EMU me Ku poors the Flay Attend xt Game JTSr MUSHEb TXf ASSOCUTED STUDENTS Of THE ASHLAND. OREGON. HKH SCHOOL AHHLAM), ((KHHIN, XOVKMBKR 8. 10:12. COMEDY ROLES IN ANNUAL PLAY MISS HKfKlKM PRA1HKH PI.AY OHAKAtrTKRIKATIONH IS ITKRV1KW. "The presentation of the An niversary play. 'They'll Do It Every Time,' Is to be November IS. Tho players are learning their parts rapidly and are co operating nleeK", said Miss Hedges, coach, when interviewed by a Rogue News reporter. It is a modern American play written in quite simple form, about the way that high school students of . today would talk and act. There are several, how ever, who have difficult parts which they must present in their actinic. ' You may see John - Harr slouching around the' halls in very Incorrect postures; but he Is only trying to acquire that shabby, dotterlng way of an old man. Blues singing la new to Ruth Mannhalter, but she is straining her vocal cords to the utmost, nd just to be able to sing blues songs. Jimmy Hall Is also strug gling with saxaphone, trying to learn at least 'ew notes. The east knows their script for the first act, and they will be working on the second act the next two weeks. . Maurice Roberson and Janet Gould are In charge of the ad vertising, and Harry Chipman, business "manager," will see that the tickets are out on time. The business staff Is going to try new advertising methods for the play In addition to putting out the posters. December 2 Set For Open House (tlrls league: Parent Teachers Will Work Together , oa Big Affair. . For the purpose of advertising tho school, the annual Open House is being Jointly sponsored by tho filrls' League and the P. T. A. Miss Clark has announced December 2 as the date for the event. The program will be similar to those of the preceding years. Tho class schedules will be gone through, after whkh refresh ments will be served. An inter esting program Is being arranged to take place during the activ ity, or sixth period. Tho P. T. A. Is looking after tho advertising, and the Girls 1 tmw, with the help of sev eral student body members, is preparing the program. A com n-ittee which consists of Beverly Young, Genevieve Mcfiee, and Nella Putman. Is looking after the arrangements. Sinco the Girls League was t'arted In the high school. Open Average Grades Are Calculated Ntudcnt Khar la 2,."VK PointH, Sain of tirades Given - Ity Teachers. Tho average student received an average grade last quarter of 2.77. A total or 2500 points was distributed as grades to the stu dents. 64 18 were received; 50 S's found their way into the curds: 2's and S's ran in close compe tition; and the 4's amounted to 125. Coach Faber was scarce with ls. Ho gave two l's and both to the same person. Miss Lock hart and Miss Tjosdal. were al so particular ln regards to l's. and Miss Wiseman neglected to nut any on her grade sheets. Miss Tomllnson was most gener ous with l's, distributing the highest percentage; Miss Beck received honorable mention for liberality with S's. Apparently 2's were easiest to get and give, for no, only did they lead the score but also HOOVER TAKES MAJORITY VOTE E POLL KKPTHLlrAX NOMINKK ;TKTS fU'PPORT OK AHHI..lM HTI'IK.T BODY. Hi-Y Plans To Aid Red Cross Drive Iartuun and E. Walllti Are Received la Hew Ice - Organization. The Hi-Y will again offer Its services to the local chapter, of the Red Cross In their annual membership drive this winter. Business men of the city ex pressed considerable - appfecia tlon for the campaign work done by the HI-Y boys last year. Merdith Durham and Ernest Wallin are the new members of tbls service fraternity. As there are still a few vacancies left, other candidate wilt be voted on later. louro um KED u onu. t) m()gt eTen,y dvded lair; mis one manes me lonnn ASHLAND IS P. T. A. CONVENTION HOST (Oregon Journal) . Four counties will be repre sented In the regional conference of P. T. A. to be held here No vember 4 and 6. The Ashland district includes Josephine, Dou glas. Klamath and Jackson counties. Approximately . 300 delegates will be present, with state offkera to confer with lo cal officers and representatives. Four such regional meetings will be held in Oregon- Portland, Arlington, Baker and Ashland. FAIR GRIZZLIES DON GRID SUITS IN STUNT What a football team Med ford wouldn't have a chance. The "Powder-Puff Eleven" got under way last Thursday after noon and had a good scrimmage before the student body. They used the "razzle dazzle" system of football and kept the oppos ing team In convulsions. They were fighting hard on their opponent'a one-foot line with one minute to go, when suddenly the whistle blew and the manager dashed onto the field with a tray of tea. The game was over, and the G. A. A, girls tripped daintily off the stage singing "Our coach will mako us strong," amid loud "heers of a revived student body. 7 per cent of the grades were l's; 36 per cent. 2's; 37 per cent, 3's; 14 per cent. 4's; and per cent, S's. NINE ARE SELECTED FOR DEBATE SQUAD (Dale Burns) ' The members of this year's debato squad, chosen by virtue of their ability as indicated la the preliminary tryouts, held October 25 and 26. are as fol lows: Rachael Forsythe. Doris Hunter, Helen Madden. Delia Lamb, Carrie Reedy, Dorothy Buchanan. George F. Smith, Lloyd Arant, and Logan Nining e. This group has started work on the question received from the Oregon State Debate League, State material Is now arriving constsntly and is being consura ed by the debaters. Meetings aro being held several nights week at the library where. In addition to reading and taking notes. Miss Tomllnson discusses the points and issues. The de bate coach has said that the new material for the debate teams is unusually good this year. While many of them have little exper ience, they have an excellent opporunlty to make the team. Both members of last year's negative team are back to strive for their share of honor, as well as a number of new contenders sufficient to make the race for a position Interesting. Ashland Senior High. School students believe the Republican party to be a Grand Old Part-. The Students re-elected Herbert Hoover as president of the Unit ed States. It Is presumed that the (resi dential election will have to be held as usual, however. In or der to confirm the results of the Rogbe News's poll. The exact returns of the elec tion were: Herbert Hoover, tl; Franklin Roosevelt . CO; Nor man Thomas, I. The Republican vote was about a J to 2 ma jority. Thin is a strong vote In a section that has always been In the G. O. P. ranks. Much interest was present at the voting place In the Rogue News room, on Thursday, Octob er, 27, when the balloting took place. Rachael Forsythe. Carrie Reedy, and G. F. Smith presid ed over the voting. Manv of the students have worn pins for either President Hoover or Governor Roosevelt during the past weeks. Also, In Informal talks, some students have spoken In behalf of their presidential favorite. In fact, electioneering actually went on at the polls. Carnival Plans Made For Nov. 4 Junior High Prepares Program Kor Friday In Hitch Hrhool G)iu. I Taken from Junior High Tattler) Now what? Could you guess what I heard? I'll tell yon: it's a play and the name Is "Through the Looklng-Glass". It Is to be given at the senior High gym November 4. The admission will be tea -rents for students and twenty-five cents for adults. Alice Sawyer Is taking the part of Alice. Alice has a lot to do. and I believe she can do It too. You know this is going to be rather a good play. Well, would you look at thW: Fern Madden Is In the play, too, and she's taking the part of the (Continued on Page 4)