Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, April 28, 1942, Image 1

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    100 MORE
Sr. Activities, Postponed Againl
m According to reports from the
tf y J f H r 1 a1 Qfl executive council yesteruay, cam-
v pus day will again be postponed,'
t InlUlVU Because of the rain, the clean-up
day has been moved up several
With the junior-senior prom and times. However, it is planned for
the senior play crossed off the list the next good day, maybe Thurs-
of activities, the seniors are now day or Friday of this week,
looking forward to the full week Work inside the building and
which will commence Thursday, out will be carried on, students
May 21, with the junior-senior and faculty Joining In the fun. A
picnic and end on Friday. May 29. not lunch will be served at noon
the tentative date of the Alumni for the entire student body,
banquet. This will be a day off from
The juniors and seniors will be studies. However, class rooms will
free from class May 21 from 10:15 be kept open for ambitious stu-
a. ni. until 5:00 p. m. to enjoy dents.
their annual picnic. The affair is
ioPrsnsao;eedthbey 'J 8en" Annual Mothers' Tea
On Friday afternoon. May 22, Scheduled MaV 6
at 1:00 following tne BcUdeiu oouy V U " luo'
meeting and Rogue annual distri- AH Ashland high girls and
button, the class of "42 will pre- their mothers are cordially invited
sent its senior day program. This to attend the annual mothers' day
day is better known as "hick day." tea which is to be held on Wed
In the evening of the same day nesday. May 6.
the seniors will meet at the public The senior girls will be hostess
library from where they will com- es for the affair and will wear for
mence the overnight hike. As the mal dresses.
hike has been scheduled for a Other committees for the tea
Friday this year, instead of the have been named by the presi
middle of the week, teachers will dent of the Girls' League, Betty
not be obliged to rise early and Dunn.
return to town to teach. It is Lottie Burger .general chair
Dlanned that the hike will be on man; decoration, Harriet Turn-
foot this year instead of using hull, chairman, Rosemary Messen-
i rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrH"i"iw"iWM
Honor Society
Members to Be
Chosen Soon
Stardust Theme
For Junior Prom
New to Ashland high school, a
national Honorary Society of Sec
ondary Schools, commonly called
a "torch honor" society, is being
formed here under the direction of
Miss Hulst and Mr. Wood, to
stimulate "scholars-hip, leadership,
service and character of the stu
dents ..."
As this society has grown in
number and extended its scope. Its
objective has been "that of rais
ing the secondary schools of the
United States to a higher plane."
"Starting In 1921, with the
granting oi Cnapter .'ui.i.
to Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh,
Pa., the National Honor oowc..,
has grown steadily. Today theie
are more than 2500 chapters in
the best high schools of this coun
try. There are chapters in every
state of the Union ( with one ex
ception), in Puerto Rico, in Ha
waii and in the Philippines."
The society being honorary, the - -j-rj, students will be chosen on the
basis of the following qualifica-
"The decorations are really
a up - oasis or me xoiiowing quamica-
ArlJ OYlteStClintS tion8: scholarship, service, leader
ship and character. The students
Tlflfff TTrrrl ft t are seniors, must stand in the up-
A Ul ner third of their class scholastic-
cars as in the past. ger Ann Crandall. Bonnie Lewis. te uf , , . ' A f..- T? I "id must have spent at least
Sunday, May 24. is the date set n1X": SMHev A.h P'ond themselves." i-VAliolC iCJUVUl one year in Ashland high t school,
for the baccaulaureate service to pickman, chairman Shirley Cush- E tne dccorations and Much is determined by the stu-
be held in the Methodist church. and Trilma Clark; ferving, dre88e are preUjer" These and Don" Hufman, bass, Sue Par- dent s high school career and his
The address is to be delivered by Wilma Owen, He'ene C ark Aud- remarks' were heard kin3"- P;ano, the ?luar' re'atin "h the . Jacber" in
the Rev. H. O. Eddy, of the ffy HeIdt- p1? Hally, Audrey . , Q . , tn tet. the girls' sextet, and the a school, as well as outside of class.
