THANKSGIVING EDITION rn :) EMU) V IL PUBLISHED Bf THt ASSOCIATED STODCNTS Of THE ASHLAND, OREGON, HIGH SCHOOL ASHLAND. ORI-XJON. XOVKMBEIt 2:1. 12 BELATED TANGLE WILL BE PLAYED ON NOVEMBER 30 MF.DFOKD IM.AVS FOR KTATF. VVV HKKOHs; TAKING OX AHHLAXD. The traditional Thanksgiving tilt between Medford and Ash !and has been postponed to No vember 30. The game ta to be played on the Van 8royoe field The question now ta whether or not hair win fly when the Medford Tigers , and Ashland Crlzzlies meet. Although Med ford has a decided . advantage over Ashland this year. It is be lieved that the oral will let the Medford team know that they are there anyway. It is a well known fact that the Grizzlies fight harder against Medford than any other team in the con ferenc. Ashland has had an np hill climb this season, due to the fat t that all other conference schools have strong and heavy teams. Even though they are the smallest team in the conference, the Grizzlies are given a fight ing chance against Medford. Coach Faber has given his squad many plays to choose from, and Coach Directs Fifth Success Auilienre Appreciates the Kf forts Amateur Actors In 8chool Play. (Continued on Page 4) Taxes Surround Debating Squad Preparation For Plxtrlrt Debates Proceeding Well, Kay t "oache. In plain sight of the Axhlanr' igh . School Faculty Jlmtn " scd Marie. The faculty did ot gasp; they chuckled. Per il's the reason for this was hat Jimmy and Marie werr 'la; ing the lending roles in ho play, "They'll Do It Every ime"; perhaps it was that it as near the end of the IhsI vt, and the audience expe.tcd real climax: perhaps it wa? hat it was only a play and Jimmy and Marie were only 1 ting. We will never . know hich of these was the reason. iut we do know that Jimmy's nanner of kissing is urbane. Marietta s-nt a great deal f time In needless worry over 'he playing of her part. As result of tins her Hair turned trey, and deep wrinkles lined her face the night -of the play John Harr's hair turned a be arming iron grey also. Hab and Nancy kept the au dience laughing with their wls crackg and puns. Beverly and LeRoy were un lucky enough to love members of the cast who did not love them. Although Beverly fairly threw herself at LeRoy, he had no eyes for anyone but Marie. Before the third act began. Janet Gould presented Miss Hedges and Miss TJosdal with a bouquet of . yellow and white chrysanthemums for their work in coaching the play. . Rev. Sidney Hall A. H. S. Speaker Feature of November lrofrram In Thanksgiving Addretw. "Thanksgiving Is the distinct 'y American holiday," declared 'he Reverend S. W. Hall, min uter of the Methodist church. In an address before an assembly toda;-," for the celebration of Thanksgiving. "There Is nothing to compare with it In the whole world," Mr. 'tail continued, "It la the anni versary of the fall of our great conquerors." In order to be more easily understood. In his message to 'he student body, he discussed 'ully the Idea of Thanksgiving for what we received. - "The most important thing to he thankful for," said Mr. Hall, 'Is what individually and na tionally, we have achieved. We etioud be thankful that no wars have destituted our homes." In conclusion, Mr. Kail said wc should be thankful for our mi .'dial resources, pfc't blBtory, G. L. OPEN HOUSE WILL BE FOURTH GUEST DAY HELD DKAV OF OIRliS IS IX r HARGK OF AFFAIRS; DATE IS lK4'K.MHKK 1. Having joined resources for the presentation of this annual affair, the P. T. A. and the Girls' League are preparing for the Open House program. A group of interesting events is being planned, and committees are making final arrangements for this publicity stunt. Miss Clark, who is general chairman for the occasion, has said that indications are that this will be one of the best ever had In the high school. She also said that a good crowd was expected to be here De cember 1, the date for the en tertainment. The primary purpose of this event is to advertise Ashland "Nothing is certain but death and taxes." said Charles Dick ens. The debate subject Is not death, but taxation. Taxes tangible and Intangi ble (we didn't know what these were at first either) are chief issues so far this season. Mater ial on these taxea are study books to the debatora who keep thejr noses burled In ' them These people are finding a hun dred and one taxes that they never knew about before now. Rading about poor farmers taxed out ot house and home and business men with no in comes left to tax, furnish I good part of the material, ac cord Ins to Rachel Forsythe, one ot the debatora. Each evening. If be were so Inclined, one might find a hard working group of debatora lab- COMMITTEES MEET TO STUDY SAMPLES Announcements tor the Se nlor class have been the cause of several meetings lately ot the committee whose duty It is to (Continued on Page 4) manufacturing skill, t-oa'tion In' .... , . . ,, , ., I townspeople .but lo to people the ;ri.d ug nations of th& world. ' 1 j tf vr.iuence of d3ino',racy, and for rnr schools, chuvl.cs. and lavi but not least, cir homes. The assembly was c.ill'd today for He pur?ose of commerating the day of Thanfcntri'ving. Thi last halt of the afirnoon was given over to the program, with he Raverend Mr. Hall as the principle Breaker. from the neighboring towns and districts. The Idea is to show them how the school is conduct ed during school hours. The class schedules will be (Continued on Page 4) RED CROSS DRIVE IS AIDED BY H. S. BOYS Thirty-two hoys were excused from school yesterday to aid again this year in the local Red Cross drive. Mr. Briscoe said that the boys had done such good work last year that they were called upon to repeat the task. Definite figures on results are not available as the paper goes to press. It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge tlie provi dence of Almighty God and to be grateful for His bene fits. From the first Thanksgiving Proclamation issued School To Help Festivity Spirit league and Campfire Are Preparing Food! and nothing. Ashland Hi will not forget Promising that at this holiday season the more unfortunate ones shall have the same festi vities, the Campfire and Girls' League have undertaken the task of the personification of the spirit of Thanksgiving. The industrious Campfire girls have already made plans for thia work, and are preparing for their disbursements. Their idea la to have each one of the group personally responsible for one basket of food. Each basket will be given to one particular family which they have in mind. This plan has been followed successfully for the latt few years. In this way a number ot families have personal attention and the girls see the direct re sults of their Thanksgiving din ners. New this year, tor the first (Continued on Page 4) ( Continued on Page 4) by George "Washington.