Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 25, 1931, THANKSGIVING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Annual Bazaar
By Camp Fire
Handling Sale of Tk-kets for the
.AnirrUail Legltra Midnight
The Camp Fire girls will hold
their Annual Charity Bazaar on
December 12 this year. They are
handling the ticket sale for the
Legion "Midnight Matinee" of
November 25, which ig another
charity affair.
This ig the fifth Annual
zaar the girls have had.
There will be offered
year, framed silhouettes.
cloth dolly gets, laundry bags,
hand blocked Christmas cards
and stationery, and candy in gift
There will be ' In conjunction
with the Bazaar a doughnut sale.
Orders are being taken for them
now. They will he ready at the
bazaar. The price is 20 rents per
All this money will go for re
lief work in the city.
The Legion's show starting at
11 o'clock the evening of No
vember 25 will include a motloa
nit'turn and a vaudeville per
formance Tickets are 35 cents
ana may be bought from any
Camp Fire Girl.
Since travel has been picked
by the National library associa
tion for special attention on Na
tional Book Week, Mrs. Graham
has placed on the special read
ing shelf, outstanding books of
travel th,at are In our library.
A list of the thirty outstand
ing books of 1930 Is posted in
the library. "Little America,'
by Commander Hyrd, is among
the books in our library.
Final Argument of
Pigskin Season
(Continued from Page 1)
3-Act Comedy Is
Cleverly Played
Polly Uith a Past" Presented
November IS Audience
Knjoys Situation
Group Loaned
Mounted Sample nf Nature Are
Studied In Biology
Specimens of natural life,
loaned by the public library
have been much admired by the
biology classes.
These mounted samples of na
ture were presented to the Ash
land library in the name of Mrs.
Maiy McComber by Mr. Rimer
her heir. As the library did not
have room for them at present.
they were loaned to the high
school for study.
Among this collection are
some interesting birds. One Is
e pygmy owl which looks exact
ly like a large owl except that
it is no Inrger than a sparrow.
Another is . the loon, the bird
that gives a weird cry at nleht.
making the cold chills go u' and
dewn one's back. Another is the
"bad luck bird." the magpie. Two
famous specimens are from "The
Ancient Mariner." These are two
albatrosses. It would be quite a
problem to walk with one of
them around your neck!
but expresses confidence in his
men. He Is giving them a good
workout, and nay have some
thing up his sleeve besides his
arm. Though the squad has not
had an entirely successful sea
son. It has not been a total
failure, by any means.
I .urge Crowd Kxpeeted
With pros'ects for good weath
er a large crowd is expected at
the game. Both towns are hav
ing enthusiastic pep rallies and
Interest runs high. Bands from
both schools are expected to do
their bit to theer the warriors.
Edgar Blake. Grlxzly yell lead-1
er. is working on stunt to be
put on at the halt. Arrange
ments are being made for transportation.
School Rivalry Traditional
The rivalry between Medford
r.nd Ashland is an old tradition,
and competition between the
schools has always been keen.
Tomorrow's game will be the
last time many of the Grizzlies
will don suits for Ashland.
they will give all they have for
thetr Alma Mater.
Both teams are in good condi
tion and both are out for blood.
so that - the conflict will be a
fight from start to finish.
Dope decrees that the Tigers
will emerge victorious, but. to
use an old phrase, "there is no
dope in football."
When chic and graceful Pail
lette whose moniker was once
Polly Shannon of Ohio, subtly
and sociably showed some of
zee cle-ver men" tcw they real
ly rated, a fair-sized audience
witnessed tit" entcnclementa and
vrraveling of the complicated
plot, which delt with a maid In
a different role almost doing the
'John Alden' act to win to htr
employer's friend, the girl he
thought he loved. This wottM
have been accomplished nicely,
but the hero fell In love with j
the maid.
The High school orchestra, di
rected by Ward V. Croft playel
reveral numbers during the In
termission. Jimmie Hall presented two
bouquets of flowers to Miss Hedg
es and Miss Tjosdal, respective
ly, for their work in coaching
the play.
The busl'.e f f anuouncoi
that the proceed' n the play neL.
nbmit J 80. The proceeds art
uvmi 'or further xlra-curricular
The cast included Beverly
Young, Jimmie Hall, Wendell
Hitzlnger, Harold Gillmore, Ma
rietta Whitney, LaVerne Ram
sey, Rachel Forsythe, Perry Ash
craft, Helen Wilcox, David John
son, Hilbeit Anderson.
Are you interested in Avia
tion? If so, you must not fail
to take in the new mngazlne.
Popular Aviation, which is to
lie found in our library.
The Rhool Review, the Time,
and School Music magazines are
also late additions to the sub
scription list.
Harper's Magazine is taking mended
the place of the Atlantic Month- visor.
Awards for the Rogue News
staff are being contemplated.
There will be eight awards In
all. Five to the editorial staff, i
and three to the business staff.
The awards will be given to '
the eight members of the gtafr ;
by recommendation of the ad- j
visor and by observance of the i
following rules: j
Kriitortnl KtMff
1 An average of at least one
art'e'lo In every paper.
2. By having the copy written
In good form, and confirming to
the rules of the style book.
.1. By having the coy In on
4. The person must be recom
mended for award bv the advisor.
Business Mff
1 By faithful and correct work
in ea.'-h issue.
2. By getting work completed
and in on time.
5. The person must be recom-
for award by the ad-
Mutual Mill & Seed Co.
PH0.E 9
S.VI K. Main M.
Toys!! Toys!!
For lCvery Little Hoy or Girl
Good or Bad
We Have Them
Mcdonald jewelry
Pens, Pencils, and Lead3
Our Watch Assortment
Is Complete for
$9.75 to $37.50
S" i ,
j Tailor j
Fountain Service
and Confectionery
School Supplle
Addis Drug
"Drtig3 For Less"
School Supplies
Candy, Fro It, Ice Cream
and Pastry
East Side Grocery
- Near High School
Self Service Grocery
Ashland's Leading
Food Merchant
(Across from Vlnlag)