Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, May 27, 1942, Image 1

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    Dedicated to Ashland High School Alumni in the Armed Forces
Elam, Burdic Pe Whitt,e Bil1 cke
- - Chosen Valedictorian
TlC tOr StudCXlt And Salutatorian
Peggy Whittle, highest student
Last 'Rogue'
Honors Alums
Body Proxy
in scholastic standing, will be vale- Hl,.j
Hioinrian nt th io.. f iQ4- it graauaiea
Bill Burdic and Bill Elam, both was announced this week. Bill
candidates for student body pres- Cooke, highest boy, will be salu
ident, received the. same number tatorian.
o! votes last noay, making a ue, - l" v the boys and the department of
according to the report of Presl- and the saiutatorian will each h ,, l, , ,,, ,
In honor of the boys who have
from Ashland high
ncnool, who are in the armed ser
vice, this last edition of the Rogue
Mews has been dedicated.
One edition listed the names of
T7 :
dent Bud Provost.
Bill Kaegi. running
Lawrence Hail, was elected first
give an address at the graduation
exercises; this year to take place
the service they were in, although
the list may not have been coin-
against 'f " KZ P-ete. Nearly the same list appears
Mi first J CB lujjiv. nin. tr whnm th nxnoi- i
vice president. 'Barney mggs was 5" " 2? YEST" a"d Seated.
elected second vice president; Dick
lanarty also running from the Ju
Bill's "What Can We Dor
Peggy is active In Journalism
as associate editor of both the
John Icenhower, Arthur Kent,
Bill Elhart. Garland Holbrook.
nior class. Mark Marcus and Jay " , ' ,,," Donald Warren, Marshall
Samuelson ran for third vice presi- f?,Jul1? L.JiS tfii Dr- R- Burdic- William Jacoby,
aent rrom tne sophomore class. okf h " Cecil Bounds, Robert Adams, Du-
Mark Marcus was elected. roLL ?ihastJl11f0,tak ane Baker, Joe McElfresh, Harry
Sue Parkinson and Betty Whit- f.? ' 0,6 Barrett and Dale Adam, have
tie were candidates for student Bill memhe- of th hand Joined the navy. James Curtis,
body secretary, Sue receiving the orct"gt aUartet nrtml t"" MeN,alr' 1h11 Ritter- Chuch
majority of vote, for the office. SSSS cX, I? ver -cU in 2jJ?lJ 'SSI
The nominees irave cammlm w- i. ,. Sander, John Pratt, fcrl DeUsle,
srteeches before th asaemblv lajit tom mH an nrfionr n uf.v Wayne
Peterson and Robert
Friday, and the election returns Both Peg and Bill are members 'Thfv'p.ZS'
were announced the following af- of the National Honor society.
Betty Dunn, Chet
Fowler Receive
Citizenship Award
In the army are Richard Lore.
Everleigh Clements, Edwin Rus
sell, Leon Russell, Jack SetchU,
Buzz Roberson, James Coomes,
Bud Curtis, Ardis Warren, Joe
Wurzer, Joe Burdic, Bob Buntic,
Bentley, Douglas DeLisle
'42 Annual Dedicated
To Mr. MacCracken
Editor Lois Redford presented Jack
Mr. MacCracken with the first 1942 Frank DeUsle, Clyde Young, Lynn
Rogue annual Friday and announc- Neeley, George Isenhower, Le Roy
ed the dedication of the yearbook McNeil, Harvey Bergstrom. Glen
Betty Dunn and Chet Fowler to him- Way bright and James DeLisle.
were the two chosen for the Wal- Each year the annual is dedi- Others in the service whose
ter'a Citizenship award of Ashland cated to some person, but it is rank is not certain include Allen
high last Friday "P aecret until the day the books King, R. Gj Bailey, George Peach-
This honor is based on rood citi- are diatributed- W. Peachey and David Berg-
zenship h"gh gradT and the oar- " U Ukely that Mr- MacCracken strom. Some are not graduates of
quirement of no- smoking
arm king, . ' v
Fifteen girls and boys were
nominated by three administra
tors and three faculty members of
this school; the schol board chair
man, the superintendent, the prin
cipal. Miss Hulst, Miss Looseley
and Mr. Wood were the nomin
ators. ... ....
