Friday, September ;!, I1W.I. T II K It O G I" K X K W S Salem Paper I Lauds Faberj (Taken From Salem Statesman) j Donald Faber of Central Point. j physical education major at i Willamette university, received official not ire Thursday of his appointment as teacher-coach of Ashland high school for next year. During lib four years at Wil lamrtto university. Faber has been an outstanding athlete in four sports and has also been prominent as a student. He is graduated in June with the se nior class of Willamette univer sity and has a double ivajor, one in physical education and one in history. Ashland is one of the better known schools of the state, send ing teams to the state basketball tournament frequently. Ashland has won the state championship rnre in the brief history of the present tournaments. When Faber came to college j ho set out to learn the game of j football and with his natural j speed, coupled with his size and fighting spirit, he soon devel oped Into a good halfback. I Hts basketball career has been brilliant and would hav been fa: brighter had he not been off the floor the whole season his sopho more year because of a. broken les. He was high srorer for the Willamette freshmen In his first year, averaging 15 points a game In dozen contests which were all won by his team. Faber is a four year track letterman of Willamette, and it is on the cinders that he has written his greatest collegiate history. During four years of tartlrlpatinn he has scored in every meet in which he has entered. ASHLAND YIELDS TO DUNSMUIR IF (Apologies to Kipling If you'll plc;- football when ever you are called on, Evon though the field Is soak ed with rain; It you'll play square, and play with all that's in you And not think at all about your personal gain. If you're a toiember of the second battalion. And think, "Aw shucks, I'll never get a chance". And still stay on when there's no chance in a million (And that's if the "End" should slip and tear his panta.l If con can play and not ne glect your studies. If you will practise when still a little lame: If you'll do all you an to help your "buddies" And give your all to help them win the game; If you'll obey your coach. alert each minute. And do your bit to make a famous run. Yours is the "A" and the honor that goes with It; And what is more, you're a true sport, my son. Cordon (Juarrier (Dipping taken from Maroon News of Menominee, Mich.) math classes. Miss Ioi khart has a U. S. history class and a journalism class in addition to the English classes. Miss Tom linson also has a II. S. history class together with her other so cial science classes. Coach Don Faber devotes his entire time during shool hours to mechani cal drawing and physical edu cation. Although most Important col leges report a decrease in en rollment for the fall semester, Ashland High has to report that many students have transferred from other hiah schools through out the state and Pacific coast to this school. More students are oming in every da.v, and it is extremely likely that the en rollment will reach 260, which Increase compares favorably with decreases in other Important schools in the state. These students will be called to bear their share of the rchool's aitivities. Already a ! number of boys have taken re- s nsiblo positions on the foot ball squad and have added a gO"d deal to the fighting quali ties of the team. It Is rumored that there are a nutnlier of ca pable debaters who have not yet had a chance of fighting for Ashland and they will be ready hen Miss Tnmlinson calls for them. Musicians, too, are includ ed among the new students. BOLTON'S Drug Store Aimands Gift Set $1.00 value for 89c Style Shop Milliiiery-ltrrsNiiinkliiK Hemstitching Hate from Kite to Mrs. Siikk Sin. Itaniway Ashland hopes of an undc fealed season were Immediately brrken by the Dunsmulr Tigers Saturday, September 24. by score of 7 to 0. The game started with the Grizzlies receiving down hill. It appeared as though Ashland would score in the first few min utes of play, as they made great Fains through the Dunsmulr line, with Gearhart doing most of the ball carrying. As the Grizzlies neared scoring territory, the Dunsmulr line tightened and kept the ball from being pushed the few remaining feet to the goal. A steady fight began which lasted until late in the third quarter when Dunsmuir's scoring march began on a long forward rass and. by careful and power ful charges, resulted In a quick score. The extra point was made on a pass over the goal line. Ashland made a determined attack to. gain a score, but thdy were not able to crack through when they were near the goal The Ashland team seemed lo work very well despite the ear 'iness of the season and the in- cxrerienoed men. The most out standing man on the line, consid ering his limited experience, was John Denton. The other players that had a chance to get in the game gave a Rood showing. There seems to be great promise In the Grizzly fighting unit. Tho griddlo heater between Jacksonville and Ashland third team resulted in both parties carrying off a large goose apiece as laurels. The line up: Ashland Haughman Fehigo Sneed Gearhart Sieioff Starr Burns Hall Newhouse Denton Yaryan Substitute Durham. Hoxio Thompson, and Ohls. We hope to perform a miracle soon. The coach, in a very mat ter of fact way 'old the student body that their school spirit was dead. We plan to raise it from tho dead. Isn't it peculiar how long it takes Jack Enders to dig fence posts on the football field dur ing school hours? Dunsm uir U York FH Hall 1111 Martini I.H Nelson C Fischer KE Sanford DC Keginato KT Jones LT Bryan KG Manna LO Delyato for Ashland: Wallen. Bromley, SCHOOL OPENING BRINGS CHANGES Hide In Comfort This Winter. Let I s Install a Heater Now l l.M( The Autom:live Shop Chevrolet Dealers Ashland, Oregon ELKS BARBER SHOP A llir Cut For Individuality 35c Ijirry sea: A free shine for any man M-oriiiR In the Kla- Many (students are entering here for the first time this fall. The names of the schools from which they have come read like a travel circular. Interesting, too. are the courses of study. Several new class or different teachers for the classes are found in the schedule. The curriculum of the high school has included this year a number of important changes. Miss Clark now has a physics class on her hands besldeg her Girls Get Your SCHOOL OXFOKDS at ISAAC 'S $1.95 to $3.45 LITHIA SPRINGS Barber and Beauty Shop "Where All the Students Go" The Original Rexall ONE-CENT SALE Thursday-Friday -Sat unlay 6-7-K McNair Bros. Ily the Tost Office SPORT GOODS for GOOD SPORTS PROVOST BROS. Welcome Ashland High School Students Have yoti seen our new MM H SIKM'S Hiod Food Hut les Prices PLAZA CAFE Mr. ami Mrs. vl Taylr Ten to Fifty Cafe Serves Complete Menl For UUr Cents and l'. .VCourse Turkey Dinner Su nday Utv. Finders Hlock RADIO We Have Jut What You Arr Wanting. Sure We Give Terms; Jordan Electric Co. I'HONK MO The Sun Shines Some Times, Hut We Shine All the Time 10c Week Days Snl unlays and Holidays I x CENTRAL SHINE PARLOR Shell Knergy Gasoline SHELL SERVICE Inc. STATION Lubrication SMfialixt K. J. Mdden, Agent Main and 2nd Fall Dry Goods (Kil'n Dried) CARSON FOWLER LUMBER CO.