Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1931)
THK ItocrK KUS Tuesday, lHreinlter 22, 1031. -THE ROGUE NEWS- BULLETIN I'uMihhcd Sciiii-Mmiliily by I he Student of the Ashland llich School. THK ST.r' Kdltor Lucille Anderson Assistant Kditor I.ouIko Anderson Sportii Boys: ... David Johnson; Kxchanges Max Guiley Reporters Maxtne Miller, Harry Hoxie, Maxie Thompson, Silvia Martin, Dorothy Miller. Special Reporters Hi-Y. Car lock Johnson: Music, LeRoy Lindner; Dehate, Beth Joy; Feature, Rachel Forsythe; Library. Lizzi Davis; Oirls' League, Run ire Coats; Camp Fire, Dorothy Berp- strom. lliiHlneKM Staff Business Manager George F. Smith Assistant Manager Ixirraine Smith Rachel Forsythe Circulation Manager June Wolcott Exchange Manager Mary Foley FOOD FOR THOUGHT e Jill go down to tin- gym everv once in awhile now for an assembly program. It sometimes is a plav. The plav will be progressing- at its best wlun tins villian vr some in like that w ill cine in ami slain the door. The whole wall tpiakes and totters. You all sit up on the edge of your seat anticipating the fall. lint the wall hasn't fal len, yet! If some aspiring youtg amateurs would put on a play or series of one-act plays and let everybody in for half fare, enough money may he made to replenish the crumbling stage scenery. What do you think? Xow if von are in the mood, what about our pep. It's a great idea. We should try to have a well organized group of rooters. And hoys in the rooting scctii.ii would he something new, too. "While we are thinking about sup porting our basket hall team, it might be a good idea to help them ktep training rules. In other words (girls) get them home earlier. lid v:.u ever think of that By DAVID JOHNSON Big Idea Department Kenneth Darling and Co. have a new way of corresponding. You know, of course, that she lives in Medford. Well. Darling has made arrangements to call her every evening at exactly seven o'clock. This costs money, but was Darling daunted? No. He thundered rK'ht on. This is what he did. He told her that if she heard the phone ring at seven. it would be him. This sound of the gong would indicate love and kisses and what not. She was not to answer; she was only to know that he wag thinking of her. Then, as she did not answer. Darling would get his dime back and he able to repeat the per formance next night. Slick? The WIckersham report of many blunders ago says that ,-rison educational systems are deplorable. The boys might as well go to tollege after all. It would be a fine howdy-do if you could shoot your mother-j in-law and graduate Irom sing Sing with a B. A. degree. What shall I do? Harold Cilmore. Answer: Hurt her feelings, dumbell. and then apologize on January first. Aunt (never miss) Zilch. Dear Auntie Zilch: My boy friend, J. C. Hamaker, Is growing very ln-attentive. In fact, he runs around with other girls. What shall I do? Marietta Whitney. Answer: I am afraid you are losing him. Marietta, Well, if iyou want to keep him forever, feed him one of your home-cooked dinners and then seal the body In your fam ily vault. Aunt (sympathetic) Zilch Dear Auntie Zilch: La Verne and I have been fighting. Can you help us? Glenn Head Answer: What, again? Aunt (quick-as-a-tlash) Zilch Dear Aunt Zilch: Leonard and I want to marry. What kind of a home would you suggest for a, newly matched couple? Norrine Walton Answer: Aunt Zilch doesn't give advice to minors. Aunt (business-like) Zilch Famous Last Words: You see, Mr. Forsythe, I was absent be Meeting adjourned. Stark drama a group of restless people locking to ward tin; only exit ah! Someone has left, so the mass of humanity surges forth, then falls back as one of their iminoer is vicioi ious. ;n lie is oin. I lie sea T.I up- Question and Answer Depart- turned faces shows relief then press forward again only to ment fall hack in baffled defeat. Only one person at a time U Auntie Zilch: can leave. Patience, my friends, your turn is coining. No this is not the stockyards, but only the people in the study hall obeying that ancient admonition, "Xo two people in the floor at the same time." A Spartan cure for a gum chewer is to have his stick is head in a rain barrel three times ami pull it out twice. I love Betty Dean, but Christ mas is coming and I'm broke. For I'et Supplies, Fish Howls, Gold Pish, Etc. See Mutual Mill & Seed Co. As the holiday season creaps neater rnd pretty Chrisl nas trees and wreaths displav themselves with all kinds f shining ornaments, ud when vou smell the sweet - ..d r of cedar and burning pine ernes, does the leal mean ing of Christinas ever refresh itself in your mind! A f-I i I i t f peace and friendship should predominate. For Christmas Nuts and Candy SEE Stearns' Self Service Store This is a very good time of year to do all your chores and diop casual hints as to what you want. If you are always gi od the family won't get suspicious. In spite of 'heir suspicion, they le grateful. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AGEE SHOE SHQP Somebody was telling .Miss Tjodal that one of the feats of a wetcin rodeo i ider was to ride under 'm ath the horse, on his neck, on either side and on his tail. Miss Tjosdal says, "Phoocy! I did all that the first time I ever nh a horse." If sounds, as is predicted, can be resurrected in the fu ture we w;.uld not like to hear some rf the sounds heard around school. He care, Senior, don't disillusion those little Sopho-j mores who believe in Santa I 'la us. , Thoughts For Today "Your first dutv is toward YOUR Al'TER SELF. So live that your AFTEIJSELF the man you ought to be may in his time be pos sible and actual. Hi body, his brain, his soul, are in your, boyish hands." David Starr Jordan First National Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon