rnis,w hay Basketball Billets i 'opt ure t 1M0 C"Bp yirnJSHl BTTHi ASSOCIATED STOPf NTS Of THE ASHLAND. OREGON, HKH SCHOOL . ASHLAND, OltKWtX, J AM" .A KV 14, 1032 MIDYEAR SOPHS TO TAKE PLACE ONLY THREE VPPER SENIORS WILL BE URADCATED THIS SEMESTER NEW SPORT MATERIAL Clauses To Gradaate January 88; SO Sophomores Replace Outgoing Seniors To take the place of the three who will be graduated from the senior class at midyear, thirty sophomores will come from Ju nior High. This is eight more thau the number which came orer last year at midyear and 34 lees than those entering the high school last September. A large percentage of the new sopho mores bare been prominently as sociated with sports, band, or chestra, and debate in Junior High. The graduating class Includes Harriet Carleton, Leonard Gos nell, and Oarlock Johnson. Leo nard and Carlock have been closely identified with sports, and Harriet has won herself a place as a short and scrlte. Those coming from Junior High include the following: Orville Baalgaard. Jean Bill ings, Dorothy Bectel, Ellene Clawson, Thelma Conley, Lovette De Armond. Virginia Eitemiller, Birds of Oregon Shown In Slides Mr. Raker, In Interest of Port land Muwum, Shows llluxt ra tions In Assembly In the eerie light of a blinded assembly, Mr. W. S. Raker, known to all the Camp Fire Girls as Daddy Raker", entertained the student body recently, with a lecture on birds. His lecture was illustrated by lantern slides showing the birds in color. He Is traveling in the interests of the Portland Museum. The pictures included common Oregon birds which Mr. Raker described, telling their queer hab its and Idlosyrcrasies. After showing the birds, he showed a few scenes taken at Camp Ha wanu, the Portland Camp Fire Girls camp for which he is the administration head. Confidence Held In Key Pounders Typing and Shorthand Heetl Squads Preparing For Context. Arguing Squads Are Reorganized Changes Made Necessary Iuo To I-ose of Affirmative Team Member. "I have a great deal of confi dence in this year's prospects; much more than I did last year", states Misg Tjosdal concerning the typing rontest held In Med ford next April. From the ama teur tanks a score of 72 words a minute has been handed in. and Betty Dean, of the novices, made 46 recently. These scores arc far higher than those of last vear and Miss Tjosdal entertains high hopes of being able to take her team to Corvallis or the Bt-itft contest. Tryouts will held next week for the speed squad. A resolution will be presented to the student body for their de cision later on in the year, pro viding for large, felt "A's" for the members of the team. Miss Beck, as well as Miss LITH1ANS MEET CAVEMEN NEXT FRIDAY, JAN. 15 FIRST CONFERENCE TOSS VI WITH CLIMATE BOYS ON THE FLOOR, CONFERENCE CUP AIM Game With Grants Pass Will lrove Ashland's Strength and Stand In i '-onfferenre IV DAVID JOHNSON Med ford stepped in the other night, shook hands with Grants Psss and then proceeded to In k 'em by the catastrophic score of 6 to 11. At about tint same time, Ash land won from Yreka with a score of 27 to 15. The fans of Southern Oiegon are now watching and waiting to Tjosdal. is planning on prepare- Uee what the outcome of the tlnns for the coming contest in j Ashland-Crants Pass game will shorthand. Keen competition is ! i,e. Tht game will more or less tell a lot about the respective wltnfssed among the ' novices, since a large number are plan ning on turning out for it. Only two. Bculah Hervey and Krtilh Arnold, are eligible as amateurs; (Continued on Page 4) JUNIORS DIGGING DEEP IN PURSES By LEROY LINDNER Aw Please. Won't you even buy one little lunch from the cafeteria? Aw! C'mon, be a sport. Tou won't? Maybe you'll birv some candy then? Will you? Pretty please. Oh! thanks so much. Mister. 'You know It takes quite a bit of money to put on a good prom. Who's (putting on the prom! Why we Juniors, of course! You don't suppose any other class would be putting on u good prom. Do yoa? Be sure to tell your friends what good candy yon got here. Yes, I said good. Good-bye. Oh Wait a minute, you forgot your change. Here it Is. Well, good bye. Come again, when you want If It had not been for the loss of an affirmative debater, the debate snuads would now be con tinuing their work In much the twew. confidence i far from same general trend of the work ,B"k,nK ln thi" done all fall. i Tlie "I1""1 ha ,,ot select- I.n.ln. Iho teh.ter Her- . a win no mis ween. nard Applegate. however, erratel the necessity fir more debaters on the affirmative squad. s' a number of changes were rrade before the squads are as they now stand. Gecr-e Smith. Ra"hel Fo-sv. the, Janet Gould, and Wilsoi Smith are working on the nega rive side of the Question. Rrsolv. ! Life in the days of Georee ifd. that the several states should , Washfneton was depicted cimtt legislation providing fm n-otrrsm by the Daughters of the compulsory unemployment insnr. j .meri"an Revolution, commem- nee. The affirmative Is t?'ng "'atlng the 172 anniversary of developed by Beth Jov. Pnstonitho marriage of George Wash- Early American Life Is Depicted A. R. Program In Memory of Wedding Anniversary of Washington. strengths of Ashland and Med foid. Of course, there is the chance that Grants Pass will get tired of being used as a score board, but judging from Ash land's flaying the other night against Yreka, there is small chance of a comeback for the Climate Boys. Ashland High plays Grants Pass, at Grants Pass, on the fif teenth of January. About a week later we play Mcf'liiud here. Runirr has it that McClnuil has developed a team. Since l:eiot hurt his ankle In tho Yreka gume. anxiety has (Continued on Page 4) Becot. Pauline Ward, and Mar garet Cajdxow. Much of the work at present is being done on the speeches. After the speeches are completed, they will be memorized, and then Presentation wilt be stud'ed, RTl'DEXT CiOES TO HOSPITAL Rosa Franco, who early In the fall had to leave high school and give np graduating with her class this spring, left Thursday. Tanuary (, for Portland where ' I Comes". The last number play nospiiai lor a lew weens. I A number of students and i friends were at the train to wish I ington and Martha Custls. Jan uary 7. " . Popular music of that ierind Wiis presented by Miss Ellen Galey, accompanied by Mrs. Mit chelmore. A bit of history and comment was given with each number. Among the selections r Inyed were "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes". "Girls and Boys Come Out to Play1', "The Ctrl I Left Behind Me", the pop ular minuet, "The Haymaker's Panie", "The President's March" and "See the Conquering Hero LIBRARY READY TO AID STUDENTS ed was "A Death March in Mon c.dy", written by Benjamin Carr, "Blow, blow, thou winter wind Thou art net so unkind as man's Ingratitude." There is one institution in ?hland that is always ready to help the students of Ashland High, and that is the public Li bra ry. The librarian there and th school librarian have set aside three shelves which have been prepared for the High School rtudents. The books on these shelves are those which are pop ular among the High School students ln the Middle West. 8o far, very few of the selected hooks have been nsed. Is It Ingratitude some more good cancfy or food. her "bon voyage" and success. (Continued on Page 4