VOLUMK LXX1 ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV. 9, 1947 NUMBFR 54 riszDies Trows RAedford, 27-19 c IS, THIS SHOT from an AHS annual shows the victorious 1947 football team after a highly successful season. This was the last team to defeat Med ford until last Friday night. Members of this team include Roger Hall and Glen Nelson, fathers of two of our '69 Grizzlies. Come From Behind After Captain Beare Breaks Leg An inspired Ashland High school football team playing its most gallant game of the season trounced the undefeated Black Tornado of Medford, 27-19, last evening at the Medford High school field to end the 1947 season. On the short end of a 13-7 score as the second half opened and overcoming an injury jinx which had sidelined Captain Ed Beare with a broken leg in the second period, coach Frank O'Neil's Bears outplayed the Tigers in all departments as they tallied once in the third quarter and twice in the final stanza. This headline and lead paragraph are reprinted in part from the front page of the Nov. 9. 1947, Ashland Daily Tidings. The story appeared the day following the game and went on to give a play-by-play account of the game, recapping the exciting points of the first defeat of Medford since 1941. Microfilm of the actual paper was obtained through courtesy of the Ashland Public Library. Pear Pickers Flunk Big One by Kenn Conger October 10, 1969 is now down in history as the first time since 1947 . that the Grizzlies have defeated Medford, and the first time in Ashland High's history that Ashland has goose-egged the pear pickers. This was made possible because we have a tough team with bone-crushing offense and defense who've intercepted 30 percent of our opponents' passes. In past years, there have been problems in getting the student body to support our team. This year is a welcome exception. Nearly 3,000 AHS alumni and fans showed up last Friday to cheer our Bears on, and no telling how many stayed home with their ears glued to a radio. This shows a new-found pride and confidence in our team that we've probably never had to this extent in all these years. Head Coach Lance Locke sums up the feeling well by saying "This is one of the greatest things that ever happened to this town. It gives Ashland a little respect back, as far as football is concerned. We've got a lot of hard work left, but for the first time in my life, we may see Ashland play in the state finals." Our team has the stuff to go all the way, but it will be a lot of hard work. We still have four tough games of knock-down drag-out football to go, including second ranked Albany. But with our help in the grandstands, half the battle's won, for our firm support helps keep our team in the thick of things. Let's get out there tomorrow night and do some rooting for our champs! I : VWSK. N -J' l H & N- L.V 1 1 i ' ;)-, AXv'-SVU..-- f 1 4Aiirv The Year That Medford team was really hot But the Ashland boys were ready. The battle raged and both teams fought The Grizzly guys held steady. When the score-board burned 20-0 The whistle popped the air The fans flew from every row And we knew it was the year of the Bear. Now the smoke has cleared And the Champagne's drunk. The tornado has crashed and burned. Now Albany's up on the second bunk With a lesson to be learned. A Sick Poem I Was 20-0 just a mistake? Was the deflation just a clam bake? It could not be, for Pete's sake, For Ashland had the right to take it. Just because Albany is second in rank Doesn't mean Ashland can't rob their bank. If we lose it would be a sin The game will be tough, but Ashland will win it. Is Ashland really going to state? You bet yourtweet cheeks! That's their fate. Jump in your buggy and grab a date. Ashland will win and we don't hav e to state it. Larry Jones Jane Davis Kenn Conger