j. wiicox ana eiene morgan; invi- jlln(,, nrii capella choir received a one rat- Selection of members is governed
Presbyterian church
A. uuul
run church. rr7hv Iiin h5n annual Junior-senior prom on April cnuir received a one rai-
Ue heador is planned or- tations. Dorothy Allen,, chairman. ' r ing at the 14th annual music fes
Mondav. Mav 25. There will be a gnes wnue, juna Ann Nome ana
swimming party at 2:00 followed fls Redford; cleanup Erlene Nor
The gym was decorated in a
dv a skatimr nartv at 7 00 D m rg, chairman. Betty Whittle, Pa- "Stardust" theme. The dance floor
VhavS rideUd b Jance tricia McCoy, Dorothy Morris, enclosed ;by blue and white
is scheduled for the evening of Carolyn Rose Veda Williams,
fiioirtav Mav 2fi Margaret Mosely, Shirley Foster,
On Wednesday. Mav 27. the cl1- Marilee Erwin and Ninon King;
crepe paper hung from a wire net
work in the shape of an eight-
pointed star. In the center of the
by his all-school relations. They
tival held at SOCE Friday, April must stand high in all four re-
i. quiremems, not just excel tn one
Dorothy Parr, alto and Bob or two-
Dunn, tenor, both received a rating Not more than 10 per cent of
of two for their solos. any senior class shall be elected
The one ratine that was eiven to membership. It is often custom-
"'5i .. . .. . .. " . .. . ....," .. a rv hnuwvn t fiu.. nar
mnv l attaint rammnmnl program, uoae r naeger. cnau- - -, - .. p r . . " 1 n) nf th. t ih
Thu vrriopa urill h hilH nt rhp
junior high school t 8:00 In t-e Mwe ana juay silver.
evening. The seniors will be
dressed in blue caps and gowns ai SENIOR PLAY MERITS
commencement as well as at bac- ..-,.. . rgw w mmrm
The senior activities and b ASHLAND PATRONS
ccnumttee consists of Chet Fow- Class
ifr, nucK janmea'i uiuk
cent of the junior class in the
star. This was of blue, with white Mrs. Koehler directed Ashland's f, i".0. a. "t
man, Siie Parkinson, Mary Pat was another eight-pointed, lighted, two rating following.
streamers extended from it to the contestants: the boys' and girls'
outer edge of the larger star form, ensembles, the solos and the choir.
Outside the star, between the Ivan Cherry, tenor, of Medford
points, the spaces were made into ceived a three rating; Helen
"rooms," each decorated in a dif- Leon, alto, of Klamath Falls, re
ferent color. Yellow, red, orange, ceeived a three rating; Helen
next year's society; the other five
per cent being pledged when they
are seniors.
Any member of the f.iculty may
propose the names of pupils elig
ible, and the election of members
42 presented "The teal blue and fuchsi'a. with silver w.hh ,i, r.t mh to tnis chapter shall be by the
Wh.ilo Tnnm'a Tollilno-" foiv j ' ' . . . nrinCiDal and hiE-h HThlH)! fuctinv
ZTnTTriJlnX J? thr- Ct " theVr e :nTovedl7urniTure .TLK.tE t "
i L. "c""uJr C"""S or a maicning color in eacn sec- boys' ensemble of Medford rated a Jaw mmhpr. in VA t
ci mmittees for each activity will o'clock
oe appuuiieu soon
UOn. AISO in tnese rooms Were nna tho rirla' aniamhln fmm
ine piay, uirecieu oy miss rvum card and game tables, and at one Klamath Falls and Medford re-
have members in the two upper
years of the high school enroll-
Woods, centered around the diffi- end of the gym. punch and cookies ceived a one and the mixed chorus! ,"!f,nt alumm KrouP- A
cuiues wmcn arose irora a pur- were served. l - es from Klamath Falls and Med-
poseiy sianea rumor wninn seis star Dust Prom waa wriu ford reCeived a one ratine.
slovenly Chester Binney in ten on the program8i in which :
were listed the class officers and nv l nr
the committees serving on the IjeOrge iMaCK Wing
Sue Parkinson, soprano, Doro- the light of a "man of the world
thy Parr, alto. Bob Dunn, tenor, The cast Included Richard Fin-
anu 1M HUiman, oamone, were neu as v.ne8ler i"ne.y; cm vooxe proin well M or listin ,
the winners selected for the ehmi- as Mr Simmons: Betty Dunn as names of dancing partners as MUSIC I'OSter Contest
naiion contest lor vocal soloists are. summons; x-eggy wnime as were traded.
school at tne music festival held as Annie the maid; Bud Provost
annually at SOCE.
Tnere students sang for the as- Mr. shields; Kosemarv Richards
union is held every five years for
the members, so that the active
and alumni members can meet to
exchange views.
