Attend the Dance Of The ASHLAND, OREGON, HIGH SCHOOL .Jj VOLUME XXU1 ASHLAND, OlifcGON, FKIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1943 . ' PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS JFg-f o o HEW PRU1C1PAL INTERVIEWED STUDENT COUNCIL LAUNCHES DRIVE Opening; the current year of student activities by successfully Commenting on Ashland high launching the drive for the sale school, Mr. Robinson, new prin- 0f student activity cards, the Ex- . cipal, states that he Hkes AHS ecu Live Council began Us term of very much and is greatly im- office with the enthusiastic back pressed with the fine spirit of the mg 0f students, faculty, and ad entire student body, as well a ministration. with that of the individual stu- with more active direction of dent who has shown willingness student affairs as its goal, the to cooperate whenever possible, council has inaugurated a new He also mentioned that he Is en- policy of allotting appropriations Joyir.g working with the faculty to support such activities as very much. Rogue News and Rogue Annual. Another item of which Mr. Rob- Lea by the Executive Council, In son feels Ashland students the Student Body has presented should be especially proud is the complimentary passes to the high athletic situation here. The plan school faculty for all activities, now In effect is much more exten- other Ashland teachers have the sive than that of most schools of privilege of buying student activi the same size. ty cards.- ' "Everything seems to be com- xt the regular meeting held on lng along nicely," he said, "with the second Friday of - the month, no serious discipline problems, as the council discused the purchas yet." Though no specific projects jng f new megaphones and rec were mentioned, -he reports that ora for noon dances, many activities for the year are On the calendar for further stu underway. In case something does dy are proposals to activate only come up to worry the students, a those honorary groups which can more completely organized guid- justify their existence and to es ance department under direction tablish eligibility standards for of Mrs. Cook and Mr. Parks has holding office or membership in been ste up to assist in solving ttny school activity. these problems. But, Mr. Robin- 0 son emphasized, the Individual tl-.f---,, Tlporla must come to the proper guidance HUtmail "CaClS because only the student knows Interactivity Board when he has a problem. Therefore jj by Bob Hufman, first vice he must take the initiative. president of AHS student body, Mr. Robinson, when asked about .. TntrftMivitv Board, estab- any special traits, abilities, or any llahed by action the Executive AVEM EN HERE TONIGHT 1 1st Home Conference Grid Battle at 8 P.M. Friday, October 15 at 8.00 marks the first real test of Coach Simpson's aggregation of Grizz lies since the Klamath game. The boys have tasted blood with their free-scoring attacks upon the Dunsmuir and Weed teams. The squad is hoping that ths Cavemen will be the third notch in their victory scoreboard; how ever, Simpson stales that Grafts Pass has an excellent team as id verified by the fact that they smeared a highly rated Bend out fit 21-6. He warns that this is one of the toughest games on the scedule. Outstanding . b 1 u e-a n d-w hi t a men are Gale Jones, a kicking artist with a specially made shoe; ami Pete Connor, a 135 lb. half back who scored two of the touch downs in the "Grants Pass-Bend game. The Grizzlies, after a week's rest, are ready for the Cavemen. Both the line and the offense are very well developed and so far there have been no injuries to the first team. In the last 19 games between Grants Pass and Ashland, so far as could be determined by the ROGUE NEWS files, Ashland has emerged victor In 8 contests while Grants Pass took 7. Four of the games ended in ties. It Is interesting to note that. TTnder a new adviaer. ahon In. although nearly every AsMand Ph. comvino- "rvt for .tmoinr xr- r.hiiun h f!rir.i victory was a decisive one. la.-t Rniiami Rnpman and ., . . m.ii , j.w rr.. years au-u aeieai oi tne unzzues r.fnIUJ oTZ Pd-vy'e eve - ... repreBeniauve vi uy Program V-12 which wll be given ing plans which will put the ' national sport. . . . rirW activities on the Executive k y. k v, tw. uni.M. . ,0i ,n. , No one incident was important mmit(pA hvadeA bv Hufman. T'.rX LT.. i. .Vv..- - outstanding incidents during His nllMI ,nr mt for the AllMV II 17 life, htated that he took pride in flrgt Um(j faU pre8l(ient Hlilil I it. being comman man. He wasn i of orgaluzed cmbj home outstanding in either scholastic or activity ta a member of ability or m atmencs. nowever. From the board as ingly unlimited knowledge of the TESTS IIOV. 9 GRIZZLY KNIGHTS DEMAND RIGHTS ZJ!"L hTnTmeV Committee headed bv Hufman. November 9. will be admin- the other athletic organizations. ?ftftl!F f!?lQ Sr,.mts?J2uHtatafwltyBdvtaer- tered at the Ashland Senior Definite membership requirements llUUUL EiCUd ber it. But he indicated mat ma veenHv Committee holds r v.... v .:,. .. . . .. RATcD HIGH school, Mr. Robinson in- have been written into the constt- VoJ r K anl th ho ham " mgn XZa ri, harrt for what re8u'ar meetings every Tuesday nounced. A pamphlet of general tution. A point system has been T rjwhert It Inter- at 12:30 ln PubUcations Room' information which contains an ad- suggested for determining who Vhft this Tme ritu- Meetings of the enUre board are mission-identification form may has earned an award at the end t Z lZe CalIed " OCCa9ln aHse'- stained at the schooL This of the season. , ,.,1,i , v A weekly activity calendar will form