants Pass There -Crater Here Medford There ..Eugene There .Grants Pass Hecs ..Medford There Phoenix Here .Illinois Valley Here .Eagle Point There . Crater .... There -Eagle Point . Here -Medord Here Medord .. Here Grants Pass Here ..Illinois Valley There -Crater Here -Grants Pass . There -Phoenix There ..Klamath Falls , Here -Medord .. There ..Klamath Falls There Medord There -Grants Pass Here ..Medford Here Klamath Falls There FORTMILLERS Quality Department Store McNAIR DRUGS The Rexall Store on the Plaza Prescriptions - Cosmetics Sohool Supplies . f V T. Grizzlies Twice by The Klamath Falls Pelicans dumped the Ashland High Grizzlies 66 to 40 to put the I Pels into undisputed second i place in the Southern Oregon conerence. The Ashland loss puts the Grizzlies down in the cellar with Grants Pass, which was two-timed over the week end by the Medord Black Tor nadoes who cinched the league crown with its victory over the Cavemen. At the beginning of the game the Grizzlies looked as though things were going to go their way, since they held a 14 to 11 lead by the end of the first period. But the Pels came back in the second quarter to lead 31 to 24 at the halfway mark. Klamath built up a com manding lead in the third quar ter, taking a 48 to 35 bulge as the period ended. In the fourth quarter the Pels provided a strong offense using a two platoon system against the somewhat tired Grizzlies. Doug Pence took high scoring honors of the night with eight field goals and a free throw for a total of 17 points. Ken Young was close behind with 14. Ted Tenney led the Grizzlies with 10 points. Ashland fell to Klamath Union High School after a dis- COLLEGE RICHFIELD SERVICE Junction 66 and 99 DRIVE IN MARKET Groceries-Fresh Vegetable Meats W. P. Hamby W. B. HauJy 180 C Street Store Hours 6:30 am - 11 pra Closed Mondays Dinner before the game or a coke afterwards PLAZA CAFE BREWER'S INSURANCE AGENCY 1255 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, Oregon Ashland Hotel Coffee Shop Good Food and Fast Service Breakfast, Lunch and - Dinner - V : V - : Walloped Klamath astrous last three minutes. The final score was 48 to 43. At the end of the first quar ter the score was 12 to 12. When the Grizzlies came out in the second quarter they poured it on and held the lead until the last three minutes. Klamath came into the lead after two of their players bucketed field goals to make the score 43 to 42. Jim Jeffries was the only Ashland player to score in the last three minutes. and this was a free throw. In the second quarter Ash land hit 4 field goals before the Pelicans could score. The rest of the quarter was a seesaw af fair ending with a score of 27 to 23 in favor of Ashland. In the third period Klamath narrowed the margin to 34-36. 66 99 HOMES V SERVICE Union Oil Products Lubrication Accessories June. 66&99 Ph. 9-9156 PROVOST'S FURNITURE AND FLOOR COVERING SNqW WHITE FREEZE Burgers Coney Island Red Hots Shakes - Cokes 'If it can be done, We can do it" STANDARD CLEANERS 1-Day Scrvk Groceries - Vegetables Delivery Service PLAZA GROCERY BLACK LOAM TOP SOIL DIAL 2-3889 or 8527 Flowers, Garden or For Lawn