AA7 SEE THE GAME ROOT FOR ASHLAND W C L Of THE ASHLAND. OREGON, HIGH SCHOOL ASHLAM), OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 194S fVBUSHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PP-T Grizzly Cagcrs Who Face Tigers Tonite tjgn hi " nr. . r- 1 i A 5.. , 4" Ci" 'w -- -ji't '" ACS'' i-f- C 1 l. t i - f n v. TV: GRIZZLIES GRAPPLE TIGERS IN FINAL GAME TONIGHT - Ashland meets Medford at o'clock tonight on the Tigers' court. This just about sums up the story, as a band of determined Grizzlies await the critical clash of the season. Ashland, trailing me league-ieaaing Bengals by 8 in the previous two games. Alls Has Nlim Chance The Grizzlies' long shot hope remains in their defeating Med ford tonight and Giants Pass do ing likewise tomorrrtv evening. Medford's loss of boti gamer. game and a half, will try to dis- w.ould Klve Ashland a tie for first solve pa or the lead In tonight's 7T. ' . "' battle. Students are being u.ged to -r. attend this last game of the a- Teams in Top Sha, son m order to lend the p!ay(;r, With Bud Provost returning to tome "moral" support, the lineup in good condition after Probable starting lineups are: a brief illness, the Grizzly at- Medford Fawcett and Revnolils, tack should improve considerably, guards; Herman and Monteith, Medford has likewise added hope forwards and Wall at the center to its squad with the return of post. Ashland Provost and Jan Lee Reynolds, guard who has been dreau, forwards, Green at center suffering from an infected knee-""" ind Riggs and Fowler, guards. Many Pictures Taken Coach Frank O'Neil i or 1942 Annual To T.mivp in Mnrr-h Work on the Annual has been AU lATdVe In iHarCn go;ng on schedule, many pictures Frank O'Neil, heid football have been taken and all concern- coach at AHS, will leave some ed are pleased with the yearbook's time in March to take active duty progress. in the United States navy, accord On Monday afternoon, Feb. 16. ing to a recent report. Mr. Bushnell started taking the Mr. O'Neil taught six vears be group Poses The Rogue News and fore coming to Ashland "where he Annual staffs home room repre- took the pomtion of football coach sentatives and Girls' and Boys' and biology teacher League officers were the groups - . . . , . taken first. Drill team and sopho- , K,,tvf u.,,T A . ,1 more class pictures were taken on ? ?SLS? .h r'. Tuesday. Other pictures are to be lBii"J?esp't,e "Lc f?ctJ that taken next week. If the weather permits. It was announced he came from rival schools, how ever, he has proved a true Grizzly, Review Of The Basketball Season Pictured above ant member of the Grizzly basketball squad who have seen action this past seatMin. Top row, left to right, Barney Riggs, Chuck J an dreau, t net Fowler, Bud I'rovost and Bill (ireen. Bot tom row, L to K, Bill Klam, Marcus Balfour, Bob Dunn, Chuck Smith and Jim Bartelt. Jim Rath, reg ular renter, was unable to be in the picture. Pep Supper Now - i i m i n JtCneuUiea. iUarCn 6 For the bonefijt of the student Dec,, 12 -Bend. won. i n,..i. ' .unn.i r-huii-. "body or anyone " lnterestedr the Dec. 13-Bend, wonf" man. announced ' that the annual Rogue News has collected the Dec 19 Jamboree at Medford, "Pep supper sponsored by the "'S"111"" l" """"""" KT' " " Girls' League in honor of the bas- ketbaU team will be held March 3 The Southern Oregon league instead of the original date of standings find Medford leading a feb jg game and a half over the Gnzz- AU members of the basketball Ashland still having a slim team will be individually congrat- chance for the tournament, de bated by girls of the toast com- pending on the few future games mittee, under the leadership of be played If these chances are Chairman Erlene Norberg. . tonights game U the last The supper follows a dance ne ot season. Roseburg and which will be held immediately Grants Pass have been dropped after school and will feature Dick trn the ra e Kinnell s swing band. The potluck , The schedule below shows the meal is open to all students who lo8 