Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 19, 1944, Image 1

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3 ulLcb to YOU!
ARTY: '44
1 11 u
Heed, Flaharty
2. Cup Winners
lithlotic, Scholastic,
Rlusic Awards Given
Frl.lav Mav 12 the annual
award assembly waa held in the I lce Mr. Rex Putnam, State
aupermienoeni. m f,uuchliuii, wiiu
will give the address "What
Next?" The class will be present
ed by Mr. Robinson. Senior speak-
Commencement Set i
For May 24 at Jr. High;
Commencement for Ashland j
High School will be held at 8:00
P.M., Wednesday, May 24, in the I
Junior High gym. The invocation J
will be given by Reverend Ear!
Downing. Mr. Norby will intro-
gym, climaxed by the awarding
of the Walters Christian Citizen
ship O.ip to Betty Sue Reed and
Dir-k FlHhrv
The band under the capable ers are Ddl"1 nH"'' " lru 1 1
leadership of Mr. Mirick gave an ian- "Not tne End- but the Bem
excellent rendition of "From Afrt- aura Billings saluta-
. .. nj u ! torian. "Looking, Ahead. Frank
companied by Mrs. Koehler,
plaved a bassoon solo.
Among the awards given for
athletics were letters for baseball
and track, awarded by Coach
S'mpson. Small awards were also
given to the football and basket
ball reserves.
Mrs. Harker, Daughters of the
American Revoution representa
tive, was introduced to present
j Van Dyke, chairman of the Board
of Education, will present the di
plomas to the 81 graduates. The
Reverend George Shu man will
pronounce the benediction.
The brass sextette, girls' sex
tette, and the band will fcrnish
musical numbers.
For the first time students will
march alphabetically, except for
those in the program, wearing the
traditional blue caps and gowns
Don Flaharty and Jinunie
Smith have attended Ashland
schools for most of their school
the DAR award to Betty Sue
Reed. This award is given for
outstanding leadership, scholar
ship, citizenship and service.
Reoognit;on of typing students
who had made rates ranging from
thirty to above fifty was given
by Miss Tyrell.
Mr. Phillips, represnting the
American Legion, rave a short
talk honoring the boys who will
iro into the service.
Mrs. Lorton awarded letters to
the GAA girls who bad the re
qu'red number of points.
Twentv-one members of the
band were awarded with letters
by their director, Mr. Mirick.
Miss Page announced the honor
roll for the year .that is, students
who hadn't received a grade lower
than a "2" all year.
with white tassels. There will be
no place provided for gifts
flowers for graduation.
Girls' League officers were
elected last Tuesday. The voting
resulted in a tie between Marjorie
Lutz and Pauline Ulstad for presi
dent. These two girls will share
the presidency, Pauline serving
the first term nad Marjorie the
Other officers were elected
without difficulty: 1st Vice-presi
Lutz, Smith, Petersen, 17. Flaharty
I Capture Other Student Body Offices
After a sluggish beginning, the ASB elections
finally wound up with spirited campaign speeches
and in a general heat of excitement. Don ana Hoger
Flaharty uphevi the family honor by capturir.;? tie
presidency and third vice-presidency respectively.
Marjorie Lutz, nominated from the floor, was elected
secretary. A hilarious campaign speech won the first
vice job for Jimmie Smith, while Gordon Peterson,
sophomore prexy, will hold down the second vice
president's duties.
Candidates on the ballot were:
Robinson Accepts
Post at Albany High
Clifford Robinson, who has been
principal of Ashland Senior High
for the past year, has accepted
a position to serve In the same
capacity at Albany Senior High,
the school whose competition with
, hr.m hum, rtf rVt.trt, 1 H a ,fl.r
dent. Joan Helm, 2nd Vice-presi- Jng hu schoo, dayg u CQm
dent Sheri? Stansbury: 3rdJAce- parable ue.nonored
and Secretary, Marian Sutherlin.
Five Hew Teachers Hired for AIIS;
Coaching Position Still Unfilled
Snmuelson to Head
Next Year's Hi-Y
At their annual picnic in the
park the Hi-Y club held their
election of officers. Those elected
to assist Jay Samuelson, the new
president, will be vice-president,
Jim Smith; secretary, James
Quackenbush; treasurer, Wallace
Cannon; chaplain, Jim Merrlman;
and song leader, Glen Durham.
During the regular meeting the
seniors were called upon to state
what they had received from the
club. .
At this, the last meeting of the
year the group presented Mr.
Koehler a leather bill fold in ap
preciation of his leadership.
Many new teachers have been
added to next year's staff in the
Ashland Senior High School.
William G. Ruppert will assume
the position of assistant principal
and also teach social studies. He
is at present connected with the
airforce training program at
EOCE in La Grande.
Erwin F. Lange is to replace
John Koehler as visiual aid In
structor and will have charge of
the high school science and math
Phyllis L. Gueffroy, who has
been teaching swimming, life sav
ing, and physical education at
Willamette University, will be the
new physical education Instructor.
Florence King Van Etten has
signed to teach commercial stud
ies. She has, taught sixteen years
in China and is now connected
with the Springfield high school
Louise Brown will serve as
dramatics and English teacher.
She is a graduate of Grlnr.eU, Io
wa University and has taught at
various places in Iowa.
The position of coach for Sen
ior High Is yet unfilled.
Itogers Signed For
AHS Principal Job
" My personal feelings are that
all the worthwhile established
traditions 'of the school should be
continued and maintained. I am
looking forward with pleasure to
the coming Fall season when I
will have the opportunity to meet
and work with the folks of Ash- )
land High." - - -was a statement ,
made by Mr. Rogers, who will as-
rivalry of Ashland and Medford.
