Page Two T H K It O ti V K X K W S Thursday. November .1. THE ROGUE NEWS- Published III Weekly by the Associated Student Itody of Ashland High School. IHK 8TAKK ; - ; ::. g. f. smith Rachel Forsythe Carrie Reedy Ron Franco, Theda Manchester ; , ,......... Wilson Smith ........ Dona Mae Maguin -., Frances Maqnin, Janet Gould Editor Assistant Editor . Personals Exchanges ., Activities Hl-Y .. Debute Artistique Features - -- ...-Beverly Young, Betty Durkee, Olan Sneed Reporters M. Itoherson, V. Crandall. J. Hall, P. Isely, V. White. D. Hums, V. High, D. Hunter. Typists - - Ruby Howell, Betty Dean Kuhinraa Waff Manager .. : John Denton AHHistant Manager . Errilla Gearnart TRENCHES Keyholing Pearl Arant seems to enjoy spends in study hall. She Is al ways writing to one or another of her boy friends. It seems that O. Sneed did not rnr- himself at K. Falls after th game. He made a date as boys will but lu k was a;ainst him. Ho had to come home and didn't get to see the lady. Ill sjn'iiking of the soldiers for whose memory we iause to hi nor on Armistice Day, November ll, (leorge S. Neldes, fji limns war correspondent, . in his book, "You Can't I'lint That," tells of his experiences mi the Front and says of the men, "They sang their moods." - A mocking voice sings: 'I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier.'. "The singer smiles cut of the corner of his eyes and mouth. Hardly has he finished the first stanza when a roar of ironic laughter doubles up his squml, the men hardly able to eoniKse themselves to join in with I raised him up to be iny pride and joy.' "laughter spreads with the singing, a strange com motion of laughs, the hearty voluminous cut burets of new men up ahead ami near behind them, their first amaze ment at this mad choice of a marching song, and the soft dry laughter of the men who had already bellowed their surprise and are now realizinz that for them, that day, that moment, this cheap mereticious jingle, this drivel of a song, held a strange and terrible mockery, a prop hetic irony. 4 Who dares to lay a musket on his shoulder To shoot some other mother's darling loyl lx't nations arbitrate their future troubles, r -. ... It's time to put thq swor.l and gun away ...."' "In a few minutes the song has roared towards the in fantry on ahead, through the Ohios and New Yorks and the Alabama and Iowas, and down the artillery 'I didn't raise my boy to lie a soldier. I raised him up to be my pride and joy. And so the whole division is shaking with laughter and song as it is marching, baek to the trenches, back to the bkod and mud, singing ' "ThereM be no war today, if mothers all would say I didn't raise inv bov to be a soldier.' " J. Denton and Karl Moore two boys well known hereabouts skipped football practice to go r!diug with two little friends. Suggr-etions are welcomed to get litem out of the mess they are in. Havo you nothed the new r-ouple who bring the sounds of Cupid's wines every time they come in the front door? . Touay'r dally dirt' Rosa Kiant. and Wayne Buchanan eom to be enjoying the old Kpnnifh custom of walVnif to and from school together. We saw one little boy Le Roy Lindner to be exact bringing a fist full of petunias to his Latin teacher so he could read first in his class. Did you kuow that Mr. For sythe used to be a newspaper reporter T Fait! He worked on a Sheridan, Wyoming, taper. One day he interviewed Hamlin Gar lanod, well-known author. (Per haps that's why he's so interest ed In the 5 W's who, why, where, what, when, and how many.) . IT'S YOUR LIFE It seems that the students of Ashland High like to try their best at doing the hall in ten seconds flat. In other words, too many students are running in the halls le tween classes. It is all right to want to get all the time that you can in class, but think of the hall floors. They wear out just as your shoes will. Also, while making a turn around a coiner at breakneck seed, what if you met someone! After the eolliskai the janitor would have to pick vou up with a dustpan and an broom. It's your life to live, but why shorten it 7 AYe might organized a hall racing track team, but, no, that s still hard on the halls. So let walk and save slux leather, carpenter work, and prevent injuries. Come on, girls, show you're red and white supporters heli the boys keep training.. When It comes right down to It though, just think of all the cases we see no more In our halls of learning! That's one nice thing about having the se niors graduate . . . .they may be kind and not come back for p. g. work . and besides, it gives us an opportunity for some new love Interest . . ... It seems that Medford and Phoenix are getting popular with the male section of he high school again. (Signed) The Kec holers WIN ELAND BEAUTY SHOP Keclalize in Scalp Treatment (uaranteed Permanents V2.0.1 ami ."S.M. Phone 71 -i for Appointments 1S7 Kast Main GEO. B. ICENHOWER New and l7sed Furniture, Hardware Garden Tools and Dishes. 80 E. Main PHOXK 171 Soda Fountain Service Lunches at Lanes On the Boulevard BICYCLE SUPPLIES Keys and Lorksniithina; Satisfaction (iuaranterd Fix-It Shop G. F. McCONNELL toffee Monster M4 X. Main StreW On the Air Every Day Hut Sunday the Aroma from hif toffee High Grade (toffee and Teas! Fresh Roasted Virginia Peanuts. Shell Energy Gasoline ' SHELL SERVICE INC. STATION Lubrication Specialist! , K. i. Madden, A Kent Main and 2nd McGEE'S EAST SIDE G rocery : Near High School Phone 154 We Itellver Plaza Barber Shop Clyde Costolo, Prop. Try- ASHLAND CREAMERY Products Shasta Ice Cream Phone 24 Thoughts For Today No. 14 '"There Is no more self-defeating; quality than self-pity. To excuse one's self by saying, 'It's my nature to be that way,' is the dumbest of all etruws." H. . overall get. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon Cash Does It SPECIAL 1 Pound Weiners 1 Pint Bauer Kraut 19c