1 ME Ijfc PUBUSHED BY TH ASSOCIATED STODCNTS Of THt ASHLAND. OREGON, HKH SCHOOL ASHUM), ORMil, MAY 12, IO;W. BACCALAUREATE, clash op aa frkparixg LAST APPEARAXCEH IN Ht'HOOL The culmination of the school career an event long looked forward to and remembered af terwards is to be held for the seniors on Mar 24. The annual High School Com mencement will have a unique feature this year in that the class Itself is to furnish the music. A group of girls from the graduating class have been designated to furnish the vocal music. Miss Kilgore is directing them In the presentation of their numbers. The High School orchestra will also help furnish the music. The class colors are green and gold, and the flowers, fern and red roses. Much of the decorat ive features of the Junior High gym, where the commencement is to be held, will be treated af ter these color schemes, by the decorating committee from the Junior class. The chairman of the school Soard. Mr. W. M. Wright, will present the diplomas to the mem bers of the class of '33. Mr. Irv ing Vining has been asked to de- Clark and Redford Address Students Several Important Mob tome Here To AM Seniors In Words The Student Body has been re ceiving notice lately, inasmuch as several Important men have been here to address us. Mr. W. W. H. Clark, professor of Chemistry of Willamette l'n iversity spoke recently at the school. He had with him a large piece of what looked like coal, but was, he explained, the tooth of a prehistoric animal recently uncovered. Mr. Clark later spoke to the Senior class at which time he encouraged the students to con tinue schooling. He answered questions put to him about fin ances and courses. Mr. Redford, president of the Continued on Page 6) Senior Program For Week Fine Hayrack Ride, Hwlm, Hike and Party Are Among Plans (Continued on Page 6) STXDENT BODY NAMES ANNUAL CUP VICTORS As a result of the Student Bo dy vote held Monday, Heverly Young and Olan Sneed are to have their names engraved on the Walter's Citizenship Cup. These two were selected from a group of six nominated by the faculty, school board, and some local men. Those selected by this group were Vivian Sawyer, Bev erly Young, Rachel Forsythe. Merritt Schilling, Frank Billings, and Olan Sneed. Candidates are chosen on the basis of high grades, participa tion In sports, and Christian character. They must be active Student Body members. Ashland Typists Win Second Place R. Forsythe and L. Arant Take Individual Awards la Shorthand After waiting for four long days after the contest was held, the Ashland High commercial teams, recently entered In the State contest, finally received word of the results last Wednes day. Ashland High's typing team won second place. This in the third time that A. H. S. has had its name on the second place cup and gives us permanent posses sion of this medal. Tigard took first place for the second con secutive year. Individual awards went to Frances McCoy, who took first place in the novice or first year group. This was received because of most words per minute In her ASHLAND PLAYS HOST AT MUSIC WEEK FETE (Continued on Page 6) MOLLIE HELMS TO BE GIRLS' LEAGUE PREXY The Girls' League held theli lust meeting of the year May 9. The newly installed officers were Pretiident, Mollie Helms; Girls' Room. Dorothy Burns; Program. Lavette DeArmond; Social. Hel en Could; Seeretary-Treaswrer, Edna Fehlge. The installation ceremony was Impressive as each retiring offi cer gave to her successor her congratulations and some symbol of the office. The Senior girls entertained with music, readings, and a skit. After the program the new offi cers wished the seniors success in their future work by launch ing for each girl her ship of dreams. SENIORS WILL GIVE "ONCE IN A PALACE" EVENING OF MAY 12 gkoiigk smith, bkv. yovxg PLAY LEAPING UOl.KS IX PHA.NTASY No doubt the directors of all the larger motion picture com panies ran shaky fingers through their fast-greying hair when they learned that the director's position for "Once in a Palace" had already been filled by a most capable director. Miss Hedges. At least that idea is no more fantastical than the course of events in the Senior play. (Iiararters and Their liarart erist ics King Hazzum dumb but ob stinate Karl Moors Queen Anna willful but tender Marietta Whitney Princess Dearone petulant but winsome .... Beverly Young Ragged Tailor poor but handsome George Smith Three Ladies in Waiting J ii la nne sarcastic but subtle Maybell Jones Zayda egotistical but gentle Rosa Franco Flavia ductile but pretty . Janet Gould Three Tailors Stitch nosey and conceited .... (Continued on Page 6) Again the seniors have their week of fun. What with rushing through theses, and all, many are looking forward to the time when two-periods and other stu dies can be forgotten and thoughts can be turned to less serious subjects. Of course there's "Hick-Day," with all its characteristic hicks. This year there's going to he something new In this line. Then there's the Mount Ashland hike, and don't forget the bay rack ride. For those who are fond of dancing and more formal affairs, a real treat Is in store in the way of the senior banquet and the alumni dance. The annual Music Festival sponsored tor the last few years by the S.O.N. 8., was held on Ap ril 28 and 29 at the Junior High building. On Thursday, the Junior High schools of the surrounding terri tory sent 1008 pupils for the pro gram. Also, a large number of older people were present for the musical program. Friday was the High School day, and between S00 and 600 students were present. The mass ed orchestra, conducted by Har ry Borel of Klamath Falls, the massed Glee Clubs both boys' and girls' , and the massed bands, led by Wilson Waite of Medtord. were highlights of the program. Juniors to Entertain With Hilarious Picnic Beginning of Senior week will start May 16 with Junior-Senior Picnic which Is to be held at Jackson's. Swimming, baseball, and other sports will be on the program for the day. At noon the Seniors will be the guests of the Juniors at luncheon. The menu is as fol lows: meat loaf, potato and fruit salads. Ice cream, cake, and coffee. Committees are the following Refreshments, Errilla Gearhart and Wanda Purves; arrange ments, Wilson Smith. Jack En ders, and Buster Newhouse. Hi-Y Men Choose Coming Officers Smith, Hardy, Durham, Ttuchanan F.lected 1radern Xext Year Wilson Smith was elected president of the Ashland Hi-Y Club at the meeting held April 25. Other officers elected to serve for the coming year were Robert Hardy. vice-president; Meredith Durham, secretary; Wayne Buchanan, treasurer. The new officers have servvd two meetings already, thus giv ing them a little preparation this year for their work next. The new leaders spoke to the club expressing their desire to do their best and voicing their desire that the club would coop erate with them. A committee recently thor oughly cleared up the halt so that it will be In good condition when the club Is through with it for the season.