"As it baa been a very pleas
ant and successful year from the
standpoint of academics, athletics
and cooperation, I regret leaving
AahlniKl Hi, but the offer of rj
more advantageous polilon In a
schoqj which Is so close to our
parents and friends In Corvallis
would be hard to refuse,"., he
According to Mr. Robinson, Al-
M -
biiV Kenlfir Hlch Hrhnnls its .100-
sume the duties as principal of iCdd 8tudents under 24 faculty
next year. ( memDers jn a three-story build-
Mr. Rogers was coach and . blg recently remodeled, with two
taught regular subjects at Junior w wnlch are a mod.
High for 11 years, and has been ern pyum and an auditorium
principal for five years. He at- wmch 120Q Especially
tended the Oregon College ot Ed- j noted for ,u flne mualcal de
ucation at Monmouth and the . , , k ., ,i
the state basketball championship J University of Oregon, where he ; ,,-,. comDetition. this
received bte Bachelor of Science also zstB of Its own base-
Ashland Hi's fame has spread
overseas! Otis Hill, now stationed
in Ireland, read of our winning
president, Don Flaharty, Jay Sam
uelson, and Marguerite Grime-
wald; 1st vice, Jim Smith. Cene
Bishop, Gone Berry, Arthur Phil
lips; 2nd vice, Gordon Petersxn.
Dora Provost, Tad Gandoe. Huph
Van Dewalker: 3rd vice, Harold '
Colvin, Roger Flaharty: and sec
retary, Marjorie Lutz, Eva Smith,
and Emily Norris.
Flaharty, Sr. Hi-Y member,
who in his own words "has pi evi
dential blood in him because his
mother was president of PTA and
his dad headed the Lions' Oub,
has been an active participant in
sports, winning his Vaiisty base
ball letter this year along tvRS
reserve emblems for bsskelbrjll
and football.
Secretary of the student body
Is one more responsibility to udd
to Marjorie Lutz' impressive col
lection for next year. Co-president
of the Girls' League, she jIso
claims the title of Quill and .Sc roll
president and will continue to
serve In her capacity as feature
e-iitor of the Rogue News.
Smith, well-known to all siud
ents as a clown who geia things
done anyway, has distinguished
himself as manager of bom track
and football.
New second vice-president, Pe
terson, is none other than the a;u
who placed in the district mile,
second only to the slate chu up.
He's known as the tall ,da.ik,
athletic-looking guy who has
guided the underclassmen through
the year.
Flaharty, Jr., the half-pint who
emerges from junior high a full
fledged ASB officer, is slated to
spark next year's greenies.
in the army newspaper, "Stars
and Stripes," and Earl Lydal, In
New Guinea, heard the same news
over a short-wave broadcast.
Parks To Serve as Jr. High Principal
Among those who will be missed by AHS students next year
is Roland L. Parks, assistant principal at Ashland HI for the. past two
years. Being a favorite with every member of
the student body and one who was always
willing to cooperate in student activites, Mr.
Parks has been chosen for the princlpalship
of Ashland Junior High.
A graduate of Ashland High in 1926, he
likewise graduated form SOCE and acquired
his B. S. degree at the University of Oregon.
He taught at Malin and Sprague River for
11 years and then was selected to teach at
Ashland where he has been assistant princi
pal and dean of boys.
He has been adviser of the last two
junior classes, doing more than his share
of work in the all-important prom, and his
guidance material and counselling have
proved very helpful. His comical antics at assemlles, parties, and
around the halls will be missed a lot by the students of AHS next
. -.Tr-m
ball park, in which the home team
regularly shines as or e of the out
standing nines in the vicinity.
In his year of administration
at AHS, Mr. Robinson has intro-
For the first time, this year duced a book rental system, re
the executive publication offices , organized the school curriculum
have been filled and appointed in ' and delegated much of the au
the spring instead of the fall, i thority for managing high school
Heading the Rogue News staff i affairs to the student government.
for next year will be Marguerite o
Grunewald as editor and Betty j SOCIETY INDUCTS '
Hollingsworth as business man- k
ager. I Wednesday, May 3, the Nation-
Marie Hill, co-editor this year, ' al Honor Society held its annual
will assume the duties as editor I Induction in the music room. Par
on the annual, and heading the ents, faculty and close friends of
business end will be Arthur Phil- ithe members were invited.
Hps. Assistants have not yet been J Those initiated were Dave Hile,
appointed, but there are several iDick Merrlman, Mary Curtis,
students under consideration. Mouryne Burton, Annella Con-
i a verse, Isabel Green and Arnlta
The following organizations will Black
not elect their officers until fall: Marilyn Young Bang two songs
Boys' League, G. A. A., Grizzly : to entertain the group. After the
Knights, Letter-man's Club, Choir, cere mo ny refreshments were
Band and Drill Team, : served.
AHS Musicians Win
Honors at Festival
Ashland High School JIusic De
partment, under the ciiicction of
I. A. Mirick and Elene Douglas
Nelson, won many honors at the
Music Festival held in Medford
on M3y 5.
Lor n Bailey was chosen to play
a cornet solo, "Willow Echoes,"
at the Concert held in the eve
ning. In the national rating con
test held during the day. Lorin
received a superior rating, or
a "1."
The girls' sextet also received
a "1," and many complimentary
remarks were made about the fine
singing of the group.
Two's (excellent) were given to
Ned Chapln for a marimba solo,
Clarice Homes for a bassoon solo,
and to the Ashland band. Over
half of the band was asked to
play in the Festival Band.
Schools attending the festival
were Grants Pass, Klimath Falls,
Ashland and Medford.