Feathers U U KJLi I 'J I v- 1 V "XXY 1 Tj fVBUSHED Br THg ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE ASHLAND, OREGON, HKH SCHOOL Ijj ASHUM), OHHHIX, SKl'TKM HER :. 11:J'J PLAN FOR SEASON TICKET PURCHASE KXWTTIVK X1 MIL OFFERS PASS TO AM- :AMKS AT IIARGA1X. TWO DOLLARS BUYS IT Price Include A. S. It. Vole, Al' Homo flumes. Rogue Xewa. A now plan has been submitt ed to the students by the Execu tive Cnmmillcn for the buying rf Student Body Tickets. In this plan the students may do one cf three things. First, one may pay f.&n to be come an active member of the student body, attend four games of football and two gameos of fcaketbnil amounting to $1.50 Second, become an active member of the student body and buy Rome News, $ 75, attend fmr names of football and one of basketball, amounting to 11.55. Third, ty S2.D0. Any student (Continued on Page 4) Director Seeks A 'Buddy Rogers "They'll I'n It Kverv Time' Chosen Anniversary Production. DEBATE SEASON AWAITS QUESTION What will Ashland do In de bate this year? All of the de baters certainly wish that they knew. However, preliminary Investi gations reveal confidence of a good team. Two af last year's varsity debaters, George Smith nd Rachel Forsythe. a.ro here gain. Several people who are new this year have had previous ex;rience In debate. They will be counted on quite heavily to aid In arguing. Also, a number of students, who gained wide ex perience last year but didn't make the team, will be back araln this year and will stand a grod chance of making the var sity squad. As the question for debate has not as yet been received, work has not started. Those Interested in debate are waiting for the first signal to begin the season's work. Extry! Extry! The next edi tion of the Rogue News will carry the cast list for the Anni versary play. A large tryuut turnout Is expected, for "They'll Do It Kvery Time" is the title of the play which has been se le: ted for this year's presenta tion. Advance Information has been gained from Miss Hedges direct or, that "They'll Do It Every Time" Is ri with opportunities for ambitious actors who would like to try their hand at char acterizations. In fact. Miss Hodges thoucht seriously of in serting an ad In this edition of the Rogue Newa worded, "Want ed: a Buddy Rogers!" Why? Well, it seems that the story of the play concerns a young man who had a Jazz orchestra. Every thing went swimmingly until the young man was informed that the radio engagement he had been offered wasreseinded. be cause they didn't want hi" UP" of music. Of course his friends went bark on him "they'll do it every time", don't yon know. Poor man, the only restitution 'ay In the fact that "the" girl was still for him you know and thus the story of tho hard lines the young Rogers who pro cures the part will have to speak. Oh, but It Is a fine chance for some of these blushing sheiks and don't forget there's a girl in the easel Seniors In Race For Editorship New Constitutional Amendment Milken ApiHihitinentM By Merit. Rachel Forsythe, George F. Smith, and Lloyd Arant are working for the editorialship of tho Rogue News for this year. Tho three seniors have submit ted their plans for the organiza tion of the paper to Miss Lock hart. To test their ability they aro gathering news, writing headlines. editorials, feature stories, news stor'es, and with the help of the Journalism class aro editing this paper. From these three aspirants the one who shows tho greatest ability will bo selected for the future edi tor. The selections will be made according to the constitutional amendment of last spring which made, the editorship appointive, tho power of arpointment being granted to the executive commit tee and the Rogue Newg faculty advisor. FABER'S CUBS WILL TACKLE PELICAN TEAM KLAMATH RETAINS MMUKI OF ;l!II( I.KTTKIOIKN OX STRING. NEW ATTACK PLANNED A. H. s. 1-nrkH Kerl-nee, Hulk retls Fighting Spirit For lUtlence. COACH PLEADS TOR MORE PEP "Pep up." said Coach Fa tier at tho first rally of th season. In speaking further to the stu dents, he said that the football boys needed tho backing of every member of the student body and that none could lie down on the job if we are to have a winning team. The rally was lead by Edgar Blake, ;ell leader last year, and La Verne Dalkenhurg. andldate to fill the vacancy. Pearl Arant and Janet Gould tried out for song leader. NERO PIDDLED WHILE ROME BURNED! BUY A SEASON TICKET and Watch the Depression Go Up In Smcke!! Student Direction I Is New Music Plan Miss Helen Kllgore expects to have some groups well worth lis tening to this year. The girls' glee club meets Mondays and Wednesdays In the music room tho sixth period. The boys' glee dub on Tuesdays and Thursdays the 'sixth period. Those in the girls' club are Pearl Arant, Dor othy Rerns. Evelyn Doss, Rosa Franco. Arline Gossett, Janet Could Helen Gould. Helen Mad den, Frances Maguin. Theda Manchester, Genevieve McGee. Maxlno Miller, June Miller. Bar bara Miller. Nella Putman. Anne Preston. LaVerae Ramsey. Carrie Reedy. Maurice Roberson. Fran res Spindler, Ruth Warren, Marietta Whitney, and accom panist. Maxine Miller. Those In the boys' club are Bernard Abrams, Lloyd Arant, Kenneth Evans. Wayne Heard, LeRoy Lindner, David Owens. Meredith Durham. No accompanist has been chosen yet. I-ast year Miss Kllgore estab lished something new in the way of student conductors, and this year the same plan la to be main tained and tr.;outs will be held next week. Election of club of ficers Is also to he held. The of fices to bo filled are president, secretary - treasurer, librarian, social chairman, and publicity manager. Due to "the depression" an operetta was not given last year, hut Miss Kilgore entertains hopes for this year. 1-IVK.I Center Sleloff Cuard Snecd Guard Itromlev T - Hall Tarle Ncwhouse End Starr, sherry. Rums En1 - H. Hoxle Quarter Hess, Hoxie "a'f Raiighman "alf Gc-arhart. Durham Fu - - , Fehige When the Ashlaud Grizzlies take to the gridiron tomorrow they will dash with a strong toe. It is said that the Klamath Falls team will have a. decided advantage over the Ashland squad. Klamath Is still using the running backfield formation that worked o well against her op ponents last neason. Klamath's squad put up a strong bid for conference cham pionship last season and has lost only a few of the first string men through graduation. Him aker. who was rated as the fas test back In the conference last year, will be back and In the line-up for Saturday's game here. Coach Faber of Ashland is not saying much but la putting the team through a hard, stren uous practice every night. He Is also trying out new material at different positions, and Is go ing to startle Klamath Falls with a new and surprising attack. Ashland has a hard fighting squad of boys and a good conch In Don Faber who Is starting his first season at Ashland High. Coach Faber hag a tough job ahead of him, sinca most of the squad is new and inexperienced. With only three of last year's lettermen In the line-up, it does seem that the Grizzly squad will have the odds against them in bulk and experience. The team will be ready for Klamath Falls In spirit and fight even though they lack the necessary (Continued on Page 4)