JUNIOR EDITION End Drawl Nigh tirab Last Chance PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Of THE ASHLAND. OREGON. HKH SCHOOL Jj XOJj. It. A8HLAX1), OREGON', APRIL 21, 1032. A. H. S. WINS CONTEST HONORS SECOND STEP 10 STATE CUP Coquille Loses To Ash la ad 8-0 In Inter-Dint rlct Word Contest. NEXT DEBATE APRIL 22 Chlloqnln and Pendleton Will Compete For Eastern Oregon Winner. Albany and Ashland will battle for the Western Oregon debate championship in Ash land on Saturday, April 23. Albany la to have Uie negative aide of the question. Campfire Of fers Pink Lemonade Cirrus To lie One Oram! Event Preceded Ky Parade April 22. Having won their inter-district debate with Coquille, the debate teams are now "preparing tor the debate which will decide the Western Oregon winner. Since the North Western Oregon de bates have not yet been con cluded, it Is not known at pres ent whether the team will meet Milwaukee or Albany. "In the debate at Coquille, in whiih the Ashland debaters took the negative side of the question the decision was 3-0 In favor of the local team. Word has been received that ChMoouin and Pendleton In the Eastern Oregon district will de bate on Friday, April 22, to de clde the winner of that distrl-t On May 6, the Western and Eastern Oregon winners will meet In Eugene where the final A big parade is tot precede the Campfire Circus which is to be held at the Junior High Gymna sium ,on Friday, April 22, at 7:30. The parade, which is at 4:00 In the afternoon will be composed of animals, acrobats freaks, and all the things which go to make up a good circus. A regular saw-dust ring will add to the reality of the circus The program is: Grand Entry All Trained Horses Miss Bynum's Group Bicycle Stunt Miss Bynum's Group Funny Paper Act Miss Do brovolny's Group Spark Plug Lincoln School Girls Tumbling and Pyramids Physical Training Girls Folk Dancing Junior High I hyslcal Training Girls Elephant Act Miss Magoon's Group Freaks Miss Prcv's Group Posing Miss Janzen's Group Tight Hope Walker Louise Anderson Wild West Show Clogging Club Chariot Race (Continued on Page 4) 'DEPRESSION' PROM BECOMES HISTORY Music Festival ! To Be April 29 Folk Dancers Will Add Variety i To til'- and Orchestral IreHent at ions. TYPING SQUAD PLACES SCHOOLS. PLUNGES OFFER SWIMMING A. H. S. musical groups will furnish the program and be in charge generally for one day of the annual Southern Oregon Musical Fotival .which is to be held here April 2ft and 29 at the Junior High School, according to plnns that Miss Kilgore has re ceived so far. Under her direc tion, the Mixed Glee Club, the Girls' Glee Club and the Roys' Chorus are working to present a group of numbers which require a high degree of technical skill. The Junior High, too, will bo well represented. A mixed chorus of 54 voices will sing a group of selections. Orchestral presentations are under the direction of Mr. Croft. To add color and variety to the program, MIhs Magoon wili present a group of folk -i nwn in which about thirty students from grade and punlor ' schools will take part. So far Miss Kilgore "i hatis fled with the way the nro-.i:n Is shaping for this gala, annua', event which draws many people to Ashland. The Normal school sponsors this event, which Is under the immediate direction of Miss Woodruff. Ashland Third In Shorthand Individual l:onnr Also Taken. L. GOETZE ACCURATE The Twin Plunges and the public schools will cooperate with NOMINEES ARE CHOSEN FOR CUP Mary Herbert, Mary Louise Sander, Dorothy Bergstrom. Bon- the Y. M. C. A. in a "Leirn tojani)n fioW Kap()Ipon Es The annual junior Prom held Friday, April S at the U S. Hotel, . was a success In spite of the vicissitudes those In charge had to overcome. Due to the re cent loss of the Prom fund the affair this year was on much smaller scale than is cub ternary, but the complete coop eration of the Junior class In sured success. In addition to the faculty, more than 100 students attend ed. Mr. and Mrs. McNalr; Mrs. D. Swim" campaign which will start en April 25. The Instruction Is 1 for beginners only. The rlasses are to be held at ! Twin Plunges four afternoon a week, a certain time being given to pupils of certain ages. Too boy's lessons are to be given on Monday aud Wednes day, and the girls' on Tuesday and Thursday. Matt Thompson will supervise the boy's instruction, and Minn Magoon that of the girls. Each will be assisted by a corps of life guards and teachers chosen from a group of the more ac complished high school swimmers who are interested In helping in the work Klamath Falls Second In Honors; f,. I. First, Klxtrthand Medford, Fourth. Once again Ashland has won over Medford. This time the typ ing team has bestad them. The contest took place in the com mercial room of the Medford high school with Mrs. Gatchell and Mrs. Jerome as directors. At the end of to fifteen min utes period, the papers were ta ken Into a private room, and af ter they had been carefully gone over three times, the winner was announced. Of the twelve awards that were made on Saturday, four were won by Ashland Lois Goetze won a crystal necklace and earrings as first prize for accuracy rnd a sliver wedal for second prize for speed. First -rize ss won by a Klainath girl at 71 words a minute. Betty Dean wrote the most words of any novice and receiv ed a geld medal. The team It 'tself won a silver loving cup. Their winning this contest en titles the contestants to compete in the state contes held at Cor vallis. Sanrday, April 23. Every team ompetlng "blew up" c n the contest. Ashl.nnd won keridge have been named by the authorized committee on ellgihil- 1 ity. as those eligible for the Citi zenship Cup. Before the names the outstanding Senior girl ind the outstanding Senior boy have been placed on the cup, however, the list of those eligible must be submitted to the studunt 'icdv, and voted upon. The girl and the boy receiving the highest oles ill have their names put on the cup. The requisite for this honor ire that the students must have exemrtion grades, with an aver- "10 of at least two in citizenshl for their entire high school at tendinie. They must take part In school activities, and be of ser- (Cnntinned cn Pa?e ! (Continued on Page 4) BECOT, JOHNSON BECOME EARNEST The Senior class plaV, ' The Import mce of Being Earliest", will be given Friday evening. May IS. at the high school au ditorium. The play is an English comedy, by -Oscar Wilde. Its presentation at Ashland will be the Southern Oregon prpmier for this produc tion in the field of high school dramatics. The plot Is centered around two young men of London, and the'.r ef'orts to become ssfely (Continued on Pare t (Continued on Page 4) Seniors, lay your dues.