CHRISTMAS EDITION i n Ain H PJSTMAS Xfc PUBUSHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Of THE ASHLAND. OREGON. HKH SCHOOL JJ. QjXMAS VOL. II. ASHUM), ORKUIN, lK KMIlKIt S2, 11MI. YULETIDE PLAY OF THREE ACTS WILL BE GIVEN FRST1VR PKOGBAM PLAXXKD SI I KK! NIBKBH BY OKCHKSTHA MODERN THEME USED Ijorul Scliool Talent Displayed In Kliort Oirlstnms Presentation Arguing Squads Getting Ready With Affirmative and Xejrntlvr Sides of (juration Alive Motors Whirr "With the depression still de pressed, finance in serious con dition, and wanes shrinking, the, "Resolved: That fora tulsory rnemiiloyment Insurance Twelve Attend Boys' Conference Largest, Convention Kver Ili'lil In XorthweKt 241.1 Present At fi.rvallis Twelve hoys from Ashland at tended the annual Older Boys' Conference this year, held De- femher 11 and 12 In C'orvallis. ! The boys were under the leader- ship of Homer Hillings and Matt , Should He Adopted By the Sev Thompson. I eral States" Is still booming". The convention was the larg- says Miss Tomlinson, debate est ever held in the Northwest, I coach. 205 attending. It was held to According to a recent Inter dlscusg personal problems as well ' view with Miss Tomlinson, the as to better the Y. M. C A. j varsity squads are coming a'ong and to debate upon international In fine condition. Material Is questions. In the words of one j bring organized, speeches are of the delegates, "The confer- written and practice in delivery ence was beneficial to every boy, has already started, as the experience was fine and The si hedule for the season's we got ideas for the local Y.' j debates lias not been announced The coRt of the trip for each but will be arranged at the next boy was four dollars, unless he, meeting of the Southern Oregon was associated with a church. Debate commission. The squads. in whhh case one dollar of the I both negative and affirmative MEW YEAR BOOK OF TWO ISSUES APPItOXlMATK XST OK XKW AWVAI, WILL HE FIFTY t'KXTS AV FKITIOX Professional, unprofessional, ethical, or unethical. On these four words the Christmas play, which Is to be given Wednesday, la based. ine story la about a young girl who enters a nurses' train ing school, and her troubles with me very austere head nurses. Misses rown and Moou. A foot ball star, whose legs are tempor-1 r0pt wag ,,rovlded bv ,ne ,.hUrch. , hope to have STUDENTS TO DECIDE Publication At KiM-h Semester Will Keep The Book Vp-To latc and Interesting practice debate 'lle ,hft Ashland High may have a new type of annual. This announce ment was made by Jimmy Hall, editor of the "Kogue Annual"', yesterday. The n?w plans contain provi sions for the printing of two sep arate editions. The first will con tain the happenings of the foot ball sea ion and the fall term. second will contain the the basketball squad s-ring term of the records and the ,m.a.,eu, .s mcaoacuaiea . Tne d(,leKates arrlved intact arranged with the Junior High in the hospital during the Christ- ,, ,,nr .,-,., , i.f. th. holi- mas season under the charge of I . ... rt h hParnB a I ,.. o,....,...! ... m(.mw, nave' school. These Issues will prob tho unexperienced nurse, while ' Cpf(,rIlla ij,.enso crashed into; been added to replace the loss lv b his hyrMbrondiacal mother de- Billing's automobile eight ! of those of the Senior class of ' probabl parts for the. East in search of' , lhis 8ide cf their destina-1 last year. Preston Perot, who ' ni a rest lor her nerves. When his tlon comes to us from Oakland. sold for fifty cents be sold for fifty cents or one dollar for the set. w! U-li is a ut In half of the usual price. Jimmy believes this his bedside In the sack of a .i,n . nii.i. .hiol .! ( ir the f-1 '" be much better plan than bl'-ed Santa as a Christmas : t.-,i,ii. vni,r ...,! riurnrHu u i, 1 i.v.rvihe ' the old one. as it gives a great present to him. crave comnllca- j ...oi., i,um s..t. . i.. ...,,. i.,,n,.r. ! reduction In cost tiong set In, which are only ttn-!,.Hnv ,fi.,rn the Heaver .... cn,.i i ,i..i,i,iinir on be midterm gradual nurso Is caught being brought to; get-acquainted banquet was fornia. has bad a great deal and rrdav tangled by her sudden engage-1 Knights, a fraternity organln- menl to the star. The cast includes Jimmy Hall as tho gridiron hero; Mary Louise Sanders as Mary, tho un professional and unethical nurse; the star's mother is enacted by Frances Cramer; Miss Moon, Lu cille Anderson, Miss Brown. Max- lo Thompson: and Santa Claus. and ,,-,, navft takpn a ,on, st,,n Karl Moore. The play is under fnrward ,n making the dally se the supervision or Miss TJosdal. (Continued on Page Rl Science Club Is Organized The Physiis classes of 1911 enables secure will be solely ihich t Continued on Page K) tho ne-ntlve side of tho question.) an annual lieth Joy and George r . Smith are still teamed together In this season's contests and are report-. - . ' . ed to be the mainstay of the Ash- ; HTlt LITaWn Li P land squad. Ashland's most formidable fees, ill the order of their im-! portanee. are Medford. Grants Vn'ti-tif-n To Be Planned By For Choiristers and Klamath Palls Letters Awarded To Football Men Hants To Distribute letters To Team In Assemble This Wednesday The letters which will he giv en out Wednesday will be pre sented by Santa Claus himself. In person. It is expected that he will arrive in time but one of his reindeer has developed a bad cold and Santa has to stay and attend to it. He will try not to disappoint the little children In Senior High by not coming and will work terribly hard to atop the cold in his million-year old i Continued on Page S ) sions mufh more to the liking cf the students. They have, under the super vision of Mr. Phillips, the In structor, organized a Science Club, which is sponsored among tho schools by the Po-ular Science Institution. The regular weekly meetings of the club are devoted to prob lems in science, current diseov- erics in tho field of science, and , the interesting little by-lines per- I tain'ng to some humorous acci dents In experiments. j i The club takes the Popular I Science Magazine and the Silence j Classroom, both of these papers belli'; issued to them at a re duced rate. Officers ct the club are: Pres ident. Napoleon Eskridge. I Vice-President. Clyde Dunham Sec-Treasurer. Beth Joy. I Juniors At Work j j Raking In Coins I "Prom" time is fasl approach I Ing and the Juniors are heroin- ing increasingly energetic in I their money-making. They are I resorting to the system of dues I at last --25 cents a Junior. Of morse it is several months ni brjore they will receive reim bursement, but there are eightv five Juniors and at 25 cents Maiii, refreshments are fairly well 'issured. The Juniors ae aiso planning to arid to their funds by putting op advertising stunts in the as sembly. President Jimmy Hall has appointed Olan Sneed. Janet Could, and Stella Hoots as the (Continued on Page S Bepresentalives of tilce Club of Sell. M.I A constitution to bo usd as a governing principle for the gleo clubs is being contemplated by the clubs and their director. Miss Kilgore. The constitution will have pro visions f r a student director, who will receive a small amount of special instrii' lions from Miss Kilgore. Along with certain attendance requirements., definite standards and rules of conduct will be con sidered. Those on the committee to dra' n such a constitution are the following: ('iris Cilee Club. Mary Poley. Louise Anderson. l!ovs Glee Club. Unbert Yeo. Clyde Dunham. Mixed Glee Club. Daid Johnson. Melba Put man.