Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1932)
Tliui-Mlny, Hii-cmbcr 15, lu:K!. T II K It r V K X K W S 1'ann Tlirr Dorothy Leslie Miss Dob rovolny, what is a liver? Miss D. What do you gup pose? Dorothy - A person who lives. II SKKTH.IX SCHKltVLK I December 17. yreka at Ash land. January 6. Weed at Ashland January 13, Grants Tags at Afhland. January 27. Ashland at Kla math. January 28, Ashland at Kla math February 10, Klamath at Ash land February 11, Klamath at Ash land February 17, Ashland at Grant Tans February 24, Ashland at Med ford March 3, Medford at Ashland Girl Athletes Preparing For Basketball Contest As the holiday season ap proachea, the winter g-orts re cede; fo December 19 marks the conclusion of the girls' basket ball. The last tussel will be play ed between the Seniors and the En hmores for the school gup rcniacy. After the name, all the girls will sit down to the Sport Spread, a banquet planned by themselves. The feature of the dinner will bo the announcement of an all-star team. 'Miss Ma- goon is the one who selects thl team, and as yet she has given no Intimations of her choices. The captains of both the Se nior and Sophomore teams will probably be tailed upon for speeches in which they can give their views of the season. Then the loping team will be rsslgned the task rf washing the dishes and cleaning up the room, while the winners may look on. General chairmen In charge of plenty of food and lots of fun include Lucille Chlpman. Betty Cason, and Caroline Rose Mc-Neal. Basketball Season Opens V ith Yreka Tilt Saturday Saturday. December 17. marks the opening of the Ashland High school's basketball season. The Grizzly hoopsters m-IU meet the fast and clever Yreka High school at the Junior High school gym here. Yreka'g football season has been over for some time and the Northern Californians have spent more time at praiticing than has Ashland. Yreka will come to Ashland with tlio reputation of being very strong and hard to beat With some strong rooting on the part of the student body. Ash- and should come out of the ame tarrying the large end of Ihn score. The Grizzlies who will prob ably see service in the game are: Olan Sneed Harr;' Hoxie, Rob ert Hardy, Willie Durham, David Lindsay. Carl Harris, Jack End ers. Paul Langslett, Headrick Raughman, James Cady. Harvey Ccarhart. Parker Hess. Bill Jungwlrth, Rill Hoxic And still we wonder why Lloyd Arant'g hair Is curly In front and straight in back. While on the subjeit of hair (we were, weren't we?). J. Hall seems to have a preference for redheads lately. Karl Yaryan made the South ern Oregon all-Conference foot ball team this year, while Park er Hess and Darrell Sieloff re ceived second team positions. Wallin, Sneed, and Newhouse re ceived honorable mention. Jefferson Hich School won the Oregon High School football championship by defeating i game and hard-fighting Med ford Tiger squad 33-0. The game was played on Turkey Day at Multnomah Civic Stadium, Klamath Falls has only twoj lettermen back for basketball I this year. There are several: promising men who played on the second string last year, hut it's doubtful whether or not, they'll make the fir?! string. Here's luck to last year's re- i serves. J Grants Pass has two lettermen back: namel. Cook and Jack- son. They had a large turnout when practice started on last December 1. Only thirty-seven men and boys have been killed in the United States In football games this season to date. It's a mild season comrared to the even fifty killed last year. Gold Hill has five lettermen back and expects to go a long way In the class B conference. Buy a student body ticket and see the basketball games free. A Jolly young Chemistry tough While mixing compound of stuff Touched a match to the vial. And after awhile They found his front teeth and a cuff. Little words of wisdom. Little words of bluff. Make our teachers tell us, "Sit down, that's enough." Do All Your Christmas Shopping In ;U Minute at The Itexall More McNair Bros. By the I'o-d Office SPORT GOODS for GOOD SPORTS PROVOST BROS. Boy: Aren't the stars numer ous tonight? Olrl: Yeah, and aren't there a lot of 'em. Skipping a class a day keeps good grades away. Sanders Do you pick up hitch hikers? Knders Only with my bump- Tigers Prove Too Strcns; For Grizzlies in Final Test Twenty-four Ashland Grizzlies closed the final chapter of Ash land High's hectic 1932 grid iron events In the 56-0 crash with Medford. It should be con sidered that these boys fought throughout a losing season against great odds. Approximately sixteen players will receive their letters at a special student body meeting to be held a few days before Christmas. Nature In the Raw Seldom Has Allure Our Christmas Kpec'alty Steam Push Wave, Kinglet Knits, 1.1(5 and Wet Finger Waves, STie. Murray's Beauty Shop ;kt yoi it Christmas Meats at East Side Meat Market The Goose Hangs High but our prices are low Plaza Meat Market Merry (lirixtniaa Meats Want To Look Snappy on Christmas Morn Lithia Barber and Beauty Shoppe "Where All the Students Go" S H I N 0 L A HOME SETS 19c Regular oik- Retailer! J. D. MARS & SON Shoe Repairers Keep Warm and Cozy with ABERDEEN COAL CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO. Angry Parent (striding Into dimly lighted room): "Young man, I'll teach you to make love , to my daughter!" j Wade Hanson: "Wish you j would, old man. I'm not making j much headway." I Candy Canes I.arge and Small PLAZA CAFE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylcr EAST SIDE GROCERY Near the High School Quality Candy, Oranges, Etc., at VERY LOW PRICES! MERRY CHRISTMAS Grx-crie will make a very practical gift this year. See Our Christina Specials! llohner Harmonicas !11C llox Stationery or Folders from 27c to 40c Water Colors, No. 8 (reg. !Wc) :lc Fountain Pens (guaranteed) HWc