Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1942)
Page 2 THE ROGl'E NEWS Wednesday, May 27. 1942 1TIH1E Ryj MEWS THE STAFF EDITOR. CELENE MORGAN ASSOCIATE EDITORS PEGGY WHITTLE LOIS REDKORD, DOROl HY MORRIS BUSINESS MANAGERS BILL VAN VLEET WAYNE PICKENS, PHIL WOLCOTT BOYS' SPORTS CHUCK JANDREAU, CHET FOWLER AL NEWBRY GIRLS' SPORTS NINON KING BETTY DUNN, DONNA FRAZIER FEATURES .FRITZ BUEHLING, DODE FR1DEGER BILL KAEGl, ELEANOR AGER STYLES SHIRLEY CUSHING, YVONNE CHRISTLIEB BETTY WHITTLE ART BABE SANDER. ARLINE CONLEY HUMOR DORIS EBNOTHER, AGNES WHITE ALUMNI HELENE CLARK EXCHANGE EDITOR FLORENCE WOOD WILMA OWEN, Assistant REPORTERS DOROTHY PARR, BETTY WHITTLE, BETTY NICHOLS, GAY NEELEY, GEORGE MACK, JEAN LITSTER, AILEEN TAMNEY, WIL MA FROMAN, CATHERINE WILLIAMS, SALLY RICE. RUTH DOOMS, DOROTHY RAY, LIjOYD HOADLEY, ANN CRANDALL, VYVYAN FREE MAN, MARY PAT RAWE TYPISTS PEARL RUSSELL, BEATRICE KRUEGER ADVISER MRS. FRANCES WHITE Good Byel QF COURSE we're not sentimental we don't cry about things like this but the seniors who are on the Rogue News staff would like to say a fond farewell. It wasn't always lots of fun to put out a a paper it seems that it happened when we were the busiest. But then, we overlook that, and remember the fun we had and the laughs we got out of it. Frankly, we'd find occasionally a wayward member who forgot about "cooperation." Sometimes the printers were busy, and worst of all, the editorial and business staff managed to have fifty and eleven things to do at that particular time. Troubles heaped upon troubles! but what is that compared with the kick we'll get out of the thing twenty years from now when we look at the paper we put out "when we were kids!" We can see ourselves using the little scandal sheet to bring back memories. We'll probably laugh at the "gossip" column more than we ever do now and we'll see a thousand mistakes that make it the funnier. We could say more, but it boils down to this: we hope you carry on next year, juniors and sophomoies, and have as much fun as we did. In the meantime, goodbye, until that school bell rings again! THE SENIORS Just Fond Memories "Oh, please don't hurt me, I didn't do it. Honest I didn't do it. Just give me one more chance. Just one? Ow! You're Bweakin' my widdle arm! Ouch, untie my legs! Don't pull so hard. Do you want to throw my neck out of joint ?" Two sophomore students upon hearing the screeches for help paused outside the door of the room from which they seemed to be coming. What could it be? What were those horrible cries of anguish ? What was going on ? Was it a battle to the finish be tween two candidates for dog catcher? Or was it a torture chamber for the new students? Who knows? (Who cares?) Did they dare intrude? They clutched each other, not to mention the skin they scraped from each oth ers' arms. The screeching contin ued. The walls began to shake as Senior Class Officers - : i - V ' -a C'het Fowler, president; Dick Finnell, vlee prenident; t huck Jandreau, secretary, and Mr. MacCracken, rbuw adviser. if they would crumble to the floor. "Don't kill me any more. I'll be good. I'll do anything you want. Ow!!! 'ou fwactured my wiwddle spine! Let me die in peace just this once. I'll never ask it again. Honest I won't." Should they leave this poor in nocent creature here to suffer at the mercy of this horrible beast? Taking a firm grip on their cour age they decided to crash down the door if necessary, and stop the unmercilful slaying. Strength and courage were what they need ed but did they have it? No, of course not. What do you think they are? Super? Man! They could wait no longer, so they crushed the wooden door with their bare hands (hanging out). There on the floor lay the victim. A self-conscious student practicing his speech for 5th per iod dramatics class. r3 ... Scoop 5 ana Snoops Gather 'round, peoples, for an other session by your Hear all. See all, Know nothing and for the last time too. But I'll never for get the first time I wrote this column a few kind souls donated enough vegetables (mainly toma toes) to keep our family in soups and salads lor a week. Wonder what I'll get for this? Oh well, some people are awfully unintelli gent but let's not talk about me any longer and get to the business in hand. And now for the wooin's and doin's around here. It has happen ed at last just what we've all been waitin for new romances! And I do mean Harriette T. and Bill U. and Freddie K. and Gloria C. Eieanor Ager was overheard telling some girl not to worry about finding out whether or not her boy-friend was a skunk she'd soon get wind of it . . According to rules and regulations of driving a car, the driver should never, un der any circumstances, be crowd ed. Please remember that, Virginia S. . . . Jimmy Hobson has been telling Lois g. a few military se crets on the life of a rookie, or why you should never trust a sail or but I guess you can't trust any one that wears a uniform . . . huh, Dorothy Grant not even bell boys. It must be wondetful to get to use your study periods not studying the way Jim and Peggy use theirs not studying. Now we should have more gos sip but it seems that somehow part of the copy was lost in transit, so you'll have to be content with this. If you want to hear any scandal this summer, remember to call on us. Dorris and Agnes I have a car It never skids. It never breaks down. f"Ca1-l:.W!H':a 3 cm a tA It never gets a puncture. It never falls on steep grades. It never gets in a collision. I wish I could start it. Swiped STANDARD CLEANERS for FINER CLEANING "If it can be done. We can do It" Congratulations to THE CLASS OF '42 The What Not 10c Store M. C. Lininger&Son Hardware, Paints, Sprinklers Pie Fixture., Garden Tools SAND AND GRAVEL HOMES TEXACO SERVICE Vour Friendly Service WORK BOOTS Little girls choose dolls for toys. While soldiers are the choice of boys. But when they've grown up you'll find That each has had a change of mind. The girls prefer the soldiers then. And baby dolls attract the men. Saturday Evenir.g Post J. I Dodge & Sons HOI SE FIRNISHERS and FINERAL DIRECTORS PROVOST'S "What you want when you want it' VOI IX) UO FAKTHER WITH SIGNAL ROY FRAZIER ASHLAND LUMBER CO. Sl'tX'EKS TO THE (iKlDl'ATKM Oak at Railroad Phmie SJ'Jl RAMSEY'S JEWELRY STORE "The home of better jewelry" Swedenburg Building CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE Lithia Hotel Barber Shop and Delta's Beauty Salon WE NEVER CLOSE LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME City Ambulance Service INGLE DRUG CO. Swedenburg Building ASHLAND, OREGON Billings Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance Phone 8781 BOULEVARD MARKET arid M & N GROCERY STORE SCHOOL SI PPI.IES ICE CREAM CANDIES