mm mm ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL. ASHLAND. OREGON THURSDAY. JAN. 22. 1953 Popular Dean Ends Teaching If you should happen to see Mrs. Mary Chnstlieb rushing down the halls between class es, you can be sure she has something on her mind. This 5'2", vivacious teacher is kept very busy with her shorthand, office practice, and steno class es, which she says, are better than ever this year. Aside from her classes, she has one of the most important positions in the school, that of Dean of Girls. She has been trying to make the Dean's off ice play a more important part PS- .,1 .in the lives of the students. Asked what her pet peeve was, she emphatically replied, "Those hot rodders that take off like mad, leaving patches on the road!" She believes her most em barrassing moment was when Principal Roland Parks mis took her for one of the stu dents a few days before school started, four and one-half THESPIANS TO INITIATE The Thespian troupe of Ash land High has been making plans for a program to give a Founder's Day, for the Parent Teachers Association. It will be a colorful play, with the spirits of the actual founders of the P. T. A. paying a visit to several P. T. A. members of today. Also, the Thespians have re ceived an invitation to hold a double initiation with the Thes pian troupe of Dunsmuir, Cali fornia. Plans are being made to see if it will be possible for Ashland's troupe to make the trip some time early in March. IT Horn living studenli and ihair visitors injoy LtbIy gam of London Bridge. of Girls Career years ago. It was going to be her first try at teaching and when she came to the school to get some books, she encoun tered Mr. Parks. Asking him for the books, he promptly "bawled her out" because, as he stated, "We aren't allowed to issue books to students be fore schpol starts." She hasten ed to explain that she was one of the new teachers! Oil painting and cooking are Mrs. Christlieb's favorite hob bies. Asked what her likes and dislikes were, she said, "I don't like hot weather, but I sure like to sleep!" After attending grade schools in Iowa, she attended Wash ington, Bellview, and Junior High here in Ashland. Upon her graduation from high school in Corvallis, Oregon she entered Oregon State Col lege at Corvallis, and got B.S. in education there. At the end of the first se mester, Mrs. Christlieb plans to draw an end to her teaching career. Miss Loraine Rosa, graduate of Washington State College, Pullman, Washington, will be taking over steno and office practice classes. a Writers To Hold Dinner A dinner honoring Quill and Scroll neophytes, followed by the initiation, is to be held Wednesday, January 28, at 6:30 in the Ashland Senior High School. At a previous meeting held jy the future members, offi cers were elected to serve for the remainder of the year. Gail Cruson is president; Bar bara Van Vleet was elected vice president; and Nancylee Olson is to be secretary-treasurer. Adviser of the club is Miss Laura Hershey. Those to be initiated are Joan Woods, Ann Colley, Ben Heitz, Barbara Van Vleet, Da vid Stemple, Pat Wells, Nancy lee Olson, Pat Abbott, and Dick Norris. The members of the staff are to receive their pins at the initiation. Quill and Scroll is an hon orary organization for high school journalists who must excel in one phase of journal ism as well as being in the up per third of their class. Mrs. Gladys Banks, past ad viser; Mrs. lone Taylor; Mr. Roland Parks, and present ad viser. Miss Hershey, will be chaperones for the occasion - ( v--.i A 4 I Sports Queen Announced i i if i; V a v i . i - .s i . ! X. . . I " PRINCESS JEANETTE . r. QUEEN After weeks of suspense, it is finally revealed that Nor-) ma Stephens was chosen by the Letterman's Club as Ashland Senor Books Arrive "Hey, there, would you sign my memory books? Surely, by this time, all of the students of AHS have heard this ques tion during the past week or so. The reason for this is be cause seniors who ordered their graduation announce ments These books are white with gold letters on the outside cov er, saying "Memory Album." Then on the inside there is room for such things as "Big Wheels," "Class Doins'," "Re member When," and "Proms and Parties." With this selection, surely you can find a place for your mark. Home Ec Is Home Living Did you happen to notice a few children between the ages of 3 and 5 years running around AHS a few weeks ago? It isn't that our school is start ing to take students at this ripe young age Mrs. lone Taylor's classes in home living were just practicing their learning on live children! The girls planned and cook ed a meal for the children, put them in bed for a nap, and later played games and prac ticed the art of telling stories to a child. During their study of child care the girls have learned such things as what makes a " if ty NORMA High's 1953 All-Sports Queen. Norma and the two princess- es-elect, Jeanette McDonald and Wilma Calhoun, will re- wANDY SALES IN GYM Haven't you missed seeing the candy counter out in the front hall? Well, the journal ism class decided that the best location which provided com fort and room would be the concession booth in the gym. The candy sales are still managed by the same people. The selection of candies is di versified as ever. If you feel that they should have a speci fic candy bar and you know others will buy it, turn the name of it to Pat Wells, or Ben Heitz, they will try to do something effective. Time hasn't that been changed? Yes, it was decided that it would be best to sell from 12:30 to 1 p.m. The candy salesmen have to eat their lunch, too. child misbehave, how to tell stories that children will en joy, and how to care for very small' children. ' earner in me year, groom ing and manners were studied A hair stylist visited their classes and showed them hair styles, how to wash and set hair, and about tints and dyes A unit in home decoration showed the girls how to furn ish a home in a colorful and tasteful manner. They, also learned wnat lurnisnings are best together. The girls get actual practic in table setting and menu plan ning when they give a lunch- PRINCESS WILMA ceive heir crowns during the lifetime of the Grants Pass Ashland basketball game, Fri day, January 23. Glen Ingle, president of Let terman's Club, is in charge of the coronation. Bob Delsman was chosen as escort for the Queen. Gregg Lininger and Ted Tenney will be escorts for the princesses. The coronation was origin ally scheduled for the Med-ford-Ashland game ,but due to difficulties, it was postponed for one week. Jrs. Plan Smoker The juniors are planning a smoker for January 27, to raise money for class benefits. The smoker will be held in the jun ior high gym at 8 p.m. Chairman and person re sponsible for this smoker is George Gray. George plans to get students of Ashland High to sign up as participants in events according to weight and size. The names of the students who will participate are not as yet available because not enough have signed up. eon every couple of weeks. Just before Christmas, a holi day luncheon was served to the teachers. This was completely planned, cooked, and served by the students. They learn about budgeting for a, calories, and the basic foods needed for growth. The girls do some sewing each one of them has a project such as a dress, skirt or a blous. They ar taught what clothes r appropriate for ev ery occasion.