ThurMlay, April 21, IIKW KOGIK XKWS l'K Three FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOR 1933 PLANNED With the close of the basket ball teason, plana for next year's football schedule are being made. Though eleven dates have been et for the games next year, there are at present only the annual games with Klamath Palls, Grants Pass, and Medford. Before the season starts, how ever, the schedule will be filled out with games - with some of the Northern Californian teams. There is a hope that an Oregon team outside our district may be added also. The following Is the schedule as It stands at present: September 17 open. September 24 open. October 1 open. October 8 open. October 16 Klamath Falls at Ashland. October 22 open. October 29 Grants Pass at Ashland. November 5 open. November 5 open. November 11 open. November 18 Grants Pass at O rants Pass. November 24 Medford at Ashland. the recent trouble in China. Ashland High seems to have gained some sudden popularity for on the following day Mr. Riley, Registrar of Llnfleld Col lege, McMlnnville, Oregon, spoke on the subject of "Why You Should Go to College." Mr. Riley gave examples of people who did not attend col lege and a number who did, and explained that a person who did not know how to study was not college timber. In conclusion he said, "Play hard, but work hard also." FORMER H. S. PROFS VISIT IN ASHLAND RAPP MISSING IN BOVmG BOUT Blarkie Rapp, Klamath Falls middleweight, put himself into a rather difficult position by falling to appear for a six-round bout with Bill Taylor at the Yeo man Hall, , April 6, so Buefor Childers of Talent, and Jimmy Dugan of Ashland went six rounds to a draw in the main event Sonny Manetield and Carl Ste wart slugged through six torld rounds to a draw. Billy Bromley and Headrirk Baughman went four snappy rounds to a draw. ' Earl "P1J" Smith knocked out Wayne Heard In the second round of a scheduled four-round bout. Art Decker .decisioned Waxren Keffer In four rounds. Glen Keffer decisioned Billy "Dempsey" Reed In the two round opener. Billy Coleman refered the bouts. On April 20, Earl "PiJ" Smith will meet Norville Stoskstill of Talent In the six-round main event. The Misses Hazel Smith and Ellen Waters, former teacher? here, were out-of-town visitors Sunday, April 10. Miss Waters, who taught physical education here three years ago, was the guest of Miss Clark, and Miss Smith; former Home Ec teacher who is now teaching In Seattle Junior high was Miss Tomlin- son's guest. Miss Waters was the founder of the summer ramp for girls at Lake o the Woods, which has been changed to Squaw Lake. SCHOOL TAKES LOSS IN TENNIS MATCH JR.-SR. PICNIC PLANS UNDER WAY Playing their first inter-school tennis tournet. last SaturUay", the Ashland High team lost every game to their opponents from Grants Pass. The Cavemen were evidently much more ex perienced and showed more prac tice in their form. "Tiny" Stockstill and "Thun der" Darling staged what was Judged the fastest and longest game. Stockstill, who Is only 14 and weighs but 98 pounds, won the first set 9-11, and the sec ond set, 6-3. Results of the morning games were: Becot vs. Cook, Cook's game. 6-2. 6-2. Applegate vs. Layton, Lay-, tons game, 6-0, 6-0. j Elliott vs. Weber. Weber's set. ' 6-1, 6-2 Darling vs. Stockstill. Stock still's set. 11-9, 6-3. Stearns vs. McCrackens, Mc cracken's set, 6-3. 6-1. Becot and Aprlegate vs. Cook and Layton. 6-4. 6-3 for Grants Pass. Stearns and Elliot vs. Weber and Stockstill, 6-2, 6-1. for Grants Pass, and 6-4 for Ashland. Just In! Special Shipment GOLDFISH Mutual Mill & Seed Co. PHONE 9 833 E. Main St. The annual Junior-Senior pic nic is to be held at Jackson Hot Springs. The date has not yet been determined, but the picnic will be sometime during Senior week. Plans are not yet com pleted for the affair, but they will be announced in the near future. There will be swimming, baseball, games, and. last but not ileast, plenty of good eats. This picnic is held each year during Senior week by the Jun iors, for the entertainment of the Seniors. The picnic and the Prom are the two big inter-class functions of the year. Hardy Bros. have the Lowest Priced Candy . In Ashland THEY SELL CANDY BARS 3 fcr 10c Bulk Goods In Proportion TRY THEM! Thoughts For Today "Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop him up." RuKkln. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon Do you axk to be the compan ion of nobles? Make yourself noble and you Khali be. Raskin. FIX-IT SHOP F r u i t a s ! Schuerraan's Grocery White Shce Dressing for all kinclH of materials at J. D. Mars & Son Shoe Ueimlrer RILEY, HANDSAKER ADDRESS STUDENTS "Prevention of War" was the topic spoken on by Mr. Handsak er here Tuesday, April 12. Mr. Hansaker Is a represen tative of the Committee tor the Prevention of War which is lo cated, at Portland. He gave some very Interesting data concerning war, such bow many soldiers are killed per day and the cost of a war per minute, which was made espec ially Interesting on account of ! Mutterings ! Clyde D. "Will you share my lot?" Beverly Y. "No, thanks, I in tend to be cremated." Sylvia Martin "No. I'm afraid I can't marry you. Perry" Perry Ashcraft "Aw, Just this once!" ISAAC ' S The Quality Store Now showing a wonderful New Assortment of WASH GOODS for Hummer Dresses! Voiles, Lawns, Batiste HERBERT'S TWO STORES ! K. Main St. 1 K. Main Staple and Fancy GROCERIES WE DELIVER You may like your csrds dirty, but the lady friend don't! Ashland Laundry Co. PHONE IHS Just Call. That's All" Chocolate Milk Shakes 10c Don't Form the STl'DKXTS' UNCII Plaza Cafe Wardlow H. "Know anything! worse than athlete's foot?" Keller M. "Sure, some athletes' ; brains." WANTED New phonograph rec ords for typing room. Unanimous Ten to Fifty Cafe Serves Only High Quality Kood at the Lowest Possible Prices. Specializing in 2.V- Lunches Try ASHLAND CREAMERY Products Shasta Ice Cream Phone 24 "Signs of returning prosperity ; He about us everywhere," began the orator. "Yes", hollered a scoffer, I "and lie, and lie, and He." I We Have What Ycu Need for School East Side Grocery Near High School Spring Time SPORT SHOES We have them The Enders Co.