lis WoirelBlesseS To (Give Than To Receive 'Hurry up and open it! I want you to see what I made for you!" Blue-eyed little Janie was dancing up and down with excitement, her blond curls bouncing with each step as she waited for her mother to open the Christmas gift. Finally the last bit of gay Christmas wrap ping was taken off and there w3 the present itself a gay, colorful flower picture cut from a magazine and framed in deep green construction paper. There was paste smeared on the big yellow daffodil in the cen ter of the picture, and the green paper frame was cut crooked, but Janie's mother liked it, and, satisfied, Janie went on to the important business of the eve ning opening the pile of packages in front of her. Janie wasn't very old, but she had found something important something a lot of older peo ple still don't know the true meaning of Christmas. She saw that "it is more blessed to give than to receive," and that what you do give must be given with love and good wishes, because "the gift without the giver is bare." Christmas doesn't mean the rush of gay parties held each year during the holidays or the expensive gifts given without much thought to anything but the dollars and cents they repre sent. They are as much out of place at Christmas as a slick new '52 convertible would have been beside the lowly stable in Bethlehem. Christmas is the happiest sea son of the whole year, and it is a beautiful season too, because Christmas, if everybody believ ed as Janie does. But surely sometime the sun on Christmas Day will rise on a serene world a world that will have no more Pearl Harbors, no more Koreas a world at peace. Then the words of that beauti ful song which the angels sang so many long years ago over the quiet plains of Bethlehem can come true, and there really will be "peace upon earth, good will unto all men!" it is a time of peace and good will and hope for a better world to come. All our brothers and boy-friends who are spending their Christmas fighting in the rugged, muddy hills of cold Korea could be home this 4) dents of the Ashland ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 Carol Sullivan Receives DAR Citizenship Award' Christmas Music Featured By Band, Chorus, Dec. 18 The annual Christmas concert was presented by the vocal and instrumental departments o f both the junior and senior high schools before a large group of parents and friends Tuesday, December 18. in the Junior high , school gym. Singing "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," the Senior High chorus began the processional to the stage, where under the di rection of Mr. Bernard Wtndt, they sang Shubert's "Ava Maria," with Sarah Wilson and Merle Dee Is doing the solo parts. Other numbers were "Quit Your Fields," and "Ring Christmas Bells" by Leonto-vttch. HO SCHOOL 3:00 p.m. - Dec. 21 to 8:30 a.m. - Jon. 2 The Junior High Boys' Glee Club, directed by Miss Iva Weir, sang a traditional song, "Angels We Have Heard on High"; a Ne gro spiritual, "Rise Up Shep herds and Follow," and "We Three Kings of Orient Are," by J. P. Hopkins. "O Holy Night" by Adams, "O Joyous Christmas Song" by Garaert, and "The Holly and the Ivy," a traditional song, were numbers sung by the Girls' Glee Club of the Junior high. "In the Cathedral," by Pierne and the popular "White Christ mas" by Irving Berlin under the baton of Mr. Clarence Wiggins were some of the selections played by the band. The entire music department concluded the program with a medley of Christmas carols called "Merry Christmas" by Kfangkiser. The audience participated in singing "O, Come All Ye Faith ful." The accompanist for the Sen ior High chorus was Barbara Hild. Seniors Head Honor Roll; Juniors Fall Into Second After the close of every six weeks period. Mrs. Eileen Wright, the office secretary, makes out an honor roll list of students who have done out standing work during the time covered. Sophomores, Bill Bates, Max Lne Champion, Tommy Click, Lois . Downing, George Grayt Bruce Hamilton, Kathleen Hart ley, Viola Hartwell, Bob Laws, I Frank Momany, Wanda Oden, The seniors lead the list this James Peter, Esther PowelL Ed six weeks with 25 per cent of n cm;th tw t,, t-um. Boys' League Sponsors Annual Yule Tide Program In the Christmas program sponsored by tthe Boys' League in assembly this morning, num bers were "Santa Claus is Com ing to Town," "White Christ mas," "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth," and "Freckles." Rev. Ross Knorts, pastor of the Ashland Methodist Church, delivered the Christmas mes sage. The mixed quartet and the girls' quartet sang two selec tions each. The program was concluded with the band play ing Christmas carols and every one singing. , ; Art Class Projects Show Xmas Spirit Appropriate for the Yule sea- ; son are the projects Just com- pleted in Mr. Lindley's art class, j Decoration in the main hall on the bulletin board, by Elaine jRettmann, Robert Lytle. and Carol Sullivan, carries out the theme of Santa returning to the North Pole after completing his task on Christmas Eve. Barbara Harris and Charlcne McNerney painted the bells and signs on the front door. The art classes from both junior and senior men decor- Carol Sullivan, the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Sullivan and the late R. B. Sullivan, has been awarded the 1952 DAR Good Citizenship Award, which each year is given by the local L chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The qualities of good citizen- i ship on which this award is giv- en are dependability, which in- eludes personality, self-control, and ability to assume responsi bility; and patriotism, which in cludes unselfishness, interest in family, school, community and nation. Each year this award is given to the senior girl who most nearly possesses these qualities. Four girls Marilee Mason, I Millicent Tower, Barbara Hild i and Carol Sullivan were j nominated by the faculty; Carol received the highest number of votes. This friendly, brunette senior girl is well-known at Ashland High, for she participates in a variety of activities. This