ioiu iu 1L MUSHED BY TXt ASSOCIATE STOtXNTS Of TM ASHLAND, OREGON, MOM SCHOOL ASHLAND. ORHiOX. MARCH IO, lOiM. JUNIOR CLASSMEN SET PROM DATE FOR MARCH 31 AXMAIi JINIOR-KKXIOIt KKTK AT IJTHIA srRIXGS HOTEL TO BK GALA KVKNT "The sky is the limit!" Limit j. what? Certainly not of the prom (or thii year! No air, thirty dollars and NOT ONE CENT MORE. Of course that does not finding they lacked a few of hav- ocan anything to the Juniors In enough. Graduates Plan Closing Affairs tlasa of Hub Selected Tliclr Announcement In .Mortem Mode With commencement looming on the not too far distant hori zon, the senior class has been Typists Continue Steady Practice MIhh Tjowlal's Teams Prepare Kor County ton text on April 7 IjkMt year, Ashland won the Southern Oregon content In typ ing and this year the team is kept quite busy these last few aiming at a repetition of the weeks. All credits have been checked and rechecked, proving to some that they had more than they thought, while to others came great disappointments In ccause they have no thirty dol lars to spend. The committees .ho have to worry over the encoding of the twenty-five dol lars which they do have, are: coration: Edna Fehige, Mollie Helms, Virginia High. Entertain ment: Helen Could Food: Wan da Purves, Alberta Thomas. But even with that shall we jay, meager amount the Jun iors are preparing to give the seniors a genuine "gala affair." Eight and one-half credits are the requirements to the prom. That announcement will save i.ieny a young student from worrying about what she or be will wear to the affair. This year's prom will be held in the ball-room of the Lllhia Springs hotel. Of course it is (Continued on Page 4) At a recent class meeting the seniors discussed and voted on the anouncements. These are to be in the modern mode, with black and white predominating, and the class crest on the front. Miss Lock hart explained to the girls some of the conventions observed In using personal card. At a later meeting. Mr. Forsytbe made the announcement that the class would vote to see whether caps and gowns will be used for commencement and bacca laureate this year or not. EI-Y MEMBERSHIP HCLD OPEN FORUM 'ONCE IN A PALACE' COMIC PHANTASY IS CLASS PLAY victory. The manager for this year's contest is Miss Tiosdat, who an nounced that the County typing contest will be held In Ashland. April 7. Any high school in Southern! Oregon may participate In this annual contest for supremacy In the commercial field. Each school entering has a team on hfch are two amateur and tmo novice typists. The team that wins the county contest gets to keep the cup for a year. Three wins gives permanent possession of the county cup. Most of the schools have wrlt- SKMOIW JIIULAVT AT CHOICE OK COSTVMK DRAMA AXD CAST A novelty production features the choice of "Once in a Palace." a fantasy, as the Senior class play. Much enthusiasm has been shown by the seniors for the pro duction. "Once in a Palace" is similar to "One Hour With You, Maurice Chevalier's latest film, in many ways. The dialogue is modern, while the setting and costumes are taken from the middle-ages. The plot is based upon the old "Arabian Nights' story of an emperor who has a fatal weak ness for clothes. As developed Mr. Forsythe, principal of the High School, was the speaker of the evening at the last meeting jf the Hl-Y Club. At the prev ious meeting the club had as its guest Mr. Briscoe. He spoke about the Hi-Y's responsibility to the school, and later led a round-table discussion. Carl Brower has been ap pointed as head of a baseball committee, in charge of start ing an indoor tournament like tha one last year. Tne commit- Th Girls' League, together ! tpe hr of Publicity with the C. A. A.. Is now prepar- " selecting the team from the ing for a Health Pageant to be G.L To Present ! Health Pageant Secret Committer Now Acting To Watch Kor Good Postures given some time before the close of school. This play is to be based mainly on "Good Posture," and will have a court with a king and queen of Postureland and members of the court. There will be folk dances and skits given by all the schools. However, the queen Is to be chosen from the Ashland High School. This queen will be chosen by a secret committee, already ap pointed; they are to watch every girl In school and pick the one that has the best posture and takes the best care of herself. She will be chosen about two weeks before the pageant is to be given. Hi-Y to represent them in the competition. in "Once in a Palace," this mania ten to say they plan to compete, j for a King Hai- although. It g understood, Kla- , ?m- Jollv monarch. Into man." . math Falls will enter only their ,,il"riou predicaments and horthand team. I speeches. The leading interest In the story arises through King Hax zem's offer of the hand of his fair, but spoiled daughter, Prin- ROGTISH NEWSPAPER TRICKS SAD STAFF COACH'S HOOPSTERS TO RECEIVE AWARDS It is probable that seven bas ketball players will receive let ters this year. Those who were successful, according to Coach Faber, In fighting against great odds to receive their letters are: Headrick Baugbman. Hjalmer Kannasto, Olan Sneed, Robert Hardy, Billie Hoxie, Captain Wil lie Durham, Parker Hess. As five of this year's squad will return next year, the pros pects of a good team look very bright. Also there are a num ber of new men that look promising. Ye editor sighed, as only he can sigh wistfully, as he ten derly filed the Christmas edition. Why did he sigh? Well, the Bus- . iness Manager had just lunged I out of the door with th-s shln Ingly cool but firey headed Assistant-Business Manager, hav ing admitted to a hollow echo in the exchequer of the house organ. Besides, the Principal had spoken no ads, no pay, no paper. The Adviser had said something vague about "maybe" and "later." That was In the gray days before exams. Came February. The Editor approached the Superintendent of Schools. He would see. So he did. Confidence returned. The Depression was over. The Ad viser beamed: the Editor began talking to himself. The little Rogue laughed to see such sport. The Business Manager and the Assistant -Business (Manager took Ideas and dashed and danced. respectively, Down Town with Confidence. When they returned they had Ads, plenty of them. The Principal said he knew they could. Came March, and about the Idea, the Paper. But do not be ware, Roughish Reader, for here endeth the first lesson in "If at first you don't succeed (Continued on Page 4) Forensic Coach Commends Squad Mix Tomlinson (lives Gold A's To lebnters of Tax Question The debating team of Ashland High received their official cred it for the 1933 season during the Washington Day program. Miss Tomlinson, debate coach, pre sented the gold "A" to the four members of the team, Rachel Forsythe, Doris Hunter. Elmo Andrews, and George Smith. The district debates were held the second week in February be tween Medford, Grants Pass, and Ashland. The single judge was Prof. W. E. Dahlberg, of the Speech Department, Vniverslty of Oregon. The teams this year appeared to be quite evenly matched, but Medford carried off the district cup, which entitles them to rep resent Southern Oregon In the state competition. The teams held practice de bates with Klamath Falls about a week before the district de bates. Both of these were won by Ashland.