in to date: sign up for some article of food in Dec. 11 Redmond won in the last coord'ns to comments coming Btudent body meeting that all the M, wfT J !, senior and junior iidividual pic- N" J"6" A a r?ic, tures were in. This means that ItunuTV PCu one of the biggest jobs is finished " b. e'11? - an.l the taff iiu nl t,. it. t- terested in footbad and track. tention to writing copy and organ izing the pictures. noo Dunn, Annual business Coach O'Neil led the Ashland grid stars through one of the most eventful seasons for some Dec. 29 Chemawa, won. Dec. 30 Chemawa, won. Jan. 9 Grants Pass, won. Jan. 13 Roseburg, won. Jan. 16 Medford, won. Jan. 20 Grants Pass, won. Jan. 24 Roseburg, lost. Jan. 30 Medford, lost. Feb. 3 Roseburg, lost. Feb. 6 Grants Pass, won. Feb. 17 Roueburg, won. Feb. 20 Medford, lost. Feb. 21 Grants Pass, won. Feb. 27 Medford, to be played tonight. tne general menu, ims can ue . done through Audrey Wilcox or liilCCalaUreate any member of her committee. gpeaer ChOSen Jandreau Wins Boys Ping-pong Tourney manager, announced that there lnK uignugni t me year would be no Increase in the price the upset the Grizzlies gave otWjemi tuulc and that planned attn an ho ima turf. - home room competition would be . Tne Grizzlies' percentage of wins the means of selling the Annual, topped that of many previous No definite date has been set yea- for the Annual to come out but O'Neil also led the Ashland Re- the same receipt system of past serves in basketball. , years will be used to purchase the 1 book. All students, especially Ilf.Y Or(rnni7it!on sophomores, are being urged to " vrtfeUIlliailOIl buy one, and the Annual editor Adds NpW Mtmhr states she is sure that none will 1,cn lUCIIIUCrS regret the investment. Ashland's Hi-Y organization has , 7Vf?7i initiated 19 members since the be- Many AHS AlUmni lnninf ' this year, there being See Duty for U. S. TZ1" a ,M""n , "eT": 1?,41.. d"tte According to their adviser, Mr. of AHS, joined the United States Wood, another initiation will be Marines last week. Many other h,.id t0 teke m mope wisning. Ashland alumni are in the army, tD j0in . 5 navy, or air corps, serving Amer- . L ica in active duty. ,oint M John laenhower, Arthur Kent. Clubs from Marshfield, Medford, Bill Elhart. Garland Holbrook. t.ranu Pass, Klamath Falls and Question for Debate Team Is Chosen According to the senior vote Viol.t last UnnHou hflfviilfliirMtp "?e!rPW',hvten- 1,1! tax" is the quesUonThkt the de- Dr. R. U Burdic. William Jacoby. to b. held 1 at Hertford. A, yet , , , . . " H,.;.rJ -in bate team will use thi3 year. -c" oouno. noDen Aoams, Uu 7 ""'"8 unae- ine oiys ping-pi.iis lunwiiKiii R'"""-""6 . . . ane Baker. Joe McElfresh, Harry t,ueu- r has been completed, with Chuck blue caps and gowns for gradu- Debaters let to be Chosen Barrett and Dale Adams have Jandreau the winner. Jimmy Bar- ation. Mr. Wood, debate coach, will jolned 'the navy. James Curtis. Defense Statlin Hhipp telt. Ray Fager, John Bell. Neil A pries of $1.75 will be charged goon choose hU debate team, James McNair Phil Ritter Chuck J';1:1,C tJiaUUJ A rant and Gilbert Wall were sec- for rental of the caps and gowns, which will consist of two affirm- Fordyce John Bergstrom Vic Planned Ev Seniors ond, third, fourth, fifth and sixth, which includes the red and white ative speakers and two negative Sander, John Pratt Earl DeUsle "rwfen Z respectively. tassel for the cap. This tassel can speakers. It had been planned to Wayne Peterson ' and Robert sored by the eniora is heTr" The boys tournament is now t kept for a souvenU-if the stu- have two teams, but illness and Dooms are in the air corps. panned for the near f'uiur. . J ...J'' j .w- rlent dvi 25 cents. The studi:nts notiuitioi; hnv rx4iuea ft in tha t .1 . pmiinea ior xne near future as a cumpieieu ana uiv Bins ping- "- " , . " " . " ml" rucnara Long, senior activity for '42 fcveneign dements, Edwin Rus- . . . general sales 1Jonala warren, Marshall Miller, iu "raw in a joint me pong competition is getting under had a choice of blue or gray. customary one. way. NOTICE TO JUNIORS! Radio Fund Is Listen, iuniors. the next edition Raised to $32 Anhlnnr) will riohnfn nnlv with sell In Rnimoll .tunlr fiotholl ua'"-r M cosl 13 Cents, the ministers of the Ashland Min- u.Hrnr nn,i r-.rnt p hi Ru7z Rnhonnn 'i,m. rvu,m with no profit for the senior class. Turnbull, last year. isterial association. exceDt Rev. t in- i u -..