properly filled out will ad- The Grizzly Knights work at The Rogue News of 1942-43 was given the rating of International First Place Award-Paper of High Achievement by the Quiii and His professional history In the Poffted on "e . bull6"n mit to the test students between games for the convenience of the g,, critical Service. These is- past eight years includes two , " ' "" b " 'u "0"""" ' sues were edited by Dorothy Mor- years as a science teacher in Coos tee Plans to mam tain a six weeks who are recent high school gradu- ways prided itself upon being Mi88 Hendricks as Hdvis- County In 1937 he was nominated calendar so that p.arty, program, ates or who will be graduated by noticed by visiting teams for its er for administrative head of the "d meeting dates may be ached- March 1, 1944. Intent to take the good sportsmanship, both on the ,ammary of the Junes' school system there. Thus he be- ed weU ahead ot All re- test should be made known im- field and in the stands. It is im- commenU toltows: Broadening came principal of the high school 9uesU for date" must Present- mediately to Mr. Robinson in or- perative that this record be con- the variety of features and inciud- and in addiUon superintendent of ed to the ExecuUve Committee ln aer that the necessary test sup- tinued by the students, tooth of m educaUonal material of Coos County schools, in which po- th form 01 written petitions, plies may be ordered. junior and senior high schools. a crHical guidance nature sition he continued until 1942 J l " me same examuiaiion wui oe oooms any miuv.uuai, warn, yen vAn further enhance the effective when he resigned to further his adviser of the petitioning group, taken by both Army and Navy leaders, or students of visiting BvelVi newsry public, education During the past year 48 hours ahead of the proposed candidates. The examination 'is (Continued on Page 2) ' Uon he has been studying at Stanford cuvuy. emau group meu.B!i designed to test the apUtude and university for his Ph. D. in edu- may allowed on shorter notice, general knowledge required for the Notice cation. Prnm a twifiaihl UIM nriint t1A may be allowed on shorter notice, general knowledge required for the Notice Rogue News totaled 860. As a providing no conflict exists. program ot college training- and Subscriptions to the ROGUE medium that Informs its readers. All organizations are urged to au qualified students are urged to wirwa k. it tm it nr ano nmrH NEW PEP LEADERS ELECTED cooperate toy contacting one of take the test. At the time of the to Aghiand Mmr in the services. 120 out of 150 as a medium that Much excitement and enthusl- the three committee members as test each candidate will be given Anyone else desiring these papers influences students, and 120 out asm was shown when the student soon as tentative plans for any a choice of service preference, tout TOay have them for the cost of of 150 in the entertainment field, body held tryouts for song and meeting are made. taking the test does not obligate the postage, M. Please send It claimed 175 points of a maxi yell leaders. Mary Curtis and two - o- - the candidate to enlist In the ser- name address to Circulation mum of 200 as a business enter assistants, . Bonnie Griffith and When asked why he didn t like vice. Manager, ROGUE NEWS. Ash- prise and an educational labora- ma Brown were eiectea ior yeu J ine Army opecianzea urogram land Hieh School tory leaders. Shirley Wilcox was chos- school he minded so much, but the and the Navy College Program en rvong leader. principal of tne thing. enable students to continue aca demic training at government ex pense following induction into the armed services. Successful com pletion of the prescribed courses ALL loyal students of Ashland High should may, following further training, be supporters of the Associated Student lead to a commission in the Army Body. With everybody active, school func- or the Navy. tions can run smoothly without anyone Those selected for the Army being left out. This year the card means will, after further screening and something. There will be no additional ad- basic military training, be sent to missions for a holder of a card at games, college. Students chosen for the. plays, and other school activities. Navy Program, after selection by Also this year the membership is almost the Office of Naval Officer Prc- l going to toe compulsory. For you must be curement, will be detailed directly a member to participate in athletics, school to college, students who attend voting, to hold office, to receive the Rogue college under either of the pro News, and also you will get a reduction on grams will be under military dis your annual. cipline on active duty in uniform So those of you that haven't tickets, let's with pay. AU expenses, including t find it .a little stiff to meet that much money, see Mr. uniforms will be paid toy the Ar Roblnsou and arrangements' will be made for1 you. my or the Navy. CALENDAR October IS Grants Pass Versus Ashland (here) .October 29 Lakeview Versus Ashland (here) November S Roaeburg Versus Ashland (here) November 11 Medford Versus Ashland (here) November 11 Armistice Day Vacation November 16 Yreka Versus Ashland (there) November 25 and 26 Thanksgiving Day Vacation December 23 3:00 F.M. Christmas vacation starts Jarfuary 3 8:45 A.M. School opens" after Christmas vacation . January 21 First semester ends Total of 86 days ' January 24 ' Second semester begins April 7 Easter Vacation May 19 Regular seniors finish May 24 8:00 PjM. Senior High Commencement May 25 10:00 A.M. Junior High Commencement May 26' School closes, end of second semester