GIRLS' LEAGUE EDITION yffc. HUSHEI Br7hEASSOaTlOSTODNT3 VjOf THE ASHLAND. OREGON, HKH SCHOOL ' VOI 11. ASHUXD, ORKGOX. APRIL 7, 19S2. W II FOR GRADUATION CAPS AND GOWNH ORDAINED BY KMAMj MARUIX VOTING. GAT GARB ENDORSED Debaters Meet Coquille Tonight Beth Joy and George F. Hmith Placed for Prenent Negative Team. G. Irwin Appears In Musical Recital Mlsa II II ma Knander Present Gertrude Irwin, Senior, March 23 and 24. Baccalaureate Audience May lie urn To Nee Senior Capped . and Gowned. Oar hopeful senior! shall -ike their debut In, the world of affairs somberly attired in -vlemlc robes with the accom ""'!ng distinctive caps this i ring. So decreed by a majority f three In the Senior class id from quarters comes a de 5'ghtful titter, while from oth ers Issues an ominous grunt. The first Tote, taken after dis "tission among; bens and girls separately, resulted In a dead lock! but the second time the change of a few Totes effected the decision. The gowns will be Debating between the district winners has commenced for our local champion this term. Coquille will be their desti nation on April 7. and a deci- sion over the Coquille team will eue8uay "e" r -be their- .m...i I dents and Thursday evening for was beautifully Oortrude Irwin. Senior and talented piano student, was pre sented by Miss Hilma Enander in recitals on March 30 and 24. one performance being given on Wedesday afteroon for the stu- 1 adults. The studio The negative team, with Mlssl Tomiinsun, will leave Thursday j . . , ' decorated with spring flowers, and return Friday. The teams , k . . nt have been changed so that Beth Joy and Ceorge Francis Smith are the present negative team. If the I Ashland team wins this debate, its next one will he on April 22. There will be several more debates between the district championship teams climaxing with the final one at University of Oregon on May C. Seniors So Smart Progress Perfect The senior play Is well upon nts way to. perfection, as one ither'half ' ,he flrBt art already black or gray, the gray being memorized. the most commonly used In hlghl Several i Interludes or between schools. Samples have come to' " Trformances will be a fea Mr. Briscoe's office, and a vote ture ,n ,his year's presentation, will probably be taken soon. I Tnn Plav ' rather short, and The seniors will wear them- to j these added interludes will pre one. two, or three of the great f,eBt an opportunity for stu- T, APRIL 16 IS COMMERCE SQUADS' BIG HOPE NAMING OP TKAM WITHHELD TO KK.KP HOPKfrTLS WORKING. TRY VARIED SETTINGS events Incident to graduation comment e m e n t, baccalaureate, and the reception. The garments will be kept a week, and their (Continued on Page 4) Juniors Working dents of ability to display their talents. Napoleon Eskridge has taken the place of Edgar Blake as stago manager. Guests were met by Lois Goetze and Neva Irwin who were hos tesses for the occasions. Miss Irwin, in a gown of blue and white, received many beauti ful flowers in appreciation ofi her fine program. j Miss Irwin was assisted by Daisy Yaryan "who gave several readings. The program presented includ ed: 1. llaydn. Sonota In E minor (First Movement.) Heller-Dels. Warrior's Song. Schumann, Warum. Op. 12. No. a. Mozart. Fantasia in D Minor. Gertrude Irwin 2. Bryant's Thanatopsls Daisy Yaryan 3. Strickland. From a Caravan (Piino Suite, (a). Prelude. )h. The Well in the Desert fr. At Ouled Naeil Junior Say. do you know ther !s a town in Massachusettes For Big prom nnmra af,er oll? . Sophomore No. what is it Junior Marble head. Mrs. Gutchell, Former Teacher Here In Charge of Contest In Medford. On April 16, wnen the typing and shorthand contest is to be held, fifteen schools will meet at Medford high school. Chair man of the contest is Mrs. La Vera Moe Gatchell of Medford. It Is felt that there will be a great deal of competition, even more than last year, especially between Medford and Ashland. In preparation for the contest, the last three week preceding the event are always dedicated to concentration drills. The squads go to various clubs and societies to get used to differ ent atmosphere from that of the classroom. Thus, when the time for the contest rolls around, they will not feel too frightened nnder the great strain of com ; petition. : Tuesday. March 29. at noon. I the shorthand squad attended a Song to the Crocodiles meeting of the Kiwanls Cluh. BANG! RATTLE! BANG! In the ballroom of the Lithia j Springs Hotel. April 8. at 8:311 o'clock, the Juniors will once again entertain the Seniors. Ike Porter's four-piece dance or- ' chestra will furnish the music. Rattle! Bang! Rang! What's The various committees are. tni tonijn(? the street? Oh. doing their utmost In preparing Lt otDer one of thoge an. for thU annual dance. Due to! . .. ....... . , . tlnue pieces of mechanism that ..... . . ' ate enjoying renewed popularity denly shrank, members of the class are donating refreshments . at AMn,ana For those who do not dance.! ThR FtvI( are ""morons cards and contests axe being ar-. Here Ford Is it an eight or ranged by Rachel Forsythe who Paenger? We wonder. One Is also busy finding appropriate ' tne outstanding characteris prtses. "p" of ,hlR vehicle Is the hrrn June Elam Is helping Miss Ma- 0 low bv reaching goon prepare two feature num- "cross the wind shield, bers, one of which is a buries- If ou should happen to glance que by a group i of well-known out a side window of the school boys, of the class. Girls in the . at noon you see a unique model. Gertrude Irwin 4. Markham. The Man With io Hoe. Daisy Yaryan 5. Palmgren. Finnish Caprice Mavo, The Humming Bird. Poldini. Japanese Etude. Butler. At Sundown. Gertrude Irwin other number have obtained striking costumes. In which they exhibit considerable pride. the property of Wardlow Howell (or it is Sheldon Page?) as It very gracefully turns around the (Continued on Page 4) Campfire To Hold Parade and Circus Stranger looking four-legged animals than Noah ever saw will he displayed in the Camp Fire one-ring circus. This event, will be on April 22. at the Ju nior high school gym. Other things of note in the production will be clowns, a world-famed tight rope walker, funny-paper characters, a bi cycle art. tumblers, a Spanl'h bull fight, doggers, and all sorts of freaks. Popcorn and link lemonade will be sold to the populace On the afternoon of the circus there will be a parade which will include all the marvals afore mentioned. Approximately eighty Camp corner on two wheels. Is is red? No. Is it gray? What do you think? Rut here comes the lim ousine. It has real glass windows and is only minus one door. You usually see six or eight feminine heads hern nnd there, also catch tli n faint hell-like voices, as they dive their representative of Henry Ford up and down the street. If you are contemplating buy ing something to give a thrill a-minute. Interview an owner of Fire Gills will assist In the per one of these conspicuous me- formance the proceeds of which chanlcal contraptions. Maybe the will be used for expenses of their owners most Informed on the ; summer camp. subject are the Misses Kllgore. 1 The nrkes for admission Maroon Reclr anil Ttnhrnrnlnv I 9S nti fnr rfuli. on.' Able members of our faculty. for students.