According to Mr. Wood, the
members themselves do not know
who they are until they are pledg
ed, or "tapped." They are then
first taKen irom class by the cere-
Oeore MArk rprpivorf
The receiving line consisted of nrize of SROO n th first winner monv of ninnine a rihlvm th
as the taxi driver;' Jim Rath as Mr- and Mr9- Forsythe, Mr. and 0f the Music Week poster contest initiates and are introduced to the
Mr fihioiHe- RohSrri. Mrs. Norby, - Mr. and Mrs. Fla- for the trades B-12 and M pt other members. Thoueh the mem-
sembly last Wednesday. They and Jo Curtis played Lila Wilson J?1?' .' MacCracken and Miss RoWe received first place in the bership is "secret" now. the mem-
were chosen from a number of ana sany utis, respectively; Krank " " - ----. i fin' J poster coniesi ior wm nuun ue puuuciy pieacpa,
otner high school vocalists. Carroll as Donald Swift; Shirley m tana . Erlene Norberg, grades 10-12, the sponsors of the will wear torch honor pins, and the
Judges for the contest were Cushing as Lettv Lvthe; Lottie isua ' rovostand Clara Ann Rob- music-art contest giving away 13 honorary society will be under
Mrs. O. G. Crawford. Miss Flor- Burger as Sadie Bloom, and Ruth ""v"11 Fowler 'a in prizes altogether. way. It is being planned that the
ence Allen and Miss Louise Wood- Dooms as Mrs. Jackson. onrntn. .... The music contest was spon- new Ashland members shall be
ruff. The staff consisted of Shirley .St.eve , 'PP"? 8 fl.veT'ec' or scred for the third time among stalled by the Medford society.
Cushing. student director; John chestra furnished music, the theme tn achoola ot jackson COUnty in there '"f? no club hre to con-
tseii, general manager; tieorge 7" ,; ,V , , h. dedication of the appreciation of v.c.c.,J,.v.
Mack and Ned Barracloueh. ln? fr' gcd music, and by the Pro Mus-
Hae: 2S?D' den9goUiaePgue8ts narenL and ca' mulc honora?7 -oCety f NEXT ROGUE NEWS
ran, i-oBiuiure. ne'iie it, , . -. , ouuinera uregon Jouege OI edu
Dear PupilH of Ashland HI:
DIh Is jiiHt an invite ta come
ta the Hi-Y May dance. Din job
will he pulled on May 8 from
8:43 to 13 at da C ivic Uib
house. Steve Whipple's orches
tra has consented ta give wit
da musk- (den we took da
knivpN outer their barks).
De admission is 50 rents fer
couples and 35 cents for Indi
viduals (people).
... IK' re will be programs so you
van right down when you
struggle wit dat bum.
Notice! All rods will be
checked at de door.
Yen trooly,
Trigger and de boys.
P. S.: Youse kin bring outsid
erseven from Skunk Hollow.
ing; Ruth Dooms, oron'ertv; Bud ma te'y t60 cuPle. P"ved the af
Provost. lights, and Wilma Fro- 'air to be a great success.
man, sound
Bill Elhart, Arthur Kent
Visit Here on Leave
Publications Party
Quill and Scroll Plan
First division, grades 9-12 gave Next edition of the Rogue News
two prizes, $5.00 and J2.S0. The will be the last issue, showing
second division, grades 4-8, gave many pictures and having feature
$4.00 and $2.00 to the first and material as a climax of the paper
second winners. of 1941-42.
Ti.H wv,it ri nj Mai In the past, several holidays
. ... eloutrh both r.irt,r.Ki have been honored in the chanter.
Bin utnart and Arthur Kent. unaer nmu ana scroll, a punu- u , , - inciudino- ThnnUnnvinp- rrtt
two former students of Arhland cations party is being planned in "fc ZJ " ValenUnes Dy ttat taT
high who joined the navy last fall the near future for the Quill and ofTmJisi.w, . ine the T theme of the nner
were back here visiting last week. Scroll society, the Rogue News received first prize Vade bv the ? artrf hS
Arthur Kent is stationed at San staff, and the' Rogue Annual staff. cost for the J by t .rt M h
Diego. Bill Elhart is on a destroy- Jackson Hot Springs has been Srailes 7-9. lnem or me air
er. Bill has seen considerable ac- the selected place for the picnic. The posters could be in water he ( edition beine- th m,
tion which was mentioned in the and there have been suggestions co or. crayon, tempera or cut before this was nut out entirelv
Tidings some time ago. of a potluck lunch. paper. bv tne juniors wm
Both bovs' request wa for stu- As yet the date is not definite, with the paper next year
dents to write to them. They both but for this reason the students Campfire girls prepared and en- Students are being urtred to
stated that there was nothing arc urged to attend all Rogue joyed a dinner held in the cafe- contribute any news thev would
nicer than to get mail tram home. News meeting for further details, teria Friday, March 27. like published' for the last edition