MEW Fin Quarter Gone Second Quarter Going PUBLISHED BY TVC ASSOClATtD STOKNTS OF THC ASHLAND, OREGON. HtGH SCHOOL Jj ASHLAND, OREtiOX. MARCH lo, 19:12. MANY ENTREES HOBBY SI ARE REGISTERED OTHKR SCHOOLS AND WES TO ENTER CROTWOKK IS CONTEST. Girls Complete Breakfast Plans Hated For Sunday, March 241 Affair To lie At Junior Hi. Senior Theses Prove Bugaboos Eighth Termers Work Off Essay Requirements In Assembly. There are a few students who ran go around with their heads SHOW TO BE MARCH 19 To create more interest Kirls' activities, a Mother and I Daughter Breakfast, sponsored Just " tr,fle hiRher than the reBt by the Girls' League, will be TheJr completed their thesis re given Sunday. March 20. at the' """""menu, by presenting a pro Junior High Cafeteria. Margery 1 Brara to tl,e aRmbly Tuesday, Mills, chairman of the social Maron l' 1 nn VTOTm "erea BECOMES VICAR .IN SENIOR PLAY Large Variety of Works To Be Known In Stearns Building Display Room. Saturday, March 19, is the big day for hobbles. Entry registrations for the hobby show are being received by the show committee. Last week blanks were distributed at Junior High and at the grade school down to the fourth grade, twenty-four hobbies being reg istered. The Normal also received blanks. All kinds of things are entered rock collections, doll clothes. airplanes, boats, pictures, boats. what-not. The Stamp Club of the Y. M. C. A. Is going to exhibit its collections as a club. The Stearns building, where the exhibit will be held, is being cleared, cleaned up. and gener ally prepared for the event. Judgeg have not yet been chosen, but that is to be done at an early meeting of the corn- diversion from the morning's work. As the respective seniors pre- committee, has appointed' the chairman of the committees In charge. i The shamrock, for St. Patrick. en,ea ,Ile,r "xl" r"ur" will be the dominating note of ",p,r eat- ,hP' were 'J decoration. Mary Louise Sanders 'V envious glances of the less is head nf this committee Novel fortunate, seniors. Those who took part are Mary St. Patrick Invitation are l.eine sent out by the committee, with Herbert. Lois Wiley. Maxine Mil- Dorothy Leslie in charge. The Thelma ". u,",e "avl8 other committees are program. ! """rude Ir in. and Helen Wll Arilla Gearhart. and menu and eox- preparation. June Elam and Margaret Cadzow. 1 p0rter CllOSen otjiijr iu, fieurrm manager, states that as this Is different from anything the Girls' League has ever sponsored cooreratiou -rd enthusiasm will be needed by the girls In high school. MARY SANDER AS ELIZABETH TAKES IX)MM SOCIETY BY STORM. LILIES OF THE FIELD' June Wolrott's Finger In Hie Tie "Brings Out" Two reaches, Wally's Twins. Cast for the Senior play "Lilies of the Field" is as fol lows: Mary Sander as Elizabeth, the quaint daughter of a country vicar; Maxine Miller her dashing twin; La Verne Ramsey their practical mother; June Wolcott the wealthy and spicy grand mother who Instigates the plot; Mary Poley and Louise Schrei dereiter as' the cushy society dames; Eunice Coats as the maid; Wallace Stearns as the somewhat absent - minded but That envy of Sophomores, the 1 rather lovable country clergy. To Play at Prom "Big Idea" Is Speaker's Topic I (Continued on Page 4) 20th Birthday Ceremonial Held Camp Fire Girls Olebrate Event the World Over With Councils. AH over the world Camp Fire Girls will be celebrating Camp Fire's twentieth birthday during the week of March 13-19. The Ashand groups Include among their all-city activities for this week an assembly program at schoo. Camp Fire Sunday at church, and Grand Council Fire. On March 13 all the Camp Fire Girls In the city will attend the Methodist church for morning service which will be particul arly for them. An assembly program is plan ned for Thursday of the same week. It will Include songs by the Cam,? Fire Glee Club and a Junior Prom, is scheduled for April R. at the Lithia Springs hotel, and now that upper class men have found "when", the big ntiestion in every hall is "Who?" list of those eligible to at tend Is more iniitPd this year. "What's the Big Idea?" asked j and enforcement against "gate Dr. J. A. Stevenson of New York. ; crashing" will be more strict sr-cke Friday, Mar. 4. at the than ever before. Only those stu- Hlh Kihool. "Everv nerson who ' dents who already have nine has accomplished something h:id Idt t i their credit on the of a big idea. The best question fice records and have not ret anyone cn ask Is "What's the '-"en graduated will be admitted. "iig Idea?" ' This edict eliminates all post- I)r J A Stevenson hi ta'kei r - a-Mietes. many "of those who to many high school students all r.: ider themselves lower ju over the countiv. He has glean- "tors, and all "outsiders". Also. (Continued on Page 4 1 (Continued on Page 4) man; David Johnson as Madden playg opposite Elizabeth; Preston Becot as a typical English fop. Hopes; and Vincent Sawyer as the butler. "Lilies of the Field" Is an English comedy of rather a high type. Miss Hedges. dramatic coach, was very pleased to be (Continued on Paee 41 Boaters Build Speed Crafts Local Enthusiasts Prepare Eor Marine Thrills In Summer WHO'S GOT YOUR GOAT? Now. my lambs, listen to the j Btory of a goat ee. Once a Pair of maruline legs were hieing themselves to the edifice peculiar to the soutlieas tern part of Ashlnnd. and. st-e-'ng a short-cut through a lot. Miey trotted across, amongst the Innocent goats residing thereon. A war' farther, the owner of the masculine legs heard some thing queer, so he turned around and there was the little goatee four hero Our hero followed skit or play presenting the birth-1 ong t(J nhotA )ye the pecu. day project. ar mce, was olir dar Alma rne puoue is peing invuea jjater ) to toe Birtnaay council r ire more sinister creeps in. Somf Bernard AppleKate. illake. Maxwell Robins nest Wallin, and Carl like many other great men. have entered Into competition with Ed ea r l. Ear-Brower, person or persons unknown, con- each other to the end of making ceived the idea of bringing our the speediest n eed boat, hero Into the building. So. he. J These local Garr Woods snei d she or it did. and the goatee the period preceding the summer (wast parked in front of the! vacation constructing their crafts nsemlly. After recovering from j and when summer rolls around, h's first fright and seeing all as It eventually does, their boats the visitors, he commenced a 'are conveyed to the Lake o' the "rnversation in a high rltched Woods, where they are tested vcice. It seemed that that sort for their marine abilities, of this wasn't done In thisj The boats are half sail boats sc li 'ol. Hence, after parleying ' and half motor boats, and the awhile our modest hero was con fined in the furnace room where he could chatter unheard. His owner presently came and bore (Continued on Page 4) Here the masculine legs step out of the way and something cost of construction Is about $60. The boats are about S 1-2 feet wide and IS feet long. They are being built at this time, and hope him away, and as the door closes j is held by each builder, as is on these two. so closes our nar- i usual, that he may have (he rative. i speediest.