-.;- ' j,. ., .'fA dime of this is to eo for a de- 6" """"" conference. wurzer, joe Burdic, Bob Burdic, rtan. iCT . J . ia-ir nti tw,,.i. n.i dance ticket, one cent is for the Frank DeUsle; Clyde loung.Lyan f",?"1 '"' '"1llne Neeley. George Isenhower. Le Rov 'our .?ents. . T"1 "P"1 on McNeil. Harvev Berirstrom K'n " UCKeU and other AHS Paper Drive Helps Uncle Sam Waybright and James DeUsle. Total paper brought in by the Othf in the service wbose cordin ,nd ' 'Z " 7 of tne Rogue News is 10 oe emiea -m. fn th hh- rank is not certain Include Allen nuw uiui nu ! ii enincu me .-- - r-i n f, t.i,- o tl. meir aance. by you! This is a fair warning so school wMeJl u to be sponsored from Feb. 2 to Feb. 9 King. R. G. Bailey, George Peach- that vou can rather vour staff to- th. f,,tr was 11.618 rjounds. y. W. Peachey and David Berg- gcther and give us a paper when This fund, started by Miss Senior boys, under Mr. Mac-' ?Jrom- Some are not graduates of the time rolls round. As yet, defi- Hulst's home room, has been Cracker,, brought 3.930 pounds .of 'd ere T me "tL8 ni. .,,iti,., have not been as- apreadinK rapidly and the other paper for the drive, to win first tended here at some time, mte positions have not been as- hm(s roma hav alao done tneir gTOUp prize, each member receiv- c . Tl. c. . signed, so those of you who are rt Qy gales, pie sales and ing one 10-cent defense stamp, fnior Activities Studied interested in any position on the pom saiea have all helped to Mr. Wood's group, with 2279 Ashland seniors' activities have staff, state your preference now! bring in the necessary quota. pounds, and Mrs. White's, with been discussed recently at senior Editorial work business staff fea- As yet a definite radio has not 1.025 pounds, placed second and meetings, although dates for none . .rt. writiiw and re been selected, but plans have been third. George Mack brought the have been definitely decided, lure, an, sports writing aim ic tuscussed on having a radio and most paper for the boys receiving Because of the war, the week porting are all waiting to be ap- phonograph combined, also on a 50-cent stamp as a prize. Flor- will be shortened, but the gradu plied for. Don't be bashful try wheels In order that it may be ence Wood placed firet for girls, ates plan activities according to out for anything Mrs. White will moved about the building. Forty receiving a 30-cent stamp. William tradition. . ... . ,ir, ,, w. Uno, or 50 dollars is the approximate Stacy won second and also receiv- These are some of the events be right behind you, and we know that haa been for ed a 30-cent stamp. that will occur in "senior week": you'll give us a swell paper. Don t cost Castineau's home room brought Junior-senior prom, junior-senior forget, juniors, the Rogue News Home rooms are still being urg- 931 pounds; M.ss Hulst's 843; Mr. picnic, overnight hike, ice skating 1 nil vnur for the next edition. ed to participate in this drive. The u wen s uz; miss ioosiey s om; party, uance, ineater party, swim- THE EDITOR radio will be a rift to the school Miss Woods' 617: Miss Brasted nung party, nick day, hay ride. from the entire student body. 550. and Miss Fry's 80 pounds. baccalaureate and commencement ANNOUNCEMENT This A pare has been espe cially reaerved for the exprewt purpose of a formal announce ment of Mr. It k hard Ftnnoll's dance band. (I'nder the Miprr vtsion of Gordon Tripp). Mr. Flnneil wishes all those who ho deoire to attend the "Defense Dim" to be riven by the seniors (of which there la He specific datf) and to bear the said band In full swing. (Advertisement pre paid). ,