Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, April 21, 1932, JUNIOR EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    lHt Two
Thursday, April 21. 1 11:12
I'aliliMitil Kcmi-Moiillily by the Students of tlie Ashland Hiih School
Editor Rachel Forsythe
Assistant Editor Lloyd Arant
Reporters: I-eRoy Lindner. Dorothy Bergstrom, Neva Irwin, Harry
Chipman. Ilan Sneed, Louise Anderson, Sylvia Martin, June Elam.
llusinr Staff
lousiness Manager George F. Smith
Assistant Manager Lorraine Smith
Circulation Manager June Wolcolt
Exchange Manager ...... Pauline Ward
(Continued from Page 1)
Do you Hoinetinu'8 fool that sonu ihhjK arc getting
more than their hare of the honors! In the first place,
the honor means good, hard work, and in the secon
lace it means that some people have more , i n than
others. Those who do the most have the most time, mid
those who have the most time haven't any, if you can
understand it. It is very hard to understand, lit it
seems as though with all the activities Ashland High has
dramatics, athletes, commercial, public speaking, jorr-
nalism, clubs, music, ami so on and on, there would be j
enough for every student to take part in several. The;
sad part of it is, those who do nothing, or. only a l'".tV.
haven't time to do anything, so those who really havti.'t
the time, do it.
Now Is the time of year when
the august seniors begin to talk
of begtnee-ment and of leaving
this school forever. Then the in
sidious thougt comes to the frent
as to the desirability or o-aud-so
fur president of 'hi studu'it
body. Here arc a tiK rusii.Hts:
There's John Denton, but r.ul-1;-
Olan Sneed ah. straLtV as a
a nomination, it would be re
quired to have a comple'. IU:
of the nominee's qualifications
for that office. Not h.-d, .'h?
Sounds quite collegiate.
Have you seen
the debate cup !
vice to the school and to tholr
fellow students. They must have
good Christian standards and be
somewhat of a leader. During
their senior year they must have
gone out for some sports.
Napoleon Eskerldge has been
In the limelight for some time.
having taken a spectacular part
in football for the last two years.
Me was president of the Junior
class last year, and Is now presl
dent of the senior class and
Science club, in addition to be
ing first vice, president of the
student body. 'j
Benjamin Goldy has gone out!
for football and has taken an
active part in ten nix. j
Mary Herbert is president of
the Girls' League, and is promi
nent in Camp Fire work. I
Mary Louise Sanders is secre-'
tary of the student body and of
the senior class. She plays in the
orchestra and is in the senior
play. I
Dorothy Bergstrom Is president
of all the Ashland Camn Fire
board of the G. A. A. Last year
she was treasurer of the Girls'
Irene Lampert, Eleanor Coombe
Lenna Spayde. Max Gutley, Cul-!
ver Anderson, and Harry Smith
are those who have had their
names placed on the cup In the'
I three years s'nee the cup was
the Leach on ! presented to the student body by I
n tne trophy Mr- Waiters, former secretary of
I the Y. M. C. A. I
Dave Owens may some day be j ASHLAND GIRLS
young pine tree, wouldn't ho be a detective, but we doubt it, from
just too sweet with his flu-.hlurf the difficulty he hai be.?n. !n
smile up In front of th? nssem-' solving his chemistry unkn v.ns.
bly? Of course, the r-V. of Mm I
S. H.
would bo with Hi r'r
Then the se'y. ilevii:.' Young
would be good. Sim was practi
cally born with a noi'd! I. bind
h- ear and her mo"'h .ii for
Or. netty Dean's soft voire
would lull you to sleep in no
time, jr.rt p-i:.l'v wien lio
was reading the constitution
But wait a minute; this year s
sec'y Is a brunette so we ought
to have a change In scenery.
How about Dorothy Leslie?
Lloyd Arant as vice president
would make a good yes-yes man. '
By and all. we cer'n'nly hsvei
a cream of a crop to ril-'s from, j
We want the finest lilcnd. lint ;
there's not enough in a car'tpd )
They'll probably all be rnaoti i
hut that takes the Irritants nut. I
so they'd be kind to your vot. '
They d be milder. This is not
a paid for ad.
Girls' League week, April 4-8,
was celebrated by Medford girls,
by having different parties and
programs. The girls of Asniana
were invited to attend any of
these functions which they chose,
and Friday was selected as th
day on which they would go to
The program Friday con'U'.ed
of i style show, a tea, a program
Disguising her topic with hu
mor. Mrs. I.ora S. LaMance of
the W. C. T. IT., gave the as
sembly 30 minutes of enjoyment
and also Impi eased upon the
m'nds of the students the evils!
of tobacco and strong drinks. ' ni so-called April frolic tuat
Mrs. LaMance hezan hv n.r. evtr'ng. but it was alio he
latltig some of the Paul Hunyan-'. timing of the Prom so A-V.V .1
like qualities of our ancestors I' ere unable to b prei-nt
and showed how, with each gen- v hen the girls arrived, ths dean,
eratlon. the American people Miss Carroll, showed them
have declined in bodily strength ; around the building, and when
but have built up their brains.
She then went on to show that
these weaklings who are seen
everywhere today cannot stand
the ravages that are done by! Wiley,
beer and cigarettes, upon the Martin,
fiber of the brain.
they had finished seeing the
new Medford high school, it wfi
u:ne for the program to login.
Those who went wem Lois
Marjorie Mills, Sylvia
Dorothy Bergstrom mid
1 Mary Herbert.
On good authority we lif.vr
there is to be a proposed amend- it never gives me bother up
ment to the A. S. B. cons' It.e ton
at the next meeting providing
for student body nomination- hy
. petition. Besides the petitions re
quiring a certain number cf
Yes. Spring fever is catching
end it Is like all other conta
gious diseases the catcher pays
steep grades. I tho penalty. The penalty, as a
It never gets overheated. j rule, is ajreirt such, as, low
It has never got me Into a col-1 grades, not being ablo to grad-
lison or an accident of any) uate, and the destruction of will
. kind. I power. Wouldn't It be better to
names of student body mev.bcrs I wish to goodness I could start I eliminate the penalty by over
before It would be acceptable as 1 it. j coming the fever?
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