Chefs and Betty's names will
be placed on the Walter's cup
along with the other names that
have been chosen from Ashland
for nearly 20 years.
here at some time.
Girls' League Installs
New Officers
Honor Society Installs harlalee wilson
New officers for the coming
year were installed into Girls'
League at a meeting held in the
assembly Friday, May 15: Erlene
Norberg, Laura Billings, Mary
Curtis, Marilee Erwin and Shirley
Miss Hulst started the ceremony
by pinning a "G" on the board,
which stood for girls. Each of the
old officers followed by pinning
the next letter on to spell "Girls
League". Then each officer gave
a short talk on what the letters
Harlalee Wilson received a prize D,,.. t' b -ilkkJ i ,(J
Eleven member, of the senior of $10 as the winner of the Ameri- Burger; L, loveliness. Erlene Nor
class were chosen on May 1 by a canism essay contest sponsored by h-. i. ,arenl,M irripn nn
faculty poll to become charter the Elks lodge ended on May 1. ?": - .e Laura Blllines
members of the AHS chapter of Celene Morgan received a third "Vaciouaness Marv Curtis- U
National Honorary Society of Sec- prize of 7 and Justin Smith of uAdfrTtandr Marilee Erwin' E
ondary Schools. They were select- Yreka received second prize. iu SmVlev Sneece
ed on a basis of scholarship, serv- The essays, not to exceed 500 eaucauon- J?ra"ey OP6
ice, leadership and character. To words were original works of high Shirley Cushing gave the read
be eligible for membership the stu- school students and were Judged " Aloha while Wilms. ro
dents must be seniors, in the upper by the local school staff, which man accompanied her and Marilee
third of their class, and have at- turned over the three best essays Erwin, De lores Erwin and Sun
tended at least one year in to the chairman of the Ashland Parkinson sang the song.
Ashland high. Elks lodge. The essay chairman of The group sang "Auld Lang
Students chosen for this honor the local lodge then picked the Syne" to conclude the program
were John Bell, Bill Cooke, Betty three best essays in his jurisdic- and the meeting was adjourned by
Dunn, Dick Fi'nnell, Wilma Fro- tion. Several other high schools next year's president, Erlene Nor
man," Chuch Jandreau, Celene besides Ashland entered In the berg.
Morgan, Bud Provost, Jim Rath, contest.
Lois Redford and Peggy Whittle. Harlalee and Celene read their '
Tho fourteen members of the winning essays at an Elks meeting VlUITini DdilUUcl
faculty held four ballots before last weanesaay evening ana re
the final selection was decided, ceived their prizes.
Each teacher then drew the name
5 !:
Scheduled May 29
Annual alumni banquet, honor
ing this year's high school gradu
ates, will be held May 28, at the
temple, beginning at 6:43
of one of the students chosen and chapter and was held on May 19.
sent a personal announcement of i.
k. that tntnt'a narrnta. Junior Pledged
The "tapping" ceremony was Bill Burdic. Bill Elam, Harlalee Elks'
done on Monday. May 4, in a spe- Wilson, Marilee Erwin and Erlene p. m.
clal assembly. Miss Hulst drew Norberg were the five juniors Dinner will be served at 8:45.
the name of one of the students, pledged to the society last Tues- followed by dancing at 8:30 to
then went to that student's place day. Lois Redford tapped the first 12:30. Steve Whipple's orchestra
and ninned on him the ribbon of member and he in turn tapped the will furnish the music.
the society. The student in turn next, until the five had been naymond Llniner will preside.
. t-' 'i
pledged. These Juniors will be the thVelma Brow?r ccting as sec
The banquet is held each year in
order to bring back all previous
graduates and introduce them to
this year's class.
The banquet is formal and there
will be no charge on the part of
drew another name, and this con
imied each student takin a nucleus for next year's club and
chair on the stage after he had will pledge the remaining mem-
pinned his ribbon on. Following bers then.
this, the 11 candidates repeated
the pledge of the organization. Here's to the Army and Navy,
The group will be supervised by And the battles they have won;
Mr. Wood and Miss Hulst and the Here's to America's colors
m.i initiation mnnv will be The colors that never run.
In charge of the Grant Pass. Author unknown the graduating seniors.
- i i