year Carol is editor of the "Rogue" annual, first vice-president of Girls' League, a member of Pep Club. Tri-Hi-Y and of Quill and Scroll Carol is to receive a medal; her name is to be inscribed on the Citizenship Plaque; and she will be a contestant for the state award. The state winner is giv en a trip to Washington, D.C. c Mrs. I. T. Robinson, Regent of the Mt. Ashland Chapter of DAR, is in charge of the local contest. In 1949 Venita RoberUon re ceived the DAR award: 1950, Anne Fullerton; and 1951, Vir ginia Reibel. their class on the honor roll. They have twelve boys and eight girls. Second, the Juniors have 16 per cent of their class on the list, thirteen boys and eight girls. The sophomores are third with 14 per cent of their class on the list. Twelve boys and eight girls. This makes a grand total of 61 students on the hon or roll this, the second six weeks. Congratulations go to. Sen iors. Dale Campbell, Howard DeYoung. Jack Frost, Keith Garrett, John Hopkins, Barbara Hild. Wayne Johnson, Lawrence Lebow, Marilee Mason, Phyllis Nichols, Bill Miles, Charles Pet er, Bruce Skibby, Evelyn Smith, Ryle Stemple, Carol Sullivan, Barbara Sweeney, Milli cent Tower, and Ann Williamson. Juniors, Pat Abbott, Ann Col ley, Gail Cruson, Robert Edson, Glen Ingle, Clyde James, Gregg Lininger, Don Laws, Doris Mac kay, Marye Middleton, Pat My ers, Bob Myrick, Dick Norris, Barbara Owen, Betty Smith, Ida Smith, Norma Stephens, Sarah Wilson, Harvey Woods, Pauline Davis, and Nancy Dunk en son. na Smith, Ted Tenney, Dick rhornton, David Williams, Joan Woods, Marvin Woods, and Kathrine York. Increase of Polio Depletes Funds Your Dimes Are Heeded; Give Now The National Foundation for Infantile Paralvsis is $5,000,000 in debt. As the Foundation is desperately in need of addition al funds, the drive period is doubled this year. The 1952 March of Dimes will be Janu ary 2 31. death march of this dreaded scourge ana made it possible for three-fourtths of the victims of Infantile paralysis to recover and carry on a normal life again. The MARCH OF DIMES has j come to be a traditional part of ated the gym for the Christmas workers; to maintain emer program. The border around the balcony was draped with icicles and pine boughs. At the entrance of the gym there were two large Santa Clauses. Not only did the class help with these decorations but they had time for individual pro jects. Some made posters, while others made cards from linole um blocks and stencils. Money from this annual fund- January in America. Some time next montn do your part to keep the old tradition going drop some dimes in the MARCH OF DIMES coin container and help some little child learn to walk again. raising campaign goes to train doctors, r.urses, physical thera pists and other professional Central Point. Medford Debaters Join Ashland for Practice Session Competing for state debate honors this year are four veter ans from last year, and eight new students. The veterans are, Leland Silver, Don Laws, Bob Myrick, and Collette Perrlne. The new students are Clyde James, Gregg Lininger, Maxine Champion, Norma Stephens, Glen Ingle, Chuck Peter, Dave Stemple, and Bob Laws. The students of the debate class held a practice session here, December 15, with Central Point and Medford. All mem bers of the class participated in the debates. This was not a meet for decision, but only for criti cism. . The national question for de bate this year is, "Resolved, that gency depots for polio equip ment; to pay the bills of patients who can't pay themselves 80 are unable to pay and 10 ii nance me intensive re search which will someday un lock the door to polio's twin mystery its exact cause and its absolute prevention and cure. There has been no polio , beginning to take shape. On No- vicum aiiacKea wiuun me last five years who has not been aid ed in some way through ser vices made possible by the MARCH OTP niMVC Polio is definitely on the In- ,n"5mP!7' crease in America. The . total number of cases reported in the last four years is 132,000 In the previous ten years the total Annual Promises ( To Be Best Yet The Rogue Annual is really vember 21 the staff mailed out 20 pages and today, December 21, there are 24 more pages ready to be sent to the publish- These 42 pages include the seniors, juniors, sophomores, faculty, and the divider pages. New additions to the Rogue all American citizens should be was only 113.000! This year the igXaa phil Selby, assistant subject to -conscription for es-i estimated total is 28.500. Ap- Ousine-a manager; worms on- sential service in time of war. proximately 75 of the cases pnens. The first regular meet will be are less man 16 years old. It is held January 25 and 26 at this great increase in cases dur- assistant editor; and Richard Booth, student photo grapher. Win ton Miller, staff S.O.C.E. in oration, extempt, j Ing the last four years that has j artist, has made some excellent radio, debate and impromptu. The invitational meet at Me Minnville will be February 22 and 23. Mr. Lewis says, "We have a better chance than the lower division. You can't tell how the breaks will go though. Most of our kids are pretty green.' The district meet will be in March at Grants Pass. It in cludes all of Southern Oregon. The state meet will be around the first of April In Eugene. causea me f oundation to gc $5,000,000 In debt on patient care. But there's a bright side to the picture, too. Eight per cent of the reported cases die and 17 are seriously crippled for life. But of the other 75, about 50 recover completely, and 25 recover with slight after effects that don't Interfere with normal living. It Is the dimes and dollars, collected by the annual MARCH OF DIMES that has slowed the drawings, which will occupy conspicuous places in the yearbook. Mr. Ellison, who has our pic ture contract this year, has turned out some fine prints, and the publishing company has promised the best in printing and- lithography. All indications are that this year s Rogue will be the best yet. Thanks to the Hi-Y and the Tri-Hi-Y for the lovely Christ mas